
Actually really upset by oral arguments today. It seems clear that the Supreme Court will allow states to outlaw emergency abortions. It will be a death sentence for thousands. I can’t countenance the cruelty of it.
Every day the gap widens between the profound dignity and worthiness of women’s lives and the contempt and indifference with which the law treats them.
The US seems to me (looking in) profoundly patriarchal & misogynistic I remember when Obama & Clinton were vying for the Democratic nomination saying to a friend Obama would definitely win, because (despite the racism) US voters would always prefer a black man as president over any woman They did
I had this EXACT conversation with friends at the time and they disabused me of that notion very quickly.
A point that was resoundingly reinforced eight years later when Clinton lost the presidency to a SHOCKINGLY undeserving-but male!- opponent.
We will eventually elect a woman President, she will be a Republican and fairly evil
We did that with Thatcher
A woman will never, ever win a GOP presidential primary lol
I see the logic, it's the party of misogyny and taking away women's rights, why would they ever support a woman to lead them? But it's such great camouflage, it gives cover to the awful stuff they want, and recall that Nicky Haley lastest the longest in the recent R primary.
A similar thing happening here Our current government is packed with very right wing poc who are enacting some of the most racist legislation imaginable: ie to dump asylum seekers in Rwanda Driven by a bid to focus blame for all our ills on refugees/migrants, & to rip up our human rights legislation
Doesn't have to be Republican to be conservative or "evil."
I had a black female teacher who said the same thing back in ‘92. That comment always stayed with me, and I remembered it when Obama won. Seeing this exchange made me think to look her up again. Found her obit. She died in 2022. 😢
That’s so interesting. US black feminists have long been ahead of the curve in their understanding of discrimination eg introducing us all to the concept of intersectionality. For which I am grateful. She sounds like she was a great teacher!
I sincerely believe the first woman to become president will do so thanks to a man dying and it breaks my heart.
I think that’s a pretty profound misunderstanding of that primary. Hillary was the epitome of the establishment in a change election. Obama was the political savant whose thinner political resume actually benefited him. And he had been against the Iraq war from the start and
One can always find reasons to rationalise why women fail, whilst ignoring or denying the role of discrimination and unconscious bias in the outcome
And to think we are here because a rapist used the National Enquirer to steal an election from a woman who had more votes and send our country into the Handmaid’s Tale. It’s hard to believe this is real.
Then to find out they are basically dumping the patients via helicopter.
The most ghoulish thing about this travesty is the fact that abortion is nothing more than a culture-war issue for the movers and shakers on the right. It drives fear voting to keep them in power. These laws are not made for justice, they are made through Christian fear to assimilate power.
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What people need to realize is that these people are bought and paid for votes protected by a lifetime appointment. This iteration of the Supreme Court will NEVER vote against the extreme right’s interests nor in favor of expanding civil rights. My daughter will have less rights than her grandmother
THIS! Until we get money completely out of politics, nothing is going to change.
It’s not just about money, these people must be prevented from ever running, and the current crop silenced.
The problem being that the people who most need to be effected by the rules are the current ones making them and we don’t have an entire collective spine in the elected officials even a smidge to the left. Biden could have packed the Supreme Court, the dems could have played hard ball like the GOP
But the didn’t and won’t. You just don’t have people who are willing to fight for rights the same way people will fight to take them away. We need people who aren’t afraid to be dicks to the people who are actively working to make lives worse.
And the sad fact is that is never going to happen, so ultimately it’s up to the population itself to wipe these scum out. They have names, they have addresses and families.
100%. The Court majority is illegitimate—hopelessly tainted by bribery, proximity to insurrection, etc. Would you agree Biden/Senators should move to expand the Court now, citing the need to restore constitutional order post-1/6? Seems like the most direct way of refusing to countenance the cruelty.
Unfortunately, a move like that would be an electoral deathnell. It's so easy for the GOP to spin that into politicizing the court (remember, every accusation is a confession with them). I 100% agree that it needs to happen. But doing it before an election is political suicide.
But, immediately after the election, when Biden has no more races to run and a supportive lame duck Senate could get the job done. Especially if they start selling the failings of the current SCOTUS with a 'something needs to be done' without expressly saying what that something is.
Thanks for this response. I think as activists, we should just push for it to happen and let the politicians deal with campaign strategy. I worry that justice delayed here will be justice denied, not that demanding justice will play into the GOP's hands. (They'll spin lies no matter what.)
It's wild that so many people seem totally fine with allowing six weirdos to wield their personal religion against the waning legitimacy of the judiciary.
The problem is the people totally fine with it control the police and the courts and the people who are not fine with it control nothing.
It would be nice if we had an opposition party actually... you know... opposing these things... Preferably with actions instead of just empty words in a fundraising email The court has lost all legitimacy and yet Biden can only be bothered to complain about protesters
And the most maddening thing is that we have to fight to make sure he wins again because he’s the least awful option given to us by the shitty system we have right now.
THIS!! 100% GOP fuckery is a wonderful tool for raking in the fundraising dollars. And Dem politicians don't give a shit about abortion bans when they have the money and power to just fly their wives, mistresses, and daughters out of the country for reproductive healthcare.
Says you. Who do you think staff ALL the reproductive rights orgs if not Democrats? We’ve been warning the public about religious Republicans’ plans for a decade and more.
They're work is so great the president doesn't care what they have to say and his administration demands your vote anyway. Sounds like a hero.
Right? How did we get to a place where some rich, corrupt as fuck dude is owed our allegiance & vote just for being a Dem? Biden went around Congress multiple times now to send billions to Israel. Why can't he do that for abortion rights? 11mil $ from AIPAC is the answer. Amazing accomplishment.
Well he’s got it, because empowering the religious right another inch is going to swallow my kids’ rights for 50 years or more.
Glad democrats are giving you lip service. When they come for your kid? At least you know you voted harder.
I've always voted Dem. I'd never dream of voting Republican. And yet here we are in a world where my daughters and granddaughters have fewer rights than I had, and I'm DEEPLY worried for my LGBTQ friends. Clearly "Vote blue no matter who" is bull shit.
And all those warnings to Dem politicians from their voting base have done no good...
I'm talking about elected Democrat politicians, not regular voters.
The Democrats are complicit because they don't fight back meaningfully and they coddle anti-choice members of their own party They have had decades to do something Anything Yet here we are
Exactly!! They chose to back pro forced birth Democrat, Henry Cuellar in Texas over pro choice Jessica Cisneros because she is a progressive. They've done that over and over. Biden himself claims to be a devout Catholic. So either he's lying about being devout or lying about being pro choice.