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He/him. My first name starts with the G in GIF and my last name starts with the G in GIF. My wife says I'm in my "hot dad" era.
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We now go LIVE to Francie for this update:
Stop trying to make spelling bee happen NYT games
The Ohio Department of unemployment just lies to people without a care in the world
Who here still thinks scotus has any legitimacy and should just, you know, be ignored
What’s the next opinion SCOTUS is going to read?
Who up scrollin they doom
Anybody created an appview in go? Just curious…
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heya @atproto.com is there a widget to get the current logged in user's DID, if one exists?
Fucking hell
sisyphus agreed to unlimited PTO because he was 'too skilled to join a union'
What if there were a board where folks with big ideas for bsky/atproto projects but may lack some of the skills to implement them could match up with folks who can implement but aren’t big idea people? Would that be interesting? I feel like it would be.
hey #atproto devs, i opened an issue on indigo to just ask a question, but ... i'm not sure that's the best way to do it? do y'all have a preferred method for asking questions?
Ellie’s full name is Elvira Mistress of the Bark but she’s often referred to as Fart Breath. Mouse is Diaper Baby because he refuses to not shit in the house. I would die and/or kill for either of them.
Y'know it's genuine love when someone talking about their pet is like "Look at this stinky bastard. This demon. Demon from hell ruining my actual life. PISS FACTORY"
If you see this, skeet a photo you took at sunset
If you see this, skeet a photo you took at sunset
lol this wiener is blocking people who are pointing out that his hypothesis is full of shit
Think of all the evidence we have about, say, Krispy Kreme donuts’ effects on health, and the government doesn’t say they need to disclose it. Tech is targeted because of its success, not because the products can be used in an unhealthy way. (Gift link) www.nytimes.com/2024/06/17/h...
Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Platformswww.nytimes.com Dr. Vivek Murthy said he would urge Congress to require a warning that social media use can harm teenagers’ mental health.
If I were going to challenge my political opponent to a test of cognitive function, I would make sure to get the name of the doctor who administered mine right. I guess I’m just built different.
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Let us celebrate father's day by remembering the time Ben Shapiro tried being manly by going to home depot and asking for one wood please
As first Father’s Day gifts go this is hard to beat
Trying to figure out how to work chemtrails into a feed generator naming scheme
#atproto devs, who here has done jwt verification in golang? i swear i'm doing things right but it keeps saying that the jwt i get from the createSession xrpc method has an invalid signature. wattttt doooooooooooo sob
@why.bsky.team maybe you can answer this bc of your demo-atp project ... thinking about writing my weather feed tool to store alerts as atp resources in a custom PDS. i understand how to create the records; does the PDS need to know about this record type? if not, can the PDS create a DB index...
hey @bnewbold.net @pfrazee.com @jaz.bsky.social et al, i had applied as a protocol developer a while back but it seems like i went to the black hole. any suggestions on getting my resume to stand out? i'm smrt, promise 😬
Getting fired less than a month after you start your job, as a bit.
Reposted byAvatar jgles
Kathy Hochul is Gretchen Whitmer's Wario.
Having my seventh banana of the day, as a bit
There’s only one useful thing he could do at this point but, sadly for all of us, with technology as we have it he can only do it once.
will someone please employ matt taibbi to do something productive
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Today is the day Donald Trump became precedent
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donald trump has been convicted of 34 felonies, which is actually the maximum amount of felonies a person can be convicted with at one time. search "donald trump rule 34" for more info