
well we had a good run
oh sorry I saw it on TOP and should’ve checked here first
I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.
And of course actually reporting on those important policy contrasts couldn't possibly help settle the open question. 🙄 I hate it here.
We deserve better than "which type of dementia do you want to 25th Amendment in year 2-4"
Seriously, Trump is in steep cognitive decline, in long form speeches he routinely scores into diagnostic criteria for FTD. Biden's exact sub-variant is less obvious but the condition is equally apparent...
I don't know if I agree with senescence being equated to dementia.
Biden is more subtle, but between 7 and 8pm, the noticeable decline in both recall and speech starts to show up. Im not just basing this on the debate, it's been a visible phenomenon for a while... the debate vs state of the union is an illusion of being at the same time because winter sunset.
I think the big sign of either dementia or Parkinsons is the way his stutter seems to become much more pronounced in the later hours. Something he's had years of voice training to overcome, but also something one is quick to lose in specific variants
There is a report today that a Walter Reed Parksinson's expert has visited the White House and met with Biden's usual doctor a few times in the past year
Biden is showing decline that you would see in someone who is old. After 4pm they are done. Trump is showing decline with no pattern. Could be in the middle of the day, could be in the middle of a fucking speech. At least with Biden you can plan around it, but not FOR A LEADER OF A COUNTRY.
Just have the executive branch close at 4 or 5 PM like every other government office.
Why does this race have to be between two old guys with swiss cheese brains?
Because we had a guy with Swiss cheese for brains, and then we elected another guy with Swiss cheese for brains, now we don’t want the first guy to get elected because that particular variety of Swiss cheese has gone bad and might give everyone fatal food poisoning. Does that clear things up?
We do, but if we have to 25th Biden, he’s far more likely to accept it and hand over the presidency to the VP than Trump is. And far less likely to get us nuked before then.
I hate this ride, and I want to get off. We're gonna "but her emails" except "but his age" all the way to electing an almost as old and equally addled fascist.
This stuff we refuse to report on is the real story. I just don’t know what we can do.
Because “Trump is Nazi Rapist is just OLD NEWS, bro.”
The entire press corp is Bananaguy.
"it's fascism, but it's not new, so the narrative-making machine will resist the attempts by the Biden Administration to present a different narrative, then judge them on not presenting a different narrative"
Why would anyone vote for TFG INSTEAD OF BIDEN.