
LEFT: NYT HEADLINE/SUBHED: Mark Robinson is a "fiery outsider" PARAGAPH 23 (OF 23 TOTAL): Oh by the way he's kinda Hitler-curious
the only time a candidate approvingly quoting Hitler should be in the last paragraph of an article is if the article is one paragraph long
I'd sure be curious to know what the trip to Israel was about, and who those Jewish he met with are!
*Jewish organizations, sheesh
Some weird evangelical and/or messianic Jews for Jesus group, or IDF cosplay like that evangelical congressman from Florida.
** it would be irresponsible not to speculate, and in this case it’s an educated guess, the other possibility being an AIPAC Black outreach junket—not a knock on them, though IMO they’re problematic, it’s just likely
That's what I would suspect.
He called a Jewish-led protest I attended in Durham "Hamas" so...
also I'm "filth"--he has basically called me and those I'm in solidarity with "Hamas filth", sure hope he gets elected to an even more powerful post than the one he currently has
22 paragraphs after noting his opponent would be the first Jewish governor of NC, they drop in the anti-Semitism like a vague lil’ footnote. Outstanding journalism.
In the article about him winning the North Carolina primary, they don’t even link to a story about it (or the gerrymandered congressional maps) or elucidate! They treat quoting Hitler like it’s a police shooting. “Cameras captured words spoken by the former German Chancellor at a Robinson event.”
And it *should* be only one paragraph long, because that's truly all you'd need to know.
Also the headline should be «Candidate X Drops Out»
extra ridiculous that the NYT didn't quote or describe the comments and instead just said they "were widely perceived as antisemitic." It's pretty fcking unambiguously antisemitic!
real "some mathematicians say 2 + 2 = 4" energy here just depressing that they'll apply that framing even to these kinds of comments
Agreed, only I wouldn't say the NYT applies that framing "even" to this kind of comment. That framing was expressly designed to neuter the horror inherent in right wing admissions. The NYT is not a neutral arbiter. They've been pushing fascism since forever.
“pull the shekels out of your schwarze pockets” Ain’t exactly subtle.
Also, basically racist? Like I guess a Black guy can say this and it's ok, but anyone else not sure it would pass. Hope Black North Carolinians catch on to this BS
I'm from there. A big part of his appeal is to white Evangelicals who love all his transphobia and culture war stuff, especially on guns, and they get to pretend they're not racist. It's kinda the Candace Owens grift but even nastier.
Yep. There's always room for "a good one" of any minority in Republican circles. They provide cover for the racism.
He wrote about his wife getting an abortion but all's forgiven cuz he's repented and is sore ashamed, praise the lord.
As a Native it's not quite my place to say this, but the man's basically Uncle Ruckus and I think most North Carolinians can see that.
So much time spent explaining why political antisemitism (eg “Jews are more loyal to Israel than to this country”) is harmful only to see this savage inversion, that people aren’t antisemitic as long as they support Israel.
Side note - this appeared in the same paper that concluded it just couldn't pin down whether Musk was conservative or liberal or right wing or what.
“I’m not antisemitic, I love *all* genocides!”
This is awful- T’Challa was created by TWO Jews! Fricking Jack Kirby erasure.
Oh, and it’s bigoted as fuck.
Seriously, an enduring pop culture figure of black pride and exceptionalism being created in the 1960s by two Jews who had to adopt non-Jewish pen names is a great story of American art and historical context. And if he’s upset about Jewish comics creators I have some bad news for him.
New rule: When an article describes something as being "perceived as antisemitic," they have to actually say what it is. Because half the time it'll be, like, someone describing the holocaust as a good idea and half the time it'll be, like, someone saying it's problematic when Israel bombs Gaza.
WIDELY PERCEIVED as antisemitic (by everyone who is not a Nazi)
“Give me that passive voice in which I can hide out.” AG Sulzberger.
Serious question: who's the "satanic marxist [sic]" he's talking about? I have no idea.
Ryan Coogler or Kevin Feige, if I had to guess. And it's probably Feige.
I was guessing Feige, too, but...what? Let's ignore the fact that "satanic Marxist" is an oxymoron. A guy whose only concern in his career is making money -- and who's worth ~$200 million -- is a Marxist? JFC.
This is one of those weird\insane takes where Marxist is code for Jewish.
Wait -- is Feige Jewish? That would make sense. Side story: a friend of mine who's Jewish met a Southern Evangelical who shook his head sadly and said "I am so sorry for the way some Christians have treated gay and lesbians." My friend is straight, but "Jewish" apparently meant "lesbian."
Amazing that the antisemitism is just a parenthetical in a larger, even less ambiguously racist anti-Black rant
Anti-Black and antisemitic in one post. That's quite the one-two punch.
And telling Black men, the most heavily incarcerated group in the US, to return home is giving off real "stop hitting yourself" vibes. Yikes all around.
Also fun that the Dem nominee for NC Jewish.
Sounds pretty republican while being Black to me. He goes in on the Black community while using the Jewish community and Democrats to do it.
And racist. The description of the quote uses about the same space as the quote itself. They're doing it in purpose.
They say "widely perceived" because they think that will keep them from getting slammed by Fox and Trump.
UPDATE: The New York Times has now moved Mark Robinson's antisemitism -- previously mentioned only in paragraph 23 of 23 -- to the subhed & paragraph 4. PREDICTION: The Times will never acknowledge any of this or explain wtf it was thinking in the first place.
apologies, left off the alt text. here are the images again, with alt text
In other words, that man is a complete piece of shit.
Is "a trip to Israel" the new "I have a black friend"?