
I don’t think President Biden actually convinced Congressional Democrats that he’s going to be able to make it through the election. He just raised the costs of defection high enough to make the collective action problem insurmountable. But, what will happen after the next disastrous appearance?
It's incredibly odd how much folks have ignored that Biden still has to campaign for four months under a brutal and unforgiving eye. My main objection to him continuing is that I don't think he has four perfect months in him (never has in his career!)
Looks like the "Keep Biden" folks are gonna carry the day. Now let's all enjoy the white-knuckle roller-coaster ride as we all watch breathlessly to see if an 81-year-old man with a 50-year history of gaffes can string together four straight months of perfect, gaffe-free campaigning! Fun stuff!
He doesn't need to be perfect
As the OP said, he’s never been perfect…and yet, there he is, in the WH
It drives me crazy cuz my nature is to get out ahead of predictable problems and bite the bullet to make the best choice for the long-term. If my roof leaks, I don't pay for 20 years of patch jobs. I suck it up and get a new roof that i know won't leak for decades. And ultimately it's cheaper.
Trump hasn't had a single perfect month in the past several decades, if ever. If it comes down to it, which one do you trust to appoint competent advisors, and actually listen to them?
He certainly hasn't convinced me, and I don't strategically understand why Democrats seem so keen to make this gamble.
Because there are only three options: 1. Kamala steps up: Likely the best of the three, but there are significant portions of the population that will have issues with both black and a woman. 2. Another elderly white male steps up: Alienates a big chunk of the population supporting Kamala. 3. Biden
Look, misogynoir is a real cultural obstacle to a Kamala campaign, but it's not true that there are only three options and it's exactly this kind of facile reductionism that leaves the impression that y'all have no real plan or strategy beyond browbeating critics with the dysfunctional status quo.
What other option was likely to happen? Because those were the only three under discussion. If you want to change things, start at the local and state level. Implement Ranked Choice voting. Get liberal candidates running. Don't give the country to Trump.
Maybe bc the discussion isn't foregone and could expand, you can stop getting preachy at a stranger like "don't give the country to Trump" for having the temerity to want better and more strategic options and efforts. I do my work. I don't need random lectures or condescending assumptions, thanks.
There are ways to get better and more strategic options. They don't start with the presidential election, after the primaries. Get your state to implement something other than first past the post voting. Elect real progressives to local and state office. Etc.
The next disastrous appearance is why none of the statements that endorse him discuss his fitness for the job. It's simply a matter of time, but if he hides long enough he might dodge judgment before it's too late
I am so incredibly frustrated with this party right now.
If he did they're all smoking crack. There will be more 'incidents', and Joe is lying to himself and bullying them. Can't describe how disappointed I am in him and Jill. TBH I expected much better. He still has my vote, but I'm not the problem.
The plan is there won't be one and all shall be well.
Team biden is just gonna try to weekend at bernie's him, right? Which could work. I hope they know what they're doing bc if it doesn't ... 1) we get stuck with fascism and 2) the knives are going to be *out* for them
Your crystal ball is working hard!