
i feel like one way a lot of these transphobes really tell on themselves is when they accuse trans people of wanting to be part of some sort of an in-group to bully everybody else, because that’s the only reason *they* can think of to do *anything*
Rapid onset transphobia is a far more pernicious phenomenon and we have actual examples of it!
Transphobia is a social contagion!
We do also of course have to consider the possibility that some people were always terrible but have just taken a long time to be public about it.
True. But some other people are just terminally naive and will believe anything thrown at them without questioning the statements' validity. So people who had the potential for being decent suddenly think queer people wanna trans their children and drag queens are groomers.
Because aunt Kathy shared some article from Breitbart on Facebook.
Looking forward to the deranged Singal and Haidt screeds that this prompts.
Honestly, I can never keep Haidt and Chait straight, but they’re both anti-trans so I guess I couldn’t get it wrong here.
Your post is the moment I think I realized they are two different dudes.
Just combine them into Chaidt.
Good thing it doesn't really matter.
I am just now, at this exact moment, realizing those are two different guys.
Just start referring to them both exclusively as C/Hai/d/t. They’re both so self involved it might drive them to strokes.
I’ve never heard of Haidt, so now I know to be on high alert.
If the complaint is about kids and their phones, Haidt’s the one you spite. If the complaint is that Biden’s too left, Chait’s the one you hate
I am not sure you realize the good you do. Having you scream THIS IS BULLSHIT and then producing receipts has helped many parents of trans kids tremendously as we navigate our own fears as well as everyone else’s bullshit to do right by our child.
Aubrey just cannot Reply Guy 😂
Is the magazine called The Atlantic because that’s the body of water that connects us to TERF Island?
two big reply guy thoughts i had about things i didn’t hear explicitly said (maybe they were too obvious) 1) Early on we hear about how kids aren’t depressed so they shouldn’t transition, and later they shouldn’t transition because they ARE depressed or mentally ill. Transphobes love this catch-22!
2) Regarding social contagion, instead of suddenly having 3 trans friends and trans tumblr making kids trans, isn’t it way more likely they felt gender dysphoria and SOUGHT OUT people and communities with the same experience?
Exactly, the idea of gender-nonconforming young people finding each other and forming friendships is way more plausible than kids declaring "I'm trans!" because it's trendy and sticking with it through years of hardship and numerous medical procedures.
I joined a quiz club in high school and suddenly I started seeing people who were way too interested in state capitols!
My teenaged friend group circa 2005 have almost entirely all come out as queer long after a lot of us lost touch with each other. It’s almost like likeminded people have a way or gravitating towards each other
Also, hate this parent thing that seems more common today (social contagion? Or just me seeing them on the internet?) who don't believe a kid, like an adult, is their own separate unknowable person. Kids can have thoughts or feelings w/o Mom being aware.
Norah Vincent's story serms relevant here. She went undercover as a man & wrote "Self-Made Man" about the experience. It really messed her up. There's no such thing as recreational gender change.
"queer people find each other" is like remedial Knowing About Queer People, it's not even 101
I got the intensive summer course when my egg cracked
My favorite was when Parents said their children were more popular IN THEIR FRIEND GROUP after transitioning. Like not in the school, in their group. Hilarious to imagine ranked sorting preferences in the group that the parents know. I've been in friend groups where there was one person who was
the most popular, but even if that changed no idea how the parents think they would know.
transitioning to do a hostile takeover of my little clique of nobodies
to the extent that theres anything at all to social contagion it’s just the way boundaries of gender are policed both by Society and Community.
we don’t really have great language for this because they all carry modern connotations but in the way that 1000 years ago i might not be trans because that didn’t exist but i’d v unlikely be comfortable with the gender i was perceived at then
I know I absolutely sought out peers who shared the same values and traumatic experiences as a kid, I didn't realize I had been infected with a social contagion
I thought your connection to other types of “””rapid-onset””” phenomena was a useful framework. I didn’t exhibit the most obvious symptoms of ADHD as a kid, but seeing others describe experiences similar to mine as an adult quickly led me to seek diagnosis. That doesn’t make it “rapid-onset ADHD.”
That’s a really good example. I know several women in their 40s who were diagnosed with ADHD around the same time, not because of some trend but because their similarly-aged kids were diagnosed and led to an “aha” moment for mom.
Yes!!! I listened to the social contagion & rapid-onset parts through the lens of someone who sought an adhd diagnosis in my mid-30s after watching a ton of TikTok videos about it and whose family was *shocked,* and it was amazing how it lined up.
Of course the DEA thinks that experiences like mine are proof that people (women) getting diagnosed as adults *don’t* really have adhd, which they in turn use to justify doing fuck-all about the stimulant shortage, but that’s a separate rant.
Fresh acct bc I'm not out publicly yet but I realized I was trans literally a month ago (@ 36y/o) and experienced "rapid onset gender dysphoria" but it was actually just a series of cascading realizations of the countless times I'd experienced dysphoria without being able to identify it as dysphoria
I am literally married to a trans-person but still researched rogd because the entire experience of self-realization was so shocking to me that I considered that there might actually be something wrong with me specifically and I'd heard the term before. Bad shit out there!
Anyway, that's all just to say I really enjoyed the episode! Thanks for making it!
I'm glad your partner is trans, as having someone else who gets it makes everything far earlier. I had a similar experience of realisation when I was curious about my dysphoria rather than ignoring it. Coming out to yourself is challenging so I hope you're able to find time to relax
A friend told me her previously girly kid did the thing of saying she might be trans after her friend came out. The mum said “okay let’s try the pronouns”. Days later her kid said “no, I’m a girl”. No fuss, no drama, kid felt supported and learned she could come to her mum about issues.
Good on your friend for supporting her child like that. Having genuine support and patience is life-changing. Care for trans people makes trusting us to make our own decisions
Trusting people to know themselves should be basic human decency, unfortunately a lot of people seem to lack that.