Mikey Tabak

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Mikey Tabak


Data Scientist | Ecologist | Outdoorsman | Snack Artist | Ultra runner | www.qsc.earth
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I need some help to find suitable people to interview for a research project of mine. People who work with theming and design in heritage parks, specialized theme parks, themed malls, restaurants (e.g., Rainforest Cafes), museums, festival marketplaces, and themed landscapes. Any suggestions?
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Always give running commentary when watching movies with your kids It will ensure that after you're gone, they'll have your voice still in your ears when they watch their favorite movies as a kid Not kidding, I'm watching "The Longest Day" and can still hear all my dad's commentary in my head
BREAKING: Lake Superior has entered the race for President! First reported on the first page of The Mining Journal, our local paper #GreatLakes #LakeSuperior #GLOAT
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🆕 I’m looking for a postdoc to join the group! This is for a project as part of the @multidefence.bsky.social consortium, looking at genome defences and horizontal gene transfer in Pseudomonas. Deadline 12th August. 🧵 my.corehr.com/pls/ulivrecr...
Anyone have book recommendations for introductory software engineering for data scientists? I do back-end software work with #python and #RStats and I want to get better at writing code that interacts with that of front-end engineers. I'm hoping to learn basic software eng concepts and more
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This goes hard.
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Just 2 generations ago, the world's wealthiest built hospitals, colleges museums and supported the arts.
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This is concerning. If the internet goes down, who will sell my personal data?
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“Every $1,300 New York invested in building bike-lanes in 2015 provided benefits equivalent to 1 additional year of life at full health over the lifetime of all city residents, according to a new economic assessment.” Bike-lanes are a sound public health investment. www.reuters.com/article/busi...
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If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
Humans left Africa about 250,000 years ago but were probably outcompeted by Neanderthals. We previously thought that humans left Africa only about 50,000 years ago. The more recent lineage was more successful, probably because of technological innovations, eg arrows www.nytimes.com/2024/07/11/s...
Early Humans Left Africa Much Earlier Than Previously Thoughtwww.nytimes.com Scientists have found evidence of several waves of migration by looking at the genetic signatures of human interbreeding with Neanderthals.
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I looked it up and it turns out there were zero book related deaths in 2023 and so far none in 2024 so, I don’t know, books may not be the problem.
Electric School Busses mean that kids can get to school without inhaling toxic diesel exhaust! This is great!
Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act & Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has $9 billion American dollars for electrified school buses. My entire career we were all like “we should electrify school buses so kids breathe clean air” and Biden and the admin just up and did it. www.act-news.com/news/funding...
Funding for Electric School Buses - ACT Newswww.act-news.com Electric school buses qualify for more than $9 billion in funding – and that doesn’t even include tax credits.
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women will literally grow a human being from scratch & keep humanity alive yet society still believes they deserve 30% less pay than men. smh
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When it comes to climate change, we need to retire, or at least put on hiatus, the term "the new normal". This is not the new normal. Normal will keep getting warmer until we stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
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Jacaranda Trees in Johannesburg, South Africa
We got a beautiful extended sunrise over Lake Superior today #GreatLakes #UpperPeninsula
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“The…study reflects a disturbing trend to confuse opportunity with cause and to assign “drivers” (or causal conditions) to correlations, often without invoking mechanistic justification…possibility, or potential, is not the same as adaptive or functional necessity “ www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/... 🧪🌎
Ants and the rise of flowering plants | PNASwww.pnas.org Ants and the rise of flowering plants
Hear me out: Vegan Hot Dogs
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Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 that Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, to announce that the Civil War had ended and that enslaved African-Americans were free. Here is what you should know about its history.
The History of Juneteenthwww.nytimes.com On June 19, 1865, enslaved African Americans in Texas were told they were free. A century and a half later, people across the United States continue to celebrate the day, which is now a federal holida...
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With half the month now behind us, June 2024 is very likely to be the warmest June on record. It is on track to beat 2023's record by nearly 0.2C, and may represent an ominous sign that global temperatures are not falling very quickly despite the fading of El Nino conditions.
I'm excited to share our latest research tackling the spread of invasive wild pigs in USA. We develop a novel approach using advanced genetic methods and big data to help regulators stop the transport and proliferation of Invasive Wild Pigs. esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/...
The global average temperature in 2023 was 1.48 degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels. Experts warn that we must stay below 1.5 degrees of warming. We are terrifyingly close to that threshold. #climatechange www.nytimes.com/2024/01/09/c...
See How Hot 2023 Was, in Two Charts. Hint: Record Hot.www.nytimes.com Month after month global temperatures didn’t just break records, they smashed them. This year could be even warmer.