Matt Morris

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Matt Morris

But the little children, to save any bother, Let it in at one ear and out at the other.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
I don't like this kind of argumentation. Because if the shooter was one of those things, this suggests then it *would* be okay to place blame on that particular identity. No one yet knows why he did it. Let's not quickly jump to picking sides.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
I guess the best we can hope for is the brush with mortality makes Trump reevaluate his life and become a whole lot nicer
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
The lady at the corner shop made my son cry, he had £2 pocket money to spend on sweets, grabbed a load of stuff and it was £2.05 and she wouldn't let it go. So every time I pop in there for a paper or some milk, I steal a chocolate bar and give it to him. Miserable old goat.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Imagine knowing that you have selected fewer candidates than your two major opponents, that your data is in a mess, that you have big problems with donors, hearing there is an election on 4 July and going 'time to log onto Betfair'.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
2024 user: How do I make a pizza where the cheese doesn’t fall off? GPT-4: Use a quarter cup of industrial epoxy in the sauce 2026 user: If I flee to Canada can I access my US bank accounts? GPT-5: It’s necessary to complicate this with a deconstructivist reading of the colonial financial system
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
My boyfriend keeps asking why we're here and why I dressed him up like a teddy bear
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
If I were Elon Musk I too would probably be very concerned about the prosecution of felony business document fraud
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
This is the best one yet imo. 🪨🍴
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Fixed it for you
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
I like the fact that the colour they have gone for is pretty much the opposite of Tory Blue.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
It's Tim Berners-Lee i feel sorry for. It's like inventing the library only to find corporations have replaced all the books with finger traps that steal your identity and somehow use all the water in Arizona.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
one of the hard things about being CEO of a media company these days is having to choose between copilot, gemini and chatgpt to write your layoff announcements
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
For the last time and maybe the first time on bluesky, I'm going to make a big thread about the Quarantrain because it's time to take it down. It's sitting unused, taking up space. Building it was a childhood dream and I got it out of my system. I'm proud of it and want the memory to remain. (1/?)
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
Sat at the dining table, I came out to my family that I'm gay. Dad looked back & forth between mum & me with a grumpy face. He got up from the table & stormed off. I thought I was about to be kicked out of the house. When he came back, he handed £50 to mum, who said "told ya!"
Reposted byAvatar Matt Morris
I keep thinking about this paragraph my mom wrote in a letter to a distant, 19-yr-old cousin who just started college in Montana and said "hey didn't we used to have relatives in Philipsburg?" and she thought this Cormac McCarthy-style saga was appropriate to include.
End of feed.