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๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ4.6GW/person/lifetime ฮ˜ฮ”๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ”ป


therian.COVID maxxer.owen.he/him.29.cPTSD.2xdepression.LC.
cheese brained ramblings of a tired trans dragon man.
current hoard: deer mice
anticapitalist Ligottian physicalist post-postnaturalist
๐Ÿฆฃ @[email protected]
๐Ÿฆ @owenfuckem
So I happened to know that the White House had just passed a huge Parkinsonโ€™s research funding bill because a dear family friend of mine has the disease and I keep an eye on the research, hoping for a breakthrough. Most Americans, I assume, do not do this. From the bottom of my heart: fuck the NYT
Breaking News: A Parkinsonโ€™s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinsonโ€™s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
How Long Concussion could offer new insights into Long Covid | BBC | June 2024 #MECFS #longCOVID #MEspine #NEISvoid
Studies have shown that the ACE2 receptor used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is relatively abundant in the brainstem compared with other regions [...] It is also thought to be particularly sensitive to damage from the excessive immune activation which can be triggered by infections." #longCOVID #MECFS
How Long Concussion could offer new insights into Long Covidwww.bbc.com There are striking parallels between the two syndromes โ€“ and scientists hope the link could help to unravel the mysteries of both.
a guy tries to kill pelosi's husband, because he was trying to kill pelosi, the GOP make jokes about it, and she's still on the same "we need a strong GOP". a buncha people try to run biden campaign buses off the road, he was still spouting the same old shit. fundamentally unmovable.
Like, sex workers and queer people have been screaming about the kind of shit that lead to Project 2025's plan for porn and queer people for years. From FOSTA/SESTA to the Anti-Trans bills to the uptick of transphobia from the right, we've been ringing this bell for years.
bacon eggplant guacamole upset stomach, diarrhea hey, Pepto bism
bacon, eggplant, guacamole and basil on a potato roll spread with ranch dressing
So strange how much liberals act like conservatives. Sooooo stranggggggg
i want the democrats to have chosen another candidate months ago. iโ€™m not going to rescind criticism because โ€œitโ€™s time to come together and back bidenโ€ or whatever. itโ€™s pretty fucked up to pretend he isnโ€™t supporting a genocide just to keep morale high in a totally fucked election
โ€œEverybody do the wenisโ€ song is stuck on repeat in my head this morning ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ iykyk
stop talking to me about joe biden. the supreme court just told him he was allowed to murder them all and he hasnโ€™t done it. heโ€™s useless
oh it me
Part of chronic stress is reduced working memory and executive functioning, impaired recall, simultaneously more impulsive and more risk averse behaviours, self destructive coping mechanisms, etc. Stress *will* fuck up your day in a thousand different ways regardless of its source.
It's not enough to offer disabled people a shit sandwich and go "VOTE or the republicans will take this away!" You gotta actually offer something better than a shit sandwich for that threat to mean much.
This kind of threat needs to be accompanied by an equally specific, equally concrete, equally dedicated "here are the 5 things we will do to make social security not a hellishly inadequate, cruel system. Here is how we will do these things."
There has been a push to increase this asset limit to $10,000. That $2,000 limit hasn't changed since 1972. 52 years ago. What the fuck does this threat mean, to someone who has been forced into mandatory poverty for the last decade or more? Mandatory divorce? www.cbpp.org/research/soc...
The Case for Updating SSI Asset Limits | Center on Budget and Policy Prioritieswww.cbpp.org Raising or eliminating asset limits would reduce administrative burdens without dramatically increasing enrollment.
It's not enough for dems to look disabled people in the face and say "this is the best we can do, vote for us or it'll be worse" What the fuck does this threat mean to someone on year 3 of trying to get the resources they need to survive? Capped at $941 a month income and $2,000 worth of assets?
Ask anyone who is currently navigating the process of getting SSI or SSDI, or who successfully did so. The process is long and nightmarishly difficult, by design. Humiliating, dehumanizing, painful, by design. Dems need to not just threaten us, but also *offer something better*
In case you think Project 2025 doesn't affect you or anyone you know, the plan calls for doing away with Social Security and Medicare as we know them. This will 100% hit you eventually, and it will instantly take money out of your parents' and/or grandparents' pockets.
Yes! Radio WBSKY is now a firehose! Do you like it this way? Always open to suggestions!
And we never forgot.
He said fund the police in 2020
"would u fuck an elf if they were real" shut up loser id fuck a whole dnd campaign worth of consenting fantasy creatures u think I'm gonna slip on "elf" I'm doing petrificationplay with a beholder you lightweight
Honestly I've got nothing left to say that I haven't already been screaming into the void for the last 1,578 days
I keep seeing references made to 'leftists' who 'want 45 to win.' Who are these leftists? Are they strangers on the internet? I just don't see this. No one I know on the Left(s) is pro-45. I know some reactionary *moderates* who are though.
The candidate is supposed to get people to vote for them.
It's so wild to see ANYONE care about "tenderqueers" moving to town when there's an adult man pretending to be a decade younger on Grindr AND DISCORD to fuck college kids who are trying to set boundaries. Pick your battles like an adult.
Way behind on everything, risking getting electric shut off, and out of food. ANY amount helps, signal boosting helps, sharing the GFM on other patforms helps. Thanks & solidarity. #MutulAidRequest #HelpSky ๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธ๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธ๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธ