Mrs G Kravitz

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Mrs G Kravitz

🇨🇦, retired, ex amateur golfer, wish I had a doxie, slightly snarky..❤️of gold…No DM’s
Just had the best laugh 🤣😂..reading a comment from a reader of Melania Trump’s letter to the US citizens - it said: to the shooter.. BE BETTER… 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣
Wow! Trump almost bit the big one. 20 yr old kid just wasn’t practised enough & is dead - as is an innocent MAGA person. (Security detail gets failing grade - how did they not see the shooter?). Was bound to happen. But Trump ain’t no Kennedy. Just another day in the Good Ole USA!
I don’t care what he looks like, or how he talks, or that he flubs his lines, because I’m not picking someone for an acting job. I care about what happens to people, and the environment, and the world when he’s in charge. I’m voting for what I want, not who I like. Ffs.
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I looked it up and it turns out there were zero book related deaths in 2023 and so far none in 2024 so, I don’t know, books may not be the problem.
Geezus… we were ALL told this way back in 2020.. sad that folks didn’t listen. I STILL wear a mask when in public. Haven’t had a cold or illness since 2017. WEAR A MASK PEOPLE! 😷😷😷😷😷
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
Back from having 14 days of NO TV or internet at home. It’s like Christmas seeing the 📺on.. not sure what to watch first! Apparently Joe Biden is too old to CONTINUE to be President?? WTF?
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Reposted byAvatar Mrs G Kravitz
For those not paying attention - we ALL are offspring of immigrants. The curse of the US “WAS” .. being too successful.. everybody wants in. I say “was” - Trump is making the US a cesspool.. if Trump gets in..the MAGA crowd will be shocked at how quickly Trump takes away ALL your rights.
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This is an excellent article if you or someone you know is concerned about, or has been recently diagnosed with, cancer. Take it from me, I’m a survivor! I’m also always available to answer any questions about this if it’s something you’re dealing with. My DMs are open, as the kids say. Gift link🎁
Perspective | Cancer deaths are down, so why does cancer scare us so much? Cancer fear is strong even as cancer deaths decline and therapies have gotten better.
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Trump & Biden both exhibit clear signs of conditions the voting public should be aware of, argues this psychiatrist and neuroscientist, who lays out an ethical case for discussing their ages and related signs of #dementia, #ADHD and other conditions.
The Biden-Trump Debate Spoke Loudly About Their Mental A diagnostic and ethical perspective on discussing the candidates’ age, dementia, ADHD, Parkinson’s and personality disorders.
Had to turn the “great debate” OFF‼️ Why has no-one called Trump on saying that the “abortion rules” allow them to KILL BABIES AFTER THEY ARE BORN??? This was a disaster for everyone involved. Biden choked.. Trump ranted (again). You folks in US are gonna have a big problem (still…).
Reposted byAvatar Mrs G Kravitz
Don’t pin the birth rate problem on the women Start respecting women and maybe more will have kids. Respect our decisions. And don’t punish the ones who don’t have kids. We’re spending our disposable income on random shit that helps the economy.
Exactly - education begins at home. Could even add “The Golden Rule” to this!
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I brushed my teeth last night, you're telling me I have to brush again? I got a tetanus shot as a kid, you're telling me I need a booster? I cultivated crops last year, and now you're saying I have to plant again? Yes, many things in life need regular maintenance. Including freedom and democracy.
My excitement for the day.. going to Costco while the entire city is at home watching Stanley Cup final. 🥅 🏒 I am hoping it looks like it did for game 6…
Reposted byAvatar Mrs G Kravitz
Why does this not surprise me… Alberta is 23% ‼️‼️‼️
Everyone should be masking in public.. stop the spread!
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Reposted byAvatar Mrs G Kravitz
Reposted byAvatar Mrs G Kravitz
"Truth tellers are the Achilles heel of collective denial. And so those who wear masks are ridiculed, scientists reporting on COVID-19 risks are cast as fearmongers, and those with long COVID are dismissed as having anxiety disorders." Fantastic piece on the tactics behind denial by sociologists.
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
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I have sleep headache after 10:32 min of sleep (prev night 0). Had all electrical switches upgraded & fancy new lighted ceiling fan installed. Now to wash floors as the guys “sock feet” all over. Happy girl tho…new stuff is always great!
Happy Father’s day.. to all the single mothers out there.. that had to be both to your kid(s). When there was no help from the father.. for whatever reason. Too the sacrifice that the single mothers have to make…day after day after day… 🩷🩷🩷