
me for the last 5 years of my life no wonder i am so depressed
12 hour work days are goated when feeling like death is tbe vibe
I respect nurses. Honestly have no clue how you get through 12 hrs without walking out. My best friend is one and sometimes does 12 and half hours
I think I've done a 16 a few times. I almost fell asleep driving home the last time, so never again.
There was a Boston RN that ended up driving off the roof of the parking garage due to exhaustion. She is lucky to still be alive
"Hey, let's keep the hours that were only possible with serious cocaine use."
At least offer the cocaine if you want us to work that long!
My last job made us come to work as scheduled, even if we were on-call and spent the whole night at the hospital. It was completely unnecessary.
The work culture in US medicine makes more sense when you learn that residency was designed by a doc who was addicted to cocaine
I lived on the grounds of the hospital where I worked for most of my double-shift years. It was wild being young and essentially having no life outside the hospital
Noooot sustainable at the pace you guys work.
I get why provigil is so commonly prescribed to HCWs
The provigil+ambien cocktail they give to narcoleptics seems great
Still insane they have 24 hour call here for doctors.
I used to work a 16 every once in a while back when I was a security guard at an acute care hospital. Of course, the hospital was not open while being renovated, I was barely paid minimum wage, and I didn't care about my job, so it was more like an 8-4-4 where I took a quick nap in a patient room.
Back in the 90s when I was a baby consultant, we had a few week-long projects where we'd drive home to shower and change suits and come back to the office for about three days in a row. After the second day, a conference table made a surprisingly comy bed for a nap.
🫂 if welcome, casual head nod if not
I’ve been doing a lot of 12 hour work days lately and unfortunately that’s 5 days a week. No wonder I’m so damn tired
Yeah once my schedule reset to early in the morning I kept working till 5 or 6 pm then a couple weeks ago I thought WTF am I doing?
Seeing that is hitting hard. I've had to do 12 to 14 hrs a day for seven days a week. Or even more, depending on what is going on. Explains why I want to nap and cry so much at times, on top of everything. It's okay. At least I have my Pokémon plushies to keep me company.
That’s far too much Princess. I told my boss what I was doing and he said stop and log off earlier you’re going to get burned out. And I’ll tell you the same since it’s almost 3 am there and you should be asleep!! It takes plushies AND self discipline to set personal boundaries.
The time spent here helps
I'm just a simple country lawyer but that doesn't seem sustainable
I hear ya! Hospital nursing shifts are not for the faint of heart. I’m out in the community now, doing hospice nursing. Much better hours.
Even working alongside as a physician, I feel like 12s are so looong. 10s are perfect - 12s long enough that if you’re stuck late it’s sooo bad
Hopefully the next 5 won’t be anywhere near as bad
For me, after ten hours there's certain kinds of work my brain just won't let me do