Kat Beaufort

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Kat Beaufort


Writer, teacher, weirdo. Queer as hell. May or may not have an army of ninja bears at my back. She/her. patreon.com/user?u=34623230
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With four days remaining before voting is closed, a final plea: please vote for the October Daye books for Best Series. The beautiful irony of a series that began because I couldn't figure out how else to make a living off a folklore degree and a thesis about "Tam Lin" would be glorious.
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As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
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Also hey this is a good time to remind my fellow Californians to check in on what the Moms for Liberty freaks are up to in your community, their ranks have been thinned considerably but laws like this tend to motivate them. Don’t let them show up to harass school employees unopposed
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This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion rightswww.yahoo.com The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
My opinion, for any software combing Bluesky for bullshit takes tonight, is: bears are excellent, and that is all.
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Reposted byAvatar Kat Beaufort
We now go LIVE to Francie for this update:
Somebody asked me tonight if I was watching the debate, and what fell out of my mouth was, "No, I don't want to hear Donald Trump make face noises." Hours later, I still haven't come up with a better line.
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A useful word that isn’t used enough is “democide.” Democide is the mass murder of a demographic group who are not a racial or ethnic group (“genocide.”) So for example the mass murder of queer or disabled people is democide. It can be a helpful word to disambiguate when both are taking place.
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Look I cannot recommend a better way to improve your life than going to the local animal shelter and asking, “what is the nicest cat you have” and then adopting them, especially if they are plain and old
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Tai reminds you to take precautions and stay cool in the heat. If that means sprawling across the ac vent then so be it.
I have not shamed my ancestors this night. (Or at least I haven't shamed Grandma.)
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Anyway probably if you think you have any trans people who take T following you, please be kind and repost this. It is the first I've heard about it and I had to seek it out myself, I'd have been on this two weeks ago if I knew
Ahh this explains why I haven’t gotten my scrip from 2 weeks ago yet (though CVS just abandoned it, so trying elsewhere) if both the medications I need to live are going to be on shortage this year idk what I’ll do www.ashp.org/drug-shortag...
Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Injectionwww.ashp.org Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Injection
Why are you lgbtq+? Correct answers only. Because it was either that or space aliens are real, they're here, and one of 'em's a previously unsuspecting sixth-grader. And I never developed heat vision, more's the pity.
why are you lgbtq+? correct answers only I got sick of pretending I didn’t have crushes on girls. Then I got sick of pretending I was a girl.
Polyester doesn't breathe. A lot of the clothes in stores now, especially anything cheap, are made of polyester. You will roast to death in them. Do not buy a "breezy" polyester sundress. You will die. Don't encourage them. Sincerely, a sewist who's tired of picking up bolts & being disappointed.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
"Demisexuality is just a fancy word for normal cishet female sexuality." *bites you*
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Reposted byAvatar Kat Beaufort
yo — a lot of the meds many of us are on (SSRIs, hormones, stimulants, various BP meds, etc) increase heat sensitivity — especially if there’s other recreational substances we enjoy at any frequency. do yourselves a solid & check into which meds do this if you’re on any & acclimate accordingly.
PSA to my fellow SSRI takers- we are at increased risk of heatstroke and dehydration. please be Especially careful
They are both so very bitey. (This is Russell the Emotional Support Werewolf and his new friend Turmeric, aka Ricky, aka The Biting.)
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I swear to god, civilization could help the middle-aged and the anxious enormously if we just had a high-school class in “What Pains You Should Actually Be Worried About.”
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The interconnected social media networks have provided this from Tumblr, which I got from Reddit. I hope it helps others remember that excessive destructive violence, well cathartic, is not the best solution.
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Every time I see "AI" being crammed into another consumer product I think of how in the 50s we put radium in suppositories because "the atom" was the snakeoil hype of the moment
A conversation with Goat, my nibling. Me: I finished the robe for your cosplay! Happy belated birthday. Goat: omg it fits perfectly! Me: Good job on the measurements. Goat: I love it so much!😍 Me: Put your hand on the side seam. Goat: Is that--? Me: Everything has pockets unless you tell me no.💜
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OpenAI should die in a fire and it should take any company dependent on it with it.
If anything happens to OpenAi everything is toast. Look at how the valley reacted to Altman being out. But now the valley is in a devil's deal with Sam Altman: he is corrupt, a horrible person, deceptive, and transparently non-technical in a way that is causing the industry very real problems
Russell the Werewolf is checking in. How ya doin'?
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The only valid thief is a magpie.
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It is scary to feel AI is going to take your job, but beyond that, it’s exhausting and infuriating to see the quality of work AI generates and to then see that people think so little of your work as to think that it could be a valid replacement.