space boy

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space boy

Father, husband, aerospace engineer, spacesuit creator. Thinker of thoughts. Some guy who invented some thing. Progressive. Feminist. he/him/his #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #SayGay #Maine #SpaceSettlement #Space
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We will remember. Right now we are fighting for our democracy But we will not forget those who tried to sabotage it. #WeBackBidenHarris
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The Fourteen Words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." There it is. Do not look away. This is what the fight is all about. White men and their incessant need for power, control and hierarchy.
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Kirsten Miller: "In case you haven’t heard, the right wing Project 2025 types are coming for IVF, too. Until recently, I couldn’t figure that out. Don’t they want women to have more babies? Then a friend in healthcare explained it. It’s not about the babies..." 1/2
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It's Entirely up to Us.
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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Election 2024: Exposing Project 2025 What is Project 2025? A coalition of far-right organizations has a plan for the U.S. federal government if one of their allies returns to the Oval Office on January 20, 2025. #VoteBlue #LGBTQ (via )
Election 2024: Exposing Project 2025 | A presidential transition plan from the far-right the Heritage Foundation + 100 coalition partners, many of which are anti-LGBTQ or Christian nationalist.
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I took my frustration and spent far too long channeling it into a bit of a toolkit for folks that feel frustrated and hopeless, who don't know where to start when it comes to systems change. It's really kind of a braindump, I'd love any comments or feedback.
Rebuilding The Rebuilding The Village The Radical Act of Depending on Each Other I’m writing this as a response to the hurt I’m seeing people throw at each other right now. People are vacillating between despair an...
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The Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority didn't happen overnight. This is the inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that reshaped the American judiciary and legal system.
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
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Meet the 90+ yr old that funded Leo to the tune of $2 bil, Barre Seid, who shuffled a company around so that he & all parties involved avoided paying $400 mil in taxes. Old scrotal sacks like Seid & Harlan Crow, are fueling RWNJs to overthrow democracy by donating mils/bils of 💵. So much fuckery.
This should be read and shared over and over and far and wide. He is the wizard behind the curtain of the disgrace of the "supreme" court. It's all his fault.
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
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Here’s something we can do: We know that half of the people don’t vote. They need motivation. They don’t know what Project 2025 is. Study it a bit, and just start asking people if they have heard about it. No? Give a two minute summary and say, I am voting against it in Nov. are you registered yet?
So does this mean that Congress can now impeach a president who has left office?
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How to make America great again Tax The Rich AGAIN!
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Judd Legum: Sinclair still hasn't answered any of my questions but they are still VERY MAD that we exposed EXACTLY what they are doing. Sinclair is taking dishonest attacks about Biden's mental fitness and injecting them into dozens of local news broadcasts.
Statement from Sinclair - Sinclair,
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That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. It’s not “Vote Blue no Matter Who” because of the Sinenas, Manchin and Kennedys in sheep’s clothing. Become engaged and educated about the candidates you are voting for. There are many great websites like
Vote Smart | Facts For Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, in-depth information about current officials, candidates, issues, legislation, and voting. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988.
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Clarence Thomas noted that he should’ve disclosed free trips from billionaire donors. In 2023, he said he ‘inadvertently failed to realize’ real estate deals had to be disclosed. I repeat- the man who’s supposed to be interpreting the law says a basic form was too complex for him to fill out.
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My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.
I think some people are afraid of good news because they think it inevitably leads to complacency. like any hint of good must mean there is no need for Better. but…endless bad news doesn’t lead to Better either. it leads to exhaustion.
Please let this be the first domino.
What’s wrong with this picture? Profit-based healthcare is twice the cost and worse outcomes.
On this Memorial Day we remember… THe many thousands who died fighting for the very same rights that Leonard Leo is helping billionaires take away from us.
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Leonard Leo flies the "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside his home in Maine—from a neighbor who sent the photo to ProPublica (via reporter Andy Kroll)
End of feed.