The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
Six years since kid3 wrote this passive-aggressive classic to kid1. Now that she can drive on her own she no longer bugs him for rides, though.
You won’t be surprised to know that several southern states had schemes this — Georgia’s county unit system was a similar one — but the Warren Court’s imposition of the “one person, one vote” standard took them down. This SCOTUS, however, seems ready to bring that back.
Con law prof Kreis “Supreme Court justices who see forgiving student loans, mandating vaccines, and regulating climate change as a slippery slope toward tyranny were not clear-eyed on questions of whether a president could execute citizens or stage a coup without being prosecuted” HCR Ltrs to an Am
Con law prof Kreis “Supreme Court justices who see forgiving student loans, mandating vaccines, and regulating climate change as a slippery slope toward tyranny were not clear-eyed on questions of whether a president could execute citizens or stage a coup without being prosecuted” HCR Ltrs to an Am
"Trump has asked the Supreme Court if he is, in effect, a king. And at least four members of the court, among them the so-called originalists, have said, in essence, that they’ll have to think about it."
Opinion | This Whole King Trump Thing Is Getting Awfully The former president’s claim that he has absolute immunity for criminal acts taken in office as president is an insult to reason.
my spiciest take as a queer Catholic is that there are about six too many Catholics on the Supreme Court for my personal comfort and safety, and I think even one generation of a No White Christians court would radically improve every single aspect of life in America in ways we cannot even conceive
I think this is true. I know we're not supposed to talk about religion, but the distribution of religious organizations Supreme Court Justices belong to is far, far from reflecting the national distribution.
And complicit not based in law, but fear.
"The bottom line is that Trump is likely to get what he wants... And the Supreme Court will be complicit in much of this."
where is my DINNER (6 minutes late)
Dear University Presidents: They are coming for you. They don’t care if you give in to every single demand, roll over and play dead. They are coming for you. Stop treating this like a good faith inquiry from civic minded leaders. It’s a hit job.
@ABC: House Speaker Mike Johnson is calling on Columbia University president, Minouche Shafik, to resign unless she can improve what he called her failure to handle the anti-Israel protests on campus.
this email was built from the ground up to be a deposition exhibit.
@theladyisastamp Social Media is sometimes a good thing. Even though we’ve never met, I’m gonna miss Carla.
I’m sorry. It’s the worst part of loving pets.
@OMarkarova: The Frederick Douglas Bridge is adorned in blue and yellow today 💛💙 Thank you @MayorBowser and Secretary @KimberlyBassett and all brothers and sisters of Washington DC for your solidarity with us!
@OMarkarova: The Frederick Douglas Bridge is adorned in blue and yellow today 💛💙 Thank you @MayorBowser and Secretary @KimberlyBassett and all brothers and sisters of Washington DC for your solidarity with us!
I love Frederick Douglas! What a gifted and courageous man!!
Frederick Douglass has thoughts about the effort to recuperate Robert E. Lee "Whatever else I may forget, I shall never forget the difference between those who fought for liberty and those who fought for slavery; between those who fought to save the Republic and those who fought to destroy it.”
What Frederick Douglass Thought About Robert E.
And my bias: I think there are a lot of people out there who create DELIBERATE ambiguity and uncertainly about whether or not their threats are true or rhetorical, and relish the fear (and accompanying chill on speech) that causes, and those people are scum.
Latest weather report from New York City: Stormy with a chance of incarceration
Latest weather report from New York City: Stormy with a chance of incarceration
That job was to conduct a sham investigation of Cobb County jail deaths from which he took no written notes.
End of feed.