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A sleepless political junkie looking for inner peace from a constant T̶w̶i̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ Bluesky refresh. YIMBY in the streets. Generally unable to fold fitted sheets. #DCStatehood !
Sometimes union leaders are those rich people in the suburbs, who reveal how little they care about the material interests of the rank & file with their actions (and perhaps the rank & file do not realize it).
I haven't paid any attention to the RNC, so I didn't know that he was scheduled to speak. The fact that this happened at all really shows how much Dems have lost their core constituencies by catering to rich white people in the suburbs, who used to be the base of the Republican Party.
Trump-invited Teamsters leader savages big business in primetime RNC Teamsters president Sean O'Brien castigated big businesses and corporate lobby groups for "waging a war against American workers" and called for labor reform at the RNC of all places..
there is no good faith interpretation of the biden press conference that ends with him being unfit or infirm, and i think everyone should consider that, which is a fact, before anyone engages in any argument with anyone who suggests otherwise.
lol, headlines in october about how nominee harris’ terrible poll numbers show that the cowardly dems should have had courage
I am under no illusions that if Kamala is the nominee she wouldn’t get hammered by the press but it would also offer the opportunity to reset the narrative with a “country over party” message with the press corps falling in love with Joe Biden, the martyr
The Times continues to fluff Barrett. She voted for some of the worst Supreme Court decisions in history but The Times thinks she's the spunky white nationalist. Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Independent Streak Marked Supreme Court Term
Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Independent Streak Marked Supreme Court The junior member of the court’s six-justice conservative supermajority often questioned its approach and wrote important dissents joined by liberal justices.
Still, it is what it is, and the only thing that matters is we collectively put those fascists upside down in the trashcan where they belong, and only then put in the work towards an election that's, well, an election, and not Yet. Another. Fucking. "police state fascism? [yes/no]" referendum
IMPORTANT STUDY: “On average, the implementation of 30 km/h speed limits in European cities demonstrated a 23%, 37% & 38% reduction in road crashes, fatalities & injuries respectively. Lower speed limits also yielded environmental benefits.”
There are two nearly self-evident urbanism laws: -"homes cannot be affordable and a good investment" -"an area cannot both be walkable and have abundant surface parking"
American public transit will never compete with cars on convenience until we stop forcing every home and business to provide copious amounts of free parking, which spreads out destinations to the point that transit isn’t scalable and makes walking profoundly unpleasant.
people are so hyped on the idea that they’ve really lost sight of what they’re demanding: that they turn their own part’s highly successful president into a Nixon-esque disgrace. yeah, he’s probably not gonna go along with it! and what then?? Dem civil war? elect Trump to prove your point?
the generous interpretation of this recurring phenomenon is that journalism, or at least the editing side, is treated as a self-aggrandizing aristocratic hobby in which it is more important to appear clever and urbane than to inform the public. the less generous interpretation, well,
Honestly, what kind of bananas frame this story like this? Is shit serious or not, fucken freaks?
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
Look at the choices The Times made here to bolster its anti-Biden narrative and agenda. Even the photo, selected to make Biden's voters look morose when, I suspect, they're just waiting.
Many people are feeding this frenzy because they love the drama or think it makes good TV or have hated Biden as a neolib sellout for years or have some score to settle, and thus haven’t even ATTEMPTED to step back and understand the larger context, or next step.
Click on the graphic and imagine: Here is one way to evaluate the performance of candidates in tonight's debate. How often did they dip into the authoritarian playbook? Where and when did it happen? Sure beats the "spin room," that sorriest of media spaces.
The New York Times has chosen this particular 4th of July — less than a week after 6 unelected judges bindingly ruled that monarchy is great after all — to publish an editorial against voting. My first response is RAGE. But OK, let's do this: here's why they're so so wrong:
Opinion | Why I Don’t If casting a ballot is merely expressive, then the same is true of not casting one.
here’s the fucking enraging thing about this: this is not what the newspapers and the magazines of the world are telling you. it’s not even a partisan thing to call this out. objectively, a second trump term means we all live in a different country than any of us have ever lived in. but, biden old.
there is no fucking “after” if trump wins again. there is america as we know it now, and there is post-america. that’s the choice. you aren’t voting for president, you are voting for the country you have always known, or one you’ve never known.
there are fucking journalists who follow me here (for now) and, like, what are you fucking people doing, man, the sulzberger family hasn’t had their finger on the pulse of the american public since before the civil war, why are you letting them make you look like goodie proctor’s fan club
fucking grown ass men and women with better educations and better salaries than me letting AG sulzberger point at phantoms and make them scream and cry like schoolgirls, that guy’s a fourth generation failson, he doesn’t even know how to count change
Here's a stat to share with traffic engineers who claim there's no tradeoff btw vehicle speed and safety: In Wales, car insurance claims fell 20% following the introduction of 20 mph speed limits across urban areas.
Vehicle damage claims in Wales fall 20% since speed limit cut to 20mph, says Campaigners say lower speeds reduce casualties but scheme has since been amended to give people more choice to rescind limits
The Coastal Commission is one of those well-established elements of California planning that, when viewed from the outside, is obviously broken. Great report on how the Commission maintains the coast's exclusivity and makes the housing crisis worse:
A Better Coastal Commission - Circulate San Circulate San Diego is one of San Diego County's leading organizations dedicated to advancing mobility and making the region a better place to live, work, learn, and play.
The bank of the Seine in Paris. This used to be surrendered space for cars. For several years now it’s been a special place for people. All it took was leadership. Including fighting and winning a court battle when that leadership was challenged. HT @EmmanuelSPV for the great pic.
Did you see? The argument that courts should overrule the FDA's mifepristone decisions faced a skeptical Supreme Court on Tuesday. But, the Comstock Act is waiting in the wings. Tonight, from, at Law Dork.
Justices likely to keep medication abortion available on current The argument that courts should overrule the FDA's mifepristone decisions faced a skeptical Supreme Court. But, the Comstock Act waits in the wings.
Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are clearly eager to revive the Comstock Act as a nationwide ban on medication abortion—and maybe procedural abortion, too. That would subject abortion providers in all 50 states to prosecution and imprisonment. No congressional action needed.
A big fault line has opened up inside the OR GOP between two factions. The relatively more moderate faction believes the 2020 election was stolen, Covid was a hoax, GOP county chairs will be rounded up & arrested by the FBI any day now, & Dems are communists.
Down the Derp State Rabbit Hole with the Chair of the Marion County (OR) Cleon Skousen's conspiracy theories, Chinese commandos invading from Mexico, and other oldies but goodies from the right wing playbook
"No one I spoke to for this piece could name a recent sizable pedestrianization or traffic-reduction scheme that had been reversed once it had been given time to have an effect."
Architecture and engineering firm Mead & Hunt looked at the nearly 268,000 citations issued in the city from 164 cameras between January and June of last year. The deployment of cameras reduced the expected number of fatal and severe injury crashes by 15%
Baltimore speed cameras aren’t nabbing neighbors, new study Only 4% of drivers who received a citation live within a half mile of the camera that cited them, the report claims.
In August 1946, a year after WWII ended, the town of Viroqua, WI invited "hometown boy" & America's leading antisemite and white nationalist, "America First" fascist Gerald LK Smith, to give the keynote address at the town's centennial celebration. Here's how the Kickapoo Scout criticized the event.