
The only time most Democrats show any craftiness or creativity is when they're asked to rationalize why not doing anything is the smart and savvy decision. Imagine if this mental energy shown by Psaki was used thinking up ways to embarrass Trump and keep the story in the news
On Thursday night, Jen Psaki gave the clearest explanation and defense of the Democrats’ light touch approach, which has people so alarmed. I understand why her MSNBC co-panelists were so flabbergasted.
That's hardly fair - they always have time and energy to shit on leftists and minorities
Their real job is to stop the left even if itmeans Republicans win
Frankly, this tepid response just reinforces the impression Biden gives of being too tired to fight. That and his slow motion raising his hand to cover his mouth when he coughs (just as bad as Trump's two-handed drink of water).
Biden ordered Dems and DNC to not say anything about this LAST JUNE lmao but it's not about Biden being old - he's been like this since fucking WATERAGE lol go back a find his quotes about how Nixon and Republicans are decent, honorable people
Biden orders DNC and reelect to remain silent about Trump’s Some allies see a missed opportunity by going quiet.
Voters who voted against Trump in 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023 didn't need Biden (or Democrates) to point out how bad Trump & Republicans were. Voters listen/learn/know because they are not dumb, deaf or blind. Anyone who thinks more should be done should get out there & do more! Everyone should!
You give voters far, far too much credit.
Or when they're asked to implement a new means testing framework
She was a press secretary. All press secretaries are PR flaks. They are definitionally soulless hacks and ghouls.
I think they're behaving like a campaign team that has rather good reason to believe that they are going to win the election. If you know ahead of time that this is a big disaster, it reads a lot worse. But we don't know. The Dems have won a lot of elections lately.
The truth of the matter is that Trump gives you about eight different ways to construct your case. The Democrats have a wealth of arguments to make, and they will make the ones they want to make that they think will work.
Better start fucking making them then
Dems shouldn’t sink to their level and politicize court rulings. That’s not how you gain voters or fix our deeply divided country. The GOP is just waiting for Dems to give them material:
Wow, it's so clever and savvy when Republicans succeed in getting journalists to inject pro-Trump propaganda into the discourse! It's even more impressive when the Trump campaign finds ways to use this to their advantage!