
Worth thinking a little about how Biden has been harshly punished by the press for following the justice system and allowing his son Hunter to get indicted and Trump was rewarded for pardoning his cronies and shutting down the Mueller investigation by the press agreeing he was exonerated.
Ultimately the thing they care about is power and issuing a corrupt pardon means the part of the story where the President might lose some power is over and it becomes boring to them.
They also respect leaders who use power - even in massively corrupt or illegal ways - and despise weak or feckless leaders. That's why Mueller drip-dripping stories for months while Trump fumed was bad for his press coverage and firing him was good for his press coverage.
It's probably too late now, but if Biden had just issued a blanket pardon to Hunter a year ago, the story would be completely dead, his son wouldn't be going to jail and the press would be rolling their eyes at continued GOP investigations. Whoops!
Yup many elite members of the press and especially the corporate owners are directly rooting for the fascist takeover, both out of (misguided) self-interest and because they got to be elite journalists by prizing proximity to power, not by doing good reporting or telling the public the truth.
Correct, and also why Trump physically getting locked up in jail will actually be a gamechanger (if it ever happens.)
It's also that they rely on institutional actors to officially certify that questions like "Is the president a crook?" are in play, so when the president steamrolls those institutions, they have to assume the risk and responsibility for asking those questions themselves, which is not Objective
Honestly not a crazy thing for high-info voters to believe too
Also, low info, low social trust voters do t see Trump walking around freely and threatening people as “wow, Biden is really committed to due process and the presumption of innocence” they see “Trump must not have done anything too bad, otherwise Biden would have him jailed”
Also, low info, low social trust voters do t see Trump walking around freely and threatening people as “wow, Biden is really committed to due process and the presumption of innocence” they see “Trump must not have done anything too bad, otherwise Biden would have him jailed”
It would be funny if that secret service have to continue protecting him in jail thing is true and he just got Ceaudescu’ed the first night
people need to be more aware of the huse amount of chinese kleptomoney driving American MSM coverage of Biden.
Something I remember from the early Obama days was there was a wapo editorial about the secretive nature of the Obama admi and it was just about not talking to the White House press corps, which he did quite a bit, and then like one sentence mentioning increases in classification
You make an important point, but I think the press holds Democrats and Republicans to completely different standards, and they would be calling for Biden’s ouster until the end of time. See also: her emails.
A big part of that is that there would be voices from within the Democratic party also calling for his ouster if he did something so blatantly corrupt, and the rest of the party wouldn't immediately line up against them the way the GOP did against their own dissenting voices.
The GOP has hacked politics and the media by fully embracing alternative reality. As long as they all agree to play along with whatever proveable lie they're peddling this week, the media will call it even. Dems still operate under the assumption that facts and reality mean something.
I don't believe I agree. You're not factoring in the Law of IOKIYAR that the press rigorously follows.
What would have happened is that the GOP House would have impeached Biden. Oft course that would have died in the senate, but maybe maybe you would have ended up with the usual suspects sitting with republicans voting guilty. Would have been super bad for the 24 campaign.
Says a lot about conservatives that they don't understand "This guy's kid is a fuckup" is relatable
There is literally a guy at DOJ, handpicked by trump, whose whole job is “try to convict Hunter Biden for crimes.” Meanwhile Sam alito is writing official opinions explaining why his bribes are fine.
The American press has been wholly coopted by right wing businesses
Except the press would be scandalized by these actions if Biden did them. Because they are scared to death of not seeming “balanced”
Reminds me that Obama got more negative press for releasing West Wing visitor logs than Trump did for refusing to do so.
It was extremely stupid of him to think he would be rewarded for expediting that.
No one in the press thinks you’re talking about them
Yup. Biden and Dems are suckers.
I understand you're making a point about the press and I think it's a good point, but I know, out there somewhere, somebody is saying, "Good point. The Dems need to learn to play the same game as the GOP."
Re: The current pathetic stooges running major media (and SO in the tank for Trump2) should be re-assigned to maintenance work to Learn the value of beneficial labor. Current maintenance staff should be made upper management of said major media for when more drastic improvement.
The young adults at the Columbia Spectator and other student newspapers should run the major media and it’s improvement would be exponential.