
Exactly. These folks *do not think Biden is unfit*. They're just wishcasting.
Also, if one were taking the accusation Biden is unfit seriously, and one wanted to bypass Harris, pointing out that as Veep she's integral to the 26A process would be my move People aren't serious, they don't think he's unfit, and they want do a fantasy football swap
Seems wrong. I’ve seen some people who clearly earnestly believe he’s unfit
Yeah. Good Democrats have good faith concerns about Biden's capabilities right now. I say that as someone who thinks Biden is capable and we need to stay the course.
Yes, but I would say that he is building a small rise into Mt. Everest in his head.
It is very hard to describe a debate that by all evidence available has not moved the needle a single inch one way or the other an "unmitigated disaster" unless you are in the grip of a panic attack.
I think you can even say it was clearly bad! And Greg is definitely a good democrat! But yeah he’s panicking and I don’t think it’s justified. He tweeted something to the effect that Biden would have to run an essentially perfect campaign from here on and I don’t see why that’s necessarily true.
I mean obviously I hope Biden is perfect but his opponent is legitimately insane, so, a lot of things could happen. He’s going to be sentenced for 34 felonies soon!
great example of Murc’s law here he presupposes that Trump is so strong, it almost doesn’t matter what he does. the implication is that Biden is such an underdog that he needs “miracle on ice” level execution to beat the almost-mythical Trump, who will wriggle out of any jams he creates for himself
On the one hand, we absolutely should treat this election as a crisis and do everything we reasonably can, including getting other people to see the stakes, to beat trump. But, having what-ought-to-be-dem-voices-of-reason shit their pants publicly I think hurts more than it helps.
Yes there've been a lot of soiled undergarments and I think that's unseemly. I've got clean undies and think Biden should stay in the race, fwiw.
Same. It’s not like I’m not scared. I’m terrified! But people need to try to think rationally.
Did Biden have a bad debate? Did he impress or disappoint you given your prior expectations?
you realize you are doing the exact thing I talked about in my post, right? there’s another person in the race, and what he said on that stage will also play a part in the campaign. you’re viewing this through the lens of political hobbyist who has strong priors, not a swing voter, who does not.
to put it another way: the election is a choice between Biden and Trump. it is not a measure of Biden’s approval.* Biden “meeting expectations” is not the end-all-be-all. * Biden is facing his predecessor, which changes the standard “referendum on the incumbent” dynamic of 2nd term elections