Can we go back to when this actually made sense please
Not feeling sorry for him at all, but MAGAs hating him as some sort of RINO traitor when he's one of their most effective ghouls is very, very funny.
The legal system isn't equipped to deal with this
Most importantly, you should drop all criminal charges and stop all investigations against me.
Running into the mountains: peace and quiet
3) I hope the maniac wasn't one of "us" because it would implicate some of our rhethoric and practices
Not a Star Wars guy. Did Yoda have a clearly defined line of succession?
Yes that's what I mean. Presumably we're not cool with presidents threatening civil servants to get them to do illegal things. He could replace agency leadership with toadies right now.
Why not, 45% of anyone are morons
but... the issue wasn't that Biden would've been criminally prosecuted. If the loan forgiveness is found to not be legal, the agencies won't execute it. Biden would have to, like, threaten the agency heads with physical violence to get them to execute illegal orders.
Technically correct, but when you say the "Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money" headline is "shockingly accurate", that's clearly where you are attributing the blame for the failure
Thank god Elon made comedy legal again
The nice start was issuing the warrant for Putin. Now we just need to actually go arrest him.
Judge Cannon becoming increasingly isolated, you say.
Same as with Sinwar. Prosecution applied for the warrants but looks like the judges haven't ruled yet.
Not one of THOSE two
Yes, exactly, that was the point, thanks. I guess the level of sarcasm wasn't enough to differentiate from actual critics being mad that Biden didn't insantly fix everything.
Well, on the other hand, Biden promised to cancel student debt but only canceled SOME of it!
Having seen all sorts of wild opinions here, I've no idea which part of the story you're concerned about lol.
Mr Trump? Shouldn't you be Truthing right now?
This would've been the least surprising thing ever, but it's not in any of his 3 posts here. One guy did call him "the worst person ever" or something like that but that's pretty tame.
I wish he stopped posting on the nazi site, but I guess it's like shooting fish in a barrel over there for him
This leap is really the craziest thing. The question is bad but kind of makes sense if you want to identify covid truthers (fauci lied people died is like their motto) but even if you assume that "people think this" means it must be true, it could be true even if Fauci killed only 2 people.
How is a regressive tax a nice thing suddenly
You're saying they're not "real communists" huh
It's just like their "No Way To Prevent This" article
The article raises an important question, "Ever been slapped by breasts?" And the answer, unfortunately is no, I have not. I would like to, though.