
Mark Robinson has a long history of public comments about how Jews are greedy and they control the world. He suggested the Holocaust was "liberal media" propaganda and put "6 million Jews" in sneer quotes. But sure, "fiery outsider" with comments merely "perceived as antisemitic."
LEFT: NYT HEADLINE/SUBHED: Mark Robinson is a "fiery outsider" PARAGAPH 23 (OF 23 TOTAL): Oh by the way he's kinda Hitler-curious
NYT always does this
Trump: Immigrants are vermin, and I am going to exterminate them New York Times: Mr. Trump's fascination with the science of genetics has long raised curiosity of the public.
look, you don't want to alienate a potential future op-ed contributor with harsh aspersions
Just out of curiosity, how many anti-Semitic comments must one make before the needle is moved from "perceived as anti-Semitic" to "anti-Semitic"? Asking for a friend. That friend is the NYT.
Idea: NYT election needle for North Carolina but it moves between “Righteous Among the Nations” and “Literally Adolf Hitler” based on how well Mark Robinson is doing on election night
To the NYT, if you're progressive, suggesting Palestinian lives have value is antisemitism. If you're a Republican, feel free to quote Mein Kampf without consequence.
Huh wonder if the pearl clutchers over antisemitism on campuses will have anything to say about a far more explicit antisemite poised to govern a state with 10.5 million residents
His opponent in the general election, Josh Stein, is Jewish, so this has the potential to be the bleakest contest this year, other than the presidential election of course.
It’s bleak only if Stein loses.
I guess I don't know enough about North Carolina to gauge his chances. Turnout for Trump will be at its maximum with down-ballot benefits for Republicans It's definitely better if Stein wins, but an openly antisemitic GOP (initially for liberal jews only) is a negative development, for everyone imo
The trumpier magas get, the harder it is for them to vote for a black guy. They just won’t vote. Meanwhile, Robinson will repel a LOT of people.
I disagree, though, because MAGA will hold their nose and vote for the black guy because they hate the libs and Democrats that much more.
Yeah after all in the current Congress there's Tim Scott, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds... If Mark Robinson has Trump's endorsement in a matchup with Josh Stein I am going to guess he'll be the favorite in November (a NC politics knower should school everyone on this if I'm wrong).
Six million Jews perceived themselves as dead, all due to liberal media propaganda.
Also I guess the missed where he literally said “LGBTQ+ people are filth” and implied they should not exist
Robinson is like Herschel Walker but crazy stupid instead of stupid stupid. White Southerners ❤️ 2 nominate candidates like this. This is what a Black man is to them. Herschel Walker was the big, strong dumb "Buck" stereotype. Robinson is the minstrel stereotype of the ignorant Black "intellectual".
There have ALWAYS been coons. To me the importance is to recognize their coonery and drill down on it. Hermain Caine was a greed head running as POTUS to sell his book. Herschel Walker, due to all his uncondomed sexing may have brain syphilis or brain impairment due to football. Alan Keyes who ran
What is Israel offering American Jews besides the opportunity to have American antisemites launder their hatred?
New thesaurus entry: fiery outsider = bigot
Sometimes you can cast your vote directly into a gaping asshole. You might hope it results in something great, but no. It's nothing but butthole
As they say, when 9 people sit down to dinner with a butthole, there are 10 buttholes at the table..
The Times gave Bret Stephens an op ed (after she’d apologized!) to explicitly reject her apology and explain why Ilhan Omar was not a “fiery outsider.”
pakala! ona li nasa li pana e sona pi lon ala. kulupu NYT o moli
The Jews don't control anything around here. The Mormons won't let them.
"Just a little spicy"