Mercedes Allen

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Mercedes Allen

Intersectional. Canadian, US, UK & global politics; trans, LGBTQ+, human rights, economic, social, racial & reproductive justice.
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Oh so when HE has a chosen name everyone just goes with it
update, per The Wall Street Journal
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Over the years - and with what is probably a far-more-than-is-healthy exposure to online social justice fights while being trans - I have *never* heard a cis queer person's time in the closet referred to as "when you had straight privilege."
some of the people who praised TV Glow are the same people who think the closet is a privilege for trans women
Read of the day: "... leftists have to take over the Democratic Party & the progressive movement, so that [Biden's] hemmed in by his power base. To limit Trump's harms, leftists have to identify the fracture lines in the right coalition and drive deep wedges into them, shattering his power base..."
Pluralistic: The true, tactical significance of Project 2025 (14 Jul 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory
"We know from past experience that in order to protect their bottom line, social media companies will overcompensate and actively suppress posts and groups about gender identity, sexuality, abortion — anything they’re worried... could be [used] to argue 'harms' kids..."
This Bill Purports to Protect Kids from Big Tech. For LGBTQ+ Youth, It’s a Grave Those on the right have said they will use KOSA to target queer and trans content. So why do some Democrats support it?
"We addressed Dr. Biden and our fellow attendees respectfully, introduced ourselves as queer Jews, and chanted our support for a permanent ceasefire, an end to arming Israel, and asserted that there can be no pride in genocide..."
We Spoke Up For Palestine and Got Kicked Out of the White At the White House Pride Party, we, two queer Jews, were escorted out for protesting on behalf of Palestinian Freedom.
Nigel Farage's Reform UK is looking to do there what Canada's far right did here: "When the dust from that escapade finally settled at the end of 2003, the Reform party (by then rebranded the Canadian Alliance) was in the driver’s seat..."
Britain’s Right Is Following a Canadian Playbook | The Labour won, but Farage’s Reform credits Preston Manning’s ‘huge’ guidance for its plans to take over the wounded Conservative Party.
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republicans are being open-throated fascists and dems are so scared of being called communists they run rightward call a republican politician a fascist theyll say sure call a dem politician a socialist theyll set the medicaid income maximum to $1k/mo
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Well this is grim
"[H]is language... has been so over-the-top that even with his record as president, he still gets graded on a massive curve by so many voters... It’s already factored in, in a way that it could never be for almost any other candidate for the presidency... this [dynamic] benefits him greatly..."
'Week from hell': Trump shared QAnon, lobbed 'treason' accusations while media dogged While the beltway media spent the last week haranguing President Joe Biden over his lackluster performance in the CNN presidential debate, former President Donald Trump largely got a pass despite seve...
"Authorities in the Russian Republic of Dagestan have reportedly either forced or attempted to bribe at least two men into cooperating with them in an entrapment scheme targeting gay men in the region..."
Russia forces adult content creator & hook-up app user to help entrap gay men - LGBTQ Russia reaches a new low in its continued persecution of gay adults.
"[Posie] Parker herself lost her deposit on election night after a dismal showing in Bristol Central that saw her pick up less than 200 votes – fewer than novelty candidates in other constituencies such as ‘Count Binface’ and ‘Captain Beany’..."
Posie Parker's party receives fewer votes than the Monster Raving Loony Posie Parker's Party of Women received less total votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party in the 2024 general election.
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I honestly believe that the big publications are running so hard with this *BECAUSE* the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist traitor into office and make him Dictator for life. If this is all we're talking about, there's no air for the real conversation.
Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.
This is quite something, from the lead author of Project 2025: "... we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be..."
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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"Posts show Bayswater members describing how they destroyed their children’s possessions, restricted their internet access or sent them to conversion therapy – all in an effort to ‘stop’ them being trans."
‘One day they may thank us for that “abuse”’: Inside the Bayswater… On Discord, parents discussed destroying their children’s belongings and blocking access to Childline to ‘stop’ them being trans
Some next-level fantasy, here: "If [The 10 Commandments are] obeyed, everybody’s going to live, nobody’s going to get murdered, & kids are going to stop lying about what happened to their homework, and teachers are not going to be raping kids anymore..."
MAGA pastor says Ten Commandments in schools will stop teachers from "raping" kids - LGBTQ "It's obviously worked in churches!" one person responded.
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A new study looked at people who discontinued medical transition and found something obvious to anyone with half a brain: DISCONTINUATION IS NOT THE SAME AS DETRANSITION. 80 percent of those who discontinued treatments still identified as trans. 37 percent said they wished they never discontinued.
New Study Shows Stopping Medical Transition is Not the Same as Detransition — Of those who discontinued medical treatments such as hormone therapy, a new study found that 80 percent continued to endorse a trans identity.
"Crackdowns on sites that host LGBTQ+ content have left people with the option of either [VPNs]... or apps like Telegram... "... Some members of the community suspect that the Russian government is surveilling these chats and have often used them to spread anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda..."
Russia's LGBTQ+ community is turning to Telegram as the government cracks down on them - LGBTQ But people still worry that the Kremlin is monitoring the app.
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Yulia Alyoshina, a transgender Russian politician, announced last month that they were detransitioning. In an interview... they revealed that they were forced to undergo this detransition due to threats of being sent to a psychiatric hospital..."
Russian trans politician forced to detransition or get sent to psychiatric hospital - LGBTQ They asked the Russian Supreme Court if they had a right to exist and they responded that they "don't make decisions."
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We need to be smacking down every asinine anti-trans thing "just asking questions" people say every fucking time they say it.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it:
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation… NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
"This investigation, alongside the allegations made by Maugham, opens up substantial questions about how seriously medical professionals treat suicides of transgender youth. If Maugham’s allegations prove true, one of the country’s biggest medical scandals in history may unfold..."
Trans Youth Suicides Covered Up By NHS, Cass After Restrictions, Say Whistleblowers allege that the NHS in Great Britain covered up a large spike in suicides after restrictions on trans care. The number of suicides appears to have been omitted from the Cass Review.