Mr. Smith

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Mr. Smith

Teacher, husband, randonneur
Joe Biden could use his new powers to authorize a campaign of state terror against his enemies, but alas, he would never, and Donald Trump will.
Biden should use his newfound monarchical powers to arrest the six conservative justices and confine Trump to Mar a Lago for the remainder of his days. Official acts!
I was almost resolved on giving up and sending this animal back from whence it came and then she went and slept quietly all night in her crate. Didn’t make a peep until I woke up at 8am. Good dog. #dogsofbluesky
I have spent an enormous amount of time this year filling out those neuropsych surveys about kids where I have to indicate in ten different ways that no, this 8th grader does not bite other children at school. I really appreciate the therapist who called me and asked to chat for ten minutes. #edusky
There is altogether too much screaming in the middle school this morning. #edusky
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I saw this quote the other day and haven’t stopped thinking about it since: “Dystopian fiction is when you take things that happen in real life to marginalized populations and apply them to people with privilege.” []
So in addition to being deeply, viscerally creepy, this woman is a malicious liar. Housewives everywhere are ashamed.
I was a bit anxious about our new ev purchase, but after this SLC-Grand Junction-Moab trip, I’m a believer. EA charging stations are lightning fast, and the open Tesla chargers in Moab are more than adequate. Plus, the Ioniq 5 is the first car we’ve owned that’s actually fun to drive. #ev
My poor first grader has no idea why her millennial parents and aunts and uncles are shouting with glee at the television right now.
My non-Utah teacher friends think this winter sports tradition is indulgent and non-serious, but these kids learning to Nordic ski at 8500 elevation every Friday afternoon for a month is so much better than grinding out another lesson till 3:15 while we’re all imagining the weekend. #edusky
TIL that you can make hard boiled eggs in the air fryer. Game changer when it comes to feeding my ramen-crazed child.
Today I learned that there’s a whole TikTok subculture focused around mocking people with autism, and that they use the term “acoustic” to get around content mods. I know this because a kid mocked an autistic peer using this term. The internet is awful.
Thinking of starting this semester by asking kids and parents how they best process feedback. Some adults want me to subject their kids to relentless rhetorical punishment; others think any criticism needs to be sandwiched in a love letter to their brilliance. It’s tricky. #edusky
Dear Salt Lakers: the AQI station near my house is presently reading 9. This morning it was—I kid you not—0. Please do not celebrate by idling your cars, even though it is bitterly cold. Thanks.
If you’re interested in project-based learning, humanities teaching, or both, check out my new essay at Independent School Magazine. #edusky
NAIS - Teaching & Learning: The Case for Project-Based Learning in the
Props to all the people in Salt Lake celebrating the end of the most recent inversion cycle by idling their cars all over the place. Makes a ton of sense.
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I wonder if there's something about the existence of ethnically-defined nation-states as the primary units of global political order that inherently favors the far right in the long run. Actually, I more suspect than wonder. Or rather: believe. Nation-states are bad.
Our school ran all the way up to the 22nd, but it sure is nice having a whole week ahead before I go back to school. Godspeed to all going back to work tomorrow. #edusky
Finally, a good football game.
Okay, seriously, pull Deacon Hill now, this is embarrassing.
We were five minutes from going to the parents for dinner when our child started puking. I am almost too happy to use this as an excuse to avoid NYE. At any rate, here is the real high point of New Year’s: me skiing with this dog.
Tuned into Mizzou-OSU and it seems the Iowa game has started a few days early. I get why so many starters aren’t playing, but wow this game is bad.
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Bethany Mandel has six or seven kids that she’s homeschooling and all that woman does is tweet all day. I think about that a lot.
If you’re ever wondering about the value of school routines for kids, my 7yo deals with long breaks by managing her time the same way they do in first grade. #edusky
A few months ago a kid walked into my room and asked if he could leave his computer to charge. I said go for it. He came back 90 minutes later and asked, “Did I leave my computer in here?” This taught me more than any PD ever has about the middle school brain. #edusky
Maybe it’s just because this is the year I turned 40, but I keep getting ads for NYE parties and I cannot imagine a thing I want to do less.
Iowa has become such a garbage state.
Iowa will not participate in a food assistance program for low-income families to help with child food costs while school is out “An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,” the governor said
Iowa won't participate in US food assistance program for kids this Iowa will not participate in a federal program that gives $40 per month to each child in a low-income family over the summer to help with food costs while school is out.
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Slouching towards Gilead, I see.
A police officer searched a classroom at a Massachusetts middle school for the novel “Gender Queer,” after receiving an anonymous complaint The ACLU says they cannot recall any instances of police going to a school to search for a book
The police officer who searched for a book in a Great Barrington classroom also used a body camera. The ACLU is looking further into why and how police thought it was their place to go looking for a book in a classroom.