Mekka Okereke

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Mekka Okereke

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🤡LOL! No. You people are not serious. You have a Vice President Kamala Harris. It's Biden or Harris. Y'all trying to hit Kamala with some "OK fine! Yes, you won already, but hear me out... best out of three! 😜" type nonsense. You ain't slick. At all.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) 🤡LOL! No. You people are not serious. You have a Vice President Kamala Harris. It's Biden o...
Hotels five years ago: 🧔🏿‍♂️Can I have a late checkout? 🤵🏼‍♂️Of course sir! Your room key will work until 2pm, but they probably won't clean your room until 3pm, so you have plenty of time! Hotels today: 🧔🏿‍♂️Can I have a late check out? 🤵🏼‍♂️ No get out.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Hotels five years ago: 🧔🏿‍♂️Can I have a late checkout? 🤵🏼‍♂️Of course sir! Your room key will work until 2pm, but they probably won't clean your room until 3pm, so you have plenty of time! And if you...
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Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
The first thing Biden did when elected in 2020 was: 1) promise to work with the insurrectionists🤦🏿‍♂️ 2) threaten to fire any (Black) staff that weren't polite enough to white supremacists🤦🏿‍♂️ 3) Demand that Black folk forgive the white supremacists that didn't ask for forgiveness or stop attacking us🤦🏿‍♂️
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Attached: 3 images @[email protected] @[email protected] And to your suggestion of making good on "we'll fix it after the election!" by moving fast on campaign commitments in the first m...
Reposted byAvatar Mekka Okereke
It's unfortunate that many (most?) white people are conditioned to accept whatever the corporate news media reports unless it offends their own sensibilities Of course, that is entirely by design. It's not a mistake we're not taught our own history or to question what we are taught
👴🏻Poor Biden! It's not fair that newspapers are running this "he must step down" provocation! 🧔🏿‍♂️Yes it is fair. When the news was making up a Black crime wave that he knew was fake, he was pouring gas on that fire instead of putting it out. Or is it only fair when it happens to Black folk?
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) 👴🏻Poor Biden! It's not fair that newspapers are running this "he must step down" provocation! 🧔🏿‍♂️Yes it is fair. When the news was making up a Black crime wave that he knew was fake, he was pouring...
Happy 4th of July! More US history they won't tell you: The US national anthem only exists because British troops offered slaves a chance at freedom if they fought against their captors. Seriously.🤷🏿‍♂️
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Attached: 2 images Happy 4th of July! More US history they won't tell you: The US national anthem only exists because British troops offered slaves a chance at freedom if they fought against their ...
Bron getting $104M for 2yrs? I love this for LeBron! He's earned it! 🧔🏿‍♂️Hire my friend as the head coach, even though he has zero coaching experience! 👴🏻Yes, sir! 🧔🏿‍♂️Now draft my son! 👴🏻Of course sir! Is 2nd round OK? 🧔🏿‍♂️Now give me all the money 👴🏻Happily, sir! 🧔🏿‍♂️Now slap yourself! 👴🏻 *SLAP!!!* 🧔🏿‍♂️Harder!
It's a great example to use. Because US life expectancy is lower for all demographics because of racism. Black folk get it the worst, but there's self-own blowback. Eg racist people are so angry at the idea that a Black person might get free healthcare, that they vote against it for themselves too🤷🏿‍♂️
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image In the UK, Black people have higher BMIs, and live longer. Black men in the UK, live even longer than white women in the US. Black people in the UK live about 20% longer than the US...
And because Black people should have the *highest* life expectancy, barring societal and environmental racism.🙂🙃 We see this play out in the UK. The things that kill humans of old age are heart disease and cancer. A population that gets these at a lower rate, tends to live longer.
CBS News reports that the "Global shift towards Green Energy is Accelerating!" Yay!😀 Isn't that a good thing? CBS cites the International Energy Agency report. But they don't say the word "China," much...
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image CBS News reports that the "Global shift towards Green Energy is Accelerating!" Yay!😀 Isn't that a good thing? CBS cites the Internationa...
Yup. CW: child abuse I told y'all that Project 2025 is just the 5th draft of the plans that were circulating as early as 2013. I honestly can't even engage with the topic of child "marriage," and how they intend to use that to bolster the white population. Whatever you're thinking, it's worse.
I'm serious. I'm insta-blocking anyone that finds the original plan and links it here. No one has to read that. And it can't be unread. All you need to know is that yes they're serious. No, it's not funny. And no, the ages they're talking about don't even make sense.
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The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
Most *white* Americans. There is no country on earth that imprisons more of its population than the US. Prisoners disproportionately Black. The US leads the world in child executions. Not a typo. Disproportionately Black. Life expectancy for US Black folk lower than for Uighur Chinese. Not a typo
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
There's no country on earth with a bigger differential in voting access by race. The most impacted group is Black voters. Etc For Black folk, the US has always been authoritarian by any reasonable definition. Even now, more US folk are mad about me spitting these facts, than the facts themselves.
🤔Are you sure? I mean, that can't be right? Isn't Biden the candidate that needs 90% to 95% of all Black men to vote for him to win, but he's closer to 80%? And isn't this like the most important issue for Black men? And don't Black men have a 1 in 1000 lifetime chance of being killed by a cop?
👵🏻OMG! Did you see the Supreme Court decision?! This is terrible! It's even more important than ever for us to come together to make sure that Trump doesn't win! 👨🏿Cool! So you're coming around on the "I refuse to reduce anti-Black racism" thing? 👵🏻Whoa! Relax Jamaal. I didn't say all that.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) 👵🏻OMG! Did you see the Supreme Court decision?! This is terrible! It's even more important than ever for us to come together to make sure that Trump doesn't win! We must all be willing to do whatever ...
The cycle: 1. For ~2 years: Not doing anything to help Black folk. 2. For ~1 year: Denying Black folks' expertise and warnings. 3. For ~6 months: Blacksplaining to Black folks as we demand their votes, fealty, and silence. Saying "We'll fix it after the election!" 4. Despair! 🤡 We're at 4.
mekka okereke :verified: (@[email protected]) The cycle: 1. For ~2 years: Not doing anything to help Black folk. Actively ignoring them. Pushing back hard on their most innocuous requests. 2. For ~1 year: Denying Black folks' expertise and warn...
The despair is silly to me, because Biden could *immediately* change his fortunes by changing a few policies. Speeches! Words! But he won't. We will try everything except listen to Black folk. Biden is not being pressed. He's pressing himself. The boot on his neck is his own.
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Michelle Obama is one of the figures Americans like to forget that they used to demonize and dehumanize when she was actually in the political spotlight.
My god the terrorist fist bump, for starters?