
Gen Z doesn't know what it was like when everything smelled like cigarettes no matter where you went because half of people older than 15 in the western world chainsmoked indoors and even non-smokers had the scent permeated into our clothing, hair, furniture, and even the walls of every building.
I remember the smoking section joke. "Smoking section" - no partition, no wall, let alone a separate room. Just... this is where the smoking section ends. Here, let us seat you next to it. Yes, the dude sitting right next to you is in the smoking section... IN A PLANE. AN ENCLOSED TUBE.
Mind you, I smoked for decades. 20-48 off & on. And SUCH a fucking asshole about it. Sometimes I think everything bad that happens to me is payback for that shit. The only shitty thing I didn't do was throw the butts out into the world. THAT much, I managed to avoid. 1000 fewer years in purgatory?
I smoked very briefly as a teen goth girl in the mid-90s, and quit pretty much when it became clear that I smelled horrible for it. I guess my vanity for not smelling bad won out over my vanity of trying to look like a cool goth girl.
The smelling bad is something that haunts me. I feel retroactively HUMILIATED thinking about how AWFUL I smelled to everyone who wasn't a smoker for all those years. All those guys I dated & slept with... WHY DID THEY PUT UP WITH IT? I would NEVER. It's SO FUCKING GROSS. I must've stunk so bad.
It was the instant dating dealbreaker for me, rivaled only by “I love Ayn Rand” and “I don’t like Bob Dylan, he can’t even sing!”
Smoking the #3 deal breaker on my list after #1 (I'm married) and #2 (He's a he). Well ok, so maybe it's an infinity-way tie for #2.
Yeah, it was a deal breaker for me too.
what method did you use to quit? I quit a few years after I quit heroin. I just realized it was a waste and I did not like showing my son a model of a parent smoking.
How long have you been off heroin? Congratulations, by the way. I've been sober coming up on 27 years, and the hardest fucking thing I've dealt with was opiate dependence. And let's get real "dependence" is the medical nicety for "addiction." I was fully addicted. And it was a goddamned BITCH.
I sopped smoking in 1985 when I was eight months pregnant. When I went to hospital to have my baby they had just banned smoking from inside the wards. You were still allowed to smoke in the dining room though. It was full of women puffing up a storm on Winfield 25s. 🤢
I have to give my my older, Reagan-Republican-Libertarian brother this... when he smoked in the mid-1970s, his toddler son took one or more of his butts from an ashtray and tried to eat it/them. My brother quit on the spot.
Chantix & vape. I realise the vape is controversial, but there it is. I had a REALLY hard time staying quit. Chantix helped QUITTING... but I have a VERY addictive personality, & always ended up picking up again. Having a vape around stopped that. I cut the nicotine out of the vape eventually.
hey, congrats for staying clean, we're rooting for you!
I quit smoking at the age of thirteen for this reason. I took up masturbation instead. Much cheaper.
Once i was travelling by bus to another state, and i was desperate for a smoke, when we reached the first stop break mid travel i think i smoked about half a package. When i returned the smell filled the entire bus, and I’ve never been so much embarrassed to realize this is how i aways smelled
Loved it. There's no need for the qualifier, you know. In one way or another, we're all here to "self-pimp." Whether or not we've got art to share. You, on a far more literal level than many, have a GREAT reason to share. SO SHARE IT. FLY THAT FLAG HIGH! You're an ARTIST! Don't APOLOGISE.
Hey nice! I just listened to your whole ep and added it to my library
Yep. Twenty one years. I smoked for twenty one years.
Also boys will put up with a lot for some nookie. And if they also smoked, they didn't notice it.
what got you to quit, or what method did you use?
Because we can't smell with our penis.
I smelled like a bakery, smoking Cherry Blend in my meerschaum pipe (1960's). Adult pacifier.
In 2019 I was dating a woman and I went to kiss her and she smelled like cigs after saying she didn’t smoke. It ended quickly after that
I briefly dated a smoker once back in the day. When we kissed it was like kissing an ashtray and that was an immediate “nope.” Instant dealbreaker from then on.
When you're a left-wing secular humanist attending a politically conservative, Catholic party school in Ohio and you meet someone who comes off to you as the living personification of Greenwich Village, the fact that she smokes is not going to be enough to keep you from being utterly smitten.
My ex who smoked preferred really fancy cigarettes so honestly I liked how she smelled
Former co-worker was a chain smoker. You could *always* smell him coming before you saw him. It was ridiculous.
I've tried dating smokers before and kissing them was an instant turnoff.
See? I suspect this may be what started the whole "No kissing" thing with hookers.
This, from the Other Place, outlines my reasons for it:
I haven't smoked since 2007 but I still have dreams in which I'm smoking. I actually think cigarette smoke smells REALLY GOOD.
You clearly were not smoking cloves, and therefore not a true goth
Smoking is filthy almost from the moment the pack is opened. The cellophane gets tossed to the ground, the match gets tossed to the ground, the ashes get flicked anywhere/everywhere, the butt gets tossed to the ground (or sometimes dumped en masse from cars), and all that's not to mention the smoke.
What is that with smokers and just tossing butts everywhere? I swear I saw one meticulously toss his bottles in recycling, his trash in landfill, and cigarette butt on the ground.
2/ SOL if you did not smoke. Most folks didn't stop smoking when they raised the prices on cigarettes with all the insane taxes...poor people just have cut a lot of things out of their lives. Sin taxes just take advantage of people that have addictions...and its sad.