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Senior writer making stuff on the side.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Avatar May be of interest to people -- a new documentary on Sun Ra is being Kickstarted and has almost reached its goal. I just backed it.
SUN RA: Door Of the A documentary about the Sun Ra Omniverse and the roots of Afrofuturism
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
Also: (and I can not stress this enough) Shut the fuck up. I mean this with kindness. Shut the fuck up. It is not a good time to run your mouth on public coms. This should be obvious if you think about what just happened for 30 seconds, but again, with all due care and respect: Shut the fuck up.
Currently, the video of Trump getting (seemingly, but it sure sounds like small calibre gunfire) shot is primarily on TikTok, and that one (broadcast everywhere/normal video until it wasn't) is probably all you should trust for the next few days.
Oh yeah, not necessarily *effective*, just dumb and horrible.
Is this going to be casus belli for something dumb and horrible?
What, like Justin Hawkins in the "I believe in a Thing Called Love" video? Sure.
This may sound shockingly mercenary but I don't think passion has ever been my primary motivator, even as a kid. Back when I was a full-time novelist my primary motivator was "pay the rent." Now that I have a day job - more admin than writing, and the writing isn't in my own style - that's covered.
Breaking it down: * A spec script is best for my screenwriting portfolio * A game suits my narrative design/game writing portfolio * A serial *might* be a good way to attract patrons or expand my overall platform * A novel I'd probably try to find representation for
This was one of the reasons I decided to self publish ten years ago. Also the lead time from acceptance to publication. Also the distribution death spiral where retail orders fewer and fewer copies of each book if they didn't meet expectation, the only cure being a new pen name Too much for me.
What you're voting for or on doesn't matter, you just like participation? That feels very Marge Simpson.
Also, Hitler was appointed by a centrist president looking to appease his political opponents.
Exactly the problem. I have more workable ideas than I have time left on this earth. I'm looking for criteria to narrow them down, and settling on medium would be a big help.
Issue Zero is deciding between another novel, a ttrpg project, a spec film/pilot script, a web serial, interactive fiction, or a different kind of video game. What do I want to invest months of my life into.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
I also just updated with a story called GRANDDAD’S MYSTERY HOUSE. It’s a little bit spooky and a little bit sad, but the lucky Patreon backers who read it a year ago responded very, very positively. Check it out. It’s FREEEE!
Fiction Library – Greg Stolze {STOL-zee}
Choosing new projects was easier when I didn't have a day job - I'd just work to market because I *had* to pick the one that I thought would give me the best return. With my basic needs met, the choice seems arbitrary. Guess I was desperately poor for too long. Write a novel? A serial? Video game?
I always promised myself that, free from commercial concerns, I'd just let my art be weird instead of designed to market. I'm suffering from decision paralysis. It's not that I couldn't use the money from a commercial success - it's just not a primary factor. Guess I dither some more.
I used to follow S. John Ross's livejournal just because he'd post cool and obscure photos I hadn't seen elsewhere. Still haven't found a good replacement source for classic weird images.
Reposted byAvatar mcoorlim
We are looking for an illustrator for Ex Tenebris, a galaxy-spanning investigative game in a world of shadowy cults, demons, and sinister ancient technology. Must be able to draw human scenes, monsters and technology (e.g. spaceships). Is that someone you know? Get in touch!
The computer lab I worked in during the late 90s had zip drives, and students always forgot their disks in the machines. So I got a lot of free storage.
That's weird, zip drives weren't even a storage medium, they were just what you used to read zip disks.
(For those younger than 40, Zip disks were super dense floppy disks in the mid-90s capable of storing up to 750 mb. They were never terribly popular as an alternative to CDs)
Sharks together strong
Not much What's anime with you?
Something I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now: what’s anime
8 months to write, 2 years to publish, a day to read, a week before sales tank and you need a follow-up to keep royalties flowing.
The bricks that mario punches are toads turned to brick by Koopa black magic. Every broken brick is a dead toad.