Boywife Astarion Enjoyers of America (against America)

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Boywife Astarion Enjoyers of America (against America)

I'm just an eepy lil guy with hort tummy-itis, setting gender to "no" || I am neither a good influence nor a bad influence, I am a force of nature. Like it or not, I'm comin.
Lol I forgot I made custom notifs for my period tracker app and I got a pop-up that said "guess what bitch" and was stunned for half a second
I have no idea whats been going on with the bouie situation because I do not care but this post sounds like a bad faith gross oversimplification
I'm surprised he wasn't cancelled already for being pro-Israel and an Autism Speaks enjoyer
jack black cancelled. being hot will not protect you
What’s great about Biden is that he’s mentally fit enough to lie about his role in supporting the first genocide in world history we’ve been able to ceaselessly monitor on our phones.
“President Joe Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid the country’s ongoing war with Hamas that has left more than 37,000 Palestinians dead, claimed in a recent interview that he’s “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.””
Biden Claims He’s Done ‘More for the Palestinian Community Than Anybody’ Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid their war with Hamas, claimed he's “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody."
Looking through blastoise stuffs on etsy and I'm convinced most these people are colorblind because how is that the shade of blue you choose.
Oh yeah I got glasses for the first time in my life and everything is so crisp, I never knew the world had so much detail
I keep hearing stories about people "coming out" as trump supporters now that he has "street cred" and anyone who thinks these people already weren't going to vote for him in November are gormless.
I can't turn water into wine but i can turn water into piss and i think that's worth something
i've prob said this before but i grow weary of being referred to as "the left" because people be online saying the wildest shit and then punctuate their bullshit with "and i say this as a leftist." if you can't say "communist" with you whole chest and bussy, i'm gonna assume you're a grifter.
I haven't taken ballet since I was four but I still find myself doing those lil gay ass poses when I'm just standing around
Milord, with muffled oars and Greek fire lonely milfs in your area destroyed all ships of the royal fleet. They will be at the capital within the hour.
Saying "fuck it, we live and we die" like John Blackthorne in Shogun whenever I'm asked if I want to make a burger a double.
Idk if I'm being pedantic here but "because of advertisers" means there IS money in making shit worse. The type of marketing that occurs on social media is inherently predatory imho. Only reason why Twitter is tanking is because (most) advertisers have lines they won't cross.
I don’t think Joe Biden has had this many problems with a race since he opposed bussing
Why this pretzel look like a minstrel show, feel like I'm bouta be called a nigra
Soup of the day: Giant pretzel with beer cheese
the rosa parks of "corn is not a vegetable", we stand on the right side of history
Getting kicked out of the farmers market for getting into fights with people about whether corn is a vegetable (it's not and you won't convince me otherwise)
Screenshot because I'm not tryna get all up in this guy's menchies but it's honestly stupid to care this much about project 2025 because the conservatives have been doing this shit since like literally the 70s. If they lose this election, then it'll be project 2029.
ppl don’t understand that sometimes you just want the sexiest babe on earth to snipe you from several hundred yards away
my dream is to have one of those massive fish tanks and do 24/7 livestreams of the fish