
literally literally how apartheid and jim crow worked
Texas’ GOP calls for an amendment to ensure Republicans always win statewide elections by requiring candidates to win a majority of counties. Texas has 254 counties. Half its population lives in just 7 of them. Trump won 232 of counties, but the 22 counties Biden won contain 58% of Texas residents
when you cant win on ideas, ideals, and policy.....
I keep being told these are the days America was great by these chuds.
People vote not land Any deviation from this is anti democratic
No, apartheid did not work this way
Apartheid's denial of franchise involved inventing fake "homelands", assigning black people to them, and then removing their SA citizenship, thus denying them the vote and the other rights of citizens
That’s what they do with black municipalities and will do with blue states
Lol, and they say that Democrats rig elections, I bet that they're doing this not just because they're power-hungry, but because deep down they're afraid to lose and they're willing to play dirty. That's just flat-out cowardice and so anti-democracy, the nerve....
I think Texas, while still red, is a lot lighter red than they're comfortable with. This would be a way to enforce that even if they continue having people come in to try to buy cheaper housing/get jobs at Tesla or whatever.
I have a better proposition, actually. Just give Texas back to México! 😂' 'Cause everyone fucked up!
Speaking as a Texas inhabitant who still harbors much love for Houston: Geopolitically you aren't wrong!!!
There's a reason why we call it "the invasion of the US" instead of "The Mexican-American War" 😂 But no hard feelings ( >_>) 🤣
Literally the natural extension of the electoral college