
Orwellian situation where many of the "anti-semitic" protesters are Jews and the "pro-Israel" protesters are explicitly anti-semitic nazis and apocalytpic evangelical freaks
Sean Feucht, the COVID-spreading, singing hate-preacher and grifter who blows shofars / "battle trumpets" at his "worship protests" - will march at Columbia today at 6:30PM More on Feucht 👇
Any definition of antisemitism is utterly bankrupt if it doesn't include calling antizionist Jews non-Jews or un-Jews; comparing JVP to kapos; or using the term "self-hating Jew." These should all be consistently and loudly called out as antisemitic slurs.
Why? Black people are capable of internalizing racism. Women are capable of internalizing misogyny. Why wouldn't Jews be capable of internalizing antisemitism? Being part of a group doesn't magically make you immune from biases against that group.
I didn't say that Jews can't be antisemitic (indeed, many of the people I've heard say the slurs listed above are Jewish). Instead, I'm saying these slurs are ways of demeaning, discrediting, or otherwise refusing to fully address people's opinions because they are Jews, and thus is antisemitic.
... And not only to refuse to deal with what they are saying, but also to justify violence against them as we are now seeing on many campuses around the country.
I see. It's a bit of a semantic arabesque, but I get your meaning. Still. There are indeed such things as self-hating Jews. And, while, I would never, ever use the word kapo myself (I'm Jewish), it's hard not to feel profoundly betrayed by, for instance, Jewish people who justify Hamas.
I never met someone who hates themself simply because they are Jewish. I've met ppl with different visions of Jewishness and ppl who are ambivalent about Judaism. Alternately, I have seen many Jewish ppl pejoratively referred to as "self-hating Jews" by ppl who didn't like what they had to say
Because Jews being self hating is a trope. In the same way there are Asian people who suck at driving: It’s not to say it’s impossible, it’s just say that using those as insults or leaning on them as if they’re rampant is bigoted, because antizionism isn’t inherently antisemitic.
Not inherently. But that doesn't mean it never is. Over on the bird app, I just saw someone claiming that "Zionists don't deserve to live" isn't antisemitic. Essentially that means "Jews who agree with me about Israel can live. All others die."
At some point, we need to acknowledge that what's happening here is not all a function of a wholesome, democratic impulse.
You seem to have a somewhat pathological obsession with Jews who have differing opinions on Israel to you, so I’m raising an eyebrow at all of this “well I totally saw someone being antisemitic and they were Jewish” stuff. Like yes, captain obvious, we get Jews can be antisemitic.
Yes, I see plenty of antisemitism from people on social media. Those are not necessarily people who are there in good faith and for every ignorant collage student who thinks Hamas as “the resistance movement”, there is a bot there with the goal of normalizing this discourse. I get it. I really do.
internalized misogyny is still misogyny
Yes, and internalized antisemitism is still antisemitic.
My barber, whose worldview is wholly shaped by Fox News, et al., explained to me that the campus protesters were all "Nazis". As a Jew I think I have more informed sense of what qualifies as a Nazi, but I held my tongue – I never argue with someone who routinely holds a razor to my throat.
that person would no longer be getting my money
I totally understand this position. For my part I have always thought her in the thrall of propaganda rather than malign, and have not wanted to contribute to her bubble by taking my custom elsewhere. (But her anti-mask behavior during COVID was so irresponsible I stayed away for two years.)
She sounds like a bad person or at least someone who isn’t benefiting from having her bubble pierced by you…sitting there and avoiding controversial topics of conversation? Maybe she gives the best haircuts in town idk
Any money you give her is almost certainly being donated to causes you would find abhorrent. Just another thing to consider.
When you live in a county that voted 70% Trump, there aren't a lot of alternatives and you might as well stick with the one that gives a decent haircut.
At the end of the world, parallel lines intersect and meaning collapses.
Damn meteors look good but never deliver
There's even a few more layers of gaslighting mirror-world bullshit inversion
Interesting how they shield their anti-semetism with their christianity, while acting like their fighting anti-semetism as part of their effort to entrench christian supremecy, while claiming their christianity is under attack, while attacking everyone who is not aligned with their goals...
I was worried that the left antisemitism would be an easy way to discredit the protesters, but the right just can't help being the right can they?
That anyone presumes an iota of sincerity or good faith from these freakshow Christofascists is no end of crazy making.
Even Hitler had his collaborators, kapos and dupes.
Over here in Germany, it's exactly the other way around. Maybe even our nazis know their history better.
Someone please tell Josh Marshall.
Maybe religion was a mistake.