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Born and raised in the coastal far north, autistic trophy wife. I make easy-listening harsh noise and write ttrpgs. Post-industrial recycled resin since 2014. Worker-owner at Bogfolk. Probably older than you think They/them/none
Me meeting a person named drew: “Ew gross why would you call yourself that?”
Crane flies are physically incapable of feeding on other insects despite being widely known as mosquito catchers/mosquito hawks.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
I wanted to say to them when the mask requirements were lifted was "you're going to just do what the government tells you? Sheep."
lol Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve is twenty years old now
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Imo AFI was just not a very notable band till Jade joined.
millennials stop hearing minor criticism of your fashion choices from young people and immediately turning into boomers challenge (impossible)
MISANDR has entered a fell mood abs claimed a tannery workshop
What if huskies were also honeybees?
Here have some alpenglow volcanoes from further up this fault line
There's Mount Baker from the middle of the lagoon we swam in. It was shallow enough to stand up and enjoy a cold beverage while we took in the spectacular scenery. It's a rare day to be able to see Baker from this far up island, especially in summer 😻 photo by @birb.mom
Anyway today I’m making a toasty esb adjacent kveik. It won’t be boiled or have any bittering hops but I’m thinking of “dry hppping the dogshit out of it” as a former customer used to describe it.
One of my favorite cases of two relatively well-known people having the same name is that a portly English man named Michael Jackson is largely responsible for how we think about beer styles in modernity. Such distinctions are a very modern development.
One of my favorite cases of two relatively well-known people having the same name is that a portly English man named Michael Jackson is largely responsible for how we think about beer styles in modernity. Such distinctions are a very modern development.
I don't need theory I have Goku - eat lots of good food - go out and get plenty of exercise - help your friends as much as you can - imperial armies must be immediately and violently dismantled
One of the funniest things about metal archives is that they have a pretty strict “no nü-metal” policy, while also allowing in power metal
my husband sent me this picture of our extremely smart son who got himself stuck behind the tv today
they should make nice stuff freely available to everybody imo
It's the never ending paradox that Tribally owned businesses usually keep all the local businesses that hate us a float.
Oh they get HEATED back home when we point out that all their little small rural businesses live and die on our government contracts Nobody else is regularly ordering 300 custom t shirts in this rinky dink fucker
Reading a new TTRPG and digging the mechanics but man, do not use a term explained later *in the explanation of another term*. Put that sucker in a callout box at least.
If you were ever for a moment taken in by the "ethics in game journalism" line you were extremely naive and sheltered and stupid and a dumb-dumb and a complete fucking rube and an asshole
I have a confession - I don't actually know what the jesus lizard sounds like
Anytime I see someone driving like shit I immediately think “ah, must be a Drake fan”
Slsk is so weird lmao. Gives you a close look into peoples extremely idiosyncratic music collections. Saw this one person yesterday whose collection included both arghoslent and anti flag.
Fuck Tim Armstrong, all my homies hate Tim Armstrong
The coast guard, while a good idea, is also so thoroughly poisoned by US militarism and everything toxic about young enlisted bros. Certainly one of the primary drivers of teen pregnancy in my hometown.
DHS is the agency to worry about under any administration. It’s a Frankenstein’s monster of bad ideas and the Coast Guard.
Having hiccups as an adult is hellish