
Sci-fi freak | Federal #420 🌱| #AuDHD late dx | Retired #elearning architect (IT) | Artist: currently doing one offs | she/her | Northern Az | atheist
Josephus Brown
Josephus Brown
A divorced dad from California raising two kids in Oklahoma in defiance of the rise of Republican fascism with his bisexual cowgirl girlfriend. Teacher, bartender, shiftless gadabout. He/Him.
Isabel Cooper
Isabel Cooper
Author of paranormal romance and romantic fantasy. Roleplayer. Occult dabbler. Feminist. She/her, pro-LGBTQIA+, pro-abortion, pro-sex, "work ethic" is a fake idea.

Anna Holmes
Anna Holmes
Author (The Ember of Elyssia Quartet, FORTUNE’S LOT, THE BRIDAL PARTY). Reader. Dice roller. Disability justice advocate. All around nerd. (She/they) ♿️🏳️‍🌈
Sky Blue RN
Sky Blue RN
Here from Post #Postie #ExPostie
Life is too short; be kind to one another
Welcoming 💙🌈🏳️‍⚧️♿💪✊🏾👩‍🎨🦮🌎
Rita Melinda Red
Rita Melinda Red
Nature Pics
Nature Pics
Always a blue voter! Cat mama. I was the girl who sat with the lonely kid in school. Champion for the underdog. #Biden/Harris2024 Get in good trouble . 🌊🌊🌈💙 #expostie
Mike Fragassi
Mike Fragassi
Chicagoan, stroke survivor, dev, moving further to the Left as I get older & more pissed off.

I probably repost too damn much.
And make too many typos.

@refrag on the Twitanic
@[email protected] but barely active
Great acts are made up of small deeds ☮️ 🌍 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🌊🗽📡🚀⚕️🎼
Ex-postie and escapee from Twitmo.
Supports gardeners, vets, and the sciences. Ret. Proud Union Rep. Crush the Pillars of Propaganda! Politics preferred but not required.
Baleful Tom
Baleful Tom
Just happy to be here
A sleepless political junkie looking for inner peace from a constant T̶w̶i̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ Bluesky refresh. YIMBY in the streets. Generally unable to fold fitted sheets. #DCStatehood !
HS sci teacher in CA Bay Area.

politics, mostly replies,
attempts at humor.
Dave's not here, man!
Dave's not here, man!
Laughter, snark and sarcasm because life without those is just too damn brutal. PacNW. Car guy. Infosec dork. I play devil's advocate to positions I agree with. 2020 election deniers are flat-Earthers.I said what I said.
Don't feel compelled to follow back
Save what we Love. Polyamorous and also married. Polyamorous dating is ALL about the calendars. I repost a lot. I like to amplify.
smarch sadness
smarch sadness
when they go low, we go lower.

any pronouns
Retired RN, husband retired silent service. Owned by 3 cats.
#ExPost . #Disability #MuscularDystrophy #LGBTQ+ ally, ally is a verb.
Chuck4Democracy 🦋
Chuck4Democracy 🦋
Retired former SPED teacher. The power of knowing our history.
Liza Mazel
Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats.

I also ramble currently on Daily Kos
I don't have a podcast. I often quip to cope. I Follow leash laws, you should too.
on most other places.
Jen Roth
Jen Roth
I'm so, so tired.
I’m a jackal. I love Jung’s psychology. I’m studying astrology. I have 2 amazing cats.
Jennifer Winch
Jennifer Winch
IT generalist, historian, medievalist, theater geek, dog parent, Bay Area lifer. Mask up & get your booster.
Paul Hudson
Paul Hudson
Critical Cupcake 🌈 ♿ ⚛️
Critical Cupcake 🌈 ♿ ⚛️
Science, Comedy, Left, LGBTQ+, Atheist, #Resistance
ChronicPain, PolyBiPan, Queer,
Anti-Religious-Harm + Bigotry,
Everyone is an idiot sometimes, esp. me ;)
Call me Mare
Call me Mare
Votes 💙, loves🐈‍⬛,2 adult daughters, writes Postcards to Voters, wife 53yrs, 🌈ally, h8 bullies, speak my mind, animal rescue helper, 2 past careers, Happily Retired. Safe haven here! #DemValues
Cynophilist (obsessed with dogs). Ex (retired) cybersecurity for THE data cloud platform. Nomad.
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Please, brothers, do not forget my family
It seems that Blue Sky blocked me again and I have nothing to do
Just you now
Can you please help me by donating or sharing this link for helping my family evacuate Gaza
Milwaukee Beagle
Milwaukee Beagle
We’re a new anticapitalist, antiauthoritarian publication fighting the bad guys and helping the good ones in Milwaukee, WI.
S.A. Smith 😎👍🏼
S.A. Smith 😎👍🏼
Here to laugh, learn, and discover the meaning of life.
It's possible, right?!? 😎👍🏼
Chicago Suburbs
Becky D
Becky D
Birds & cats & life in Maine. Public health nerd, she/they. Down by the water.

Banner: A gorgeous male Baltimore oriole perches on a shepherd's hook, leaning over to nibble at half an orange. PFP: Blonde me w/undercut & floppy bangs.