
On Thursday night, Jen Psaki gave the clearest explanation and defense of the Democrats’ light touch approach, which has people so alarmed. I understand why her MSNBC co-panelists were so flabbergasted.
If the current clamor for Dems to fight this information war, under these historic circumstances, doesn’t force the party into a more combative mode, it’s hard to imagine anything ever will.
You can’t say (accurately!) that your opponent is a threat to democracy and then run an off-the shelf wimpy milquetoast campaign. It’s completely incoherent and tells less checked in voters that you don’t actually believe what you are saying about said opponent.
Uni-parties can’t fight. Different wings same bird. Capitalism
You can hate capitalism without being completely immune to logic
That's bogus. Democrats used to know how to do this. Bill Clinton was way more center-right/neoliberal than Biden is now, but he was an effective campaigner who knew how to counterpunch against Republicans.
Bill did this and won. And then Gore and Kerry shied away from doing the same. Obama was so charismatic he could rise above it. Hillary simply didn't know how to do this properly at a national level. (Inexperienced candidate = bad idea). Joe knows to do this, but he needs the entire team.
The team is called capitalism and they are all players. It’s a game the leaves most of us out. 800 billionaires in the USA own almost everything. Voting won’t fix this mess.
are you going to firebomb a walmart or something?
You're so completely new at this that you don't seem to realise you're being annoying.
Hillary was hampered by bad rules that apply to female candidates: women who aggressively punch in politics get labeled as bitches/unlikeable/ball busters/etc The *deplorable* comment was dead fucking accurate and she got crucified for it.
I am like to use the original text
Tell that to the Democrats who are refusing to fight! Why do YOU think they always play with kid gloves? Why do YOU think they literally say "America needs a strong Republican party" in response to being called demonic traitors
Democratic party leadership openly sees itself as the left wing on the same bird and you get pissy when someone points that out! Obama said him and Mitch McConnell were both inside the 40 yard line! They are saying this to your face
You know what you are right Mitch McConnell and Obama are the same
You might want to reboot your education.
"Grow up" says someone clinging to fairy tales about what the Democratic Party is vs. the last forty years of their actions
Cry more baby. Just pathetic little children.
nah, the dems are pathetic for sure but they're all very old in leadership
one aspect of propaganda is the infantalization of opposing viewpoints put simply, portraying any opposing viewpoint to the party line as childlike or immature it's the same way toxic masculinity coaxes young boys into becoming vile, toxic adults by portraying anything outside that as childlike
At this point people don't care. They rather not have any values and do anything to retain comfort.
Easy answers for simple people. You'll go far.
When you can’t muster a simple factual rebuttal it shows as you try to attack the personal. I’m immune !
If the Democrats fought the right as hard as they fought to beat Bernie they’d never lose. The problem is they hate the left more than they hate the right. Because they lean right.
They didn't have to fight that hard to beat Bernie.
Nobody fought hard against Bernie. Please move on.
Both Dems and Republicans share exactly the same issue: they’re scared shitless of the violent 25% of the electorate. The Dems need to get over this right now
Trump's support level may be 25%. but you're buying into b.s. intimidation tactics if you think anywhere near 1 in 100 of them are actually violent. If he had 10s of millions of violent supporters, that would be quite something. But it's more like 10s of thousands.
That's exactly my point. They're a bunch of crybaby anonymous paper tiger bedwetters. They already have stopped showing up for the rallies
From the rallies pictures it's more like just 10s.
The media are already desperately spinning this as no big deal. Heard an NPR piece screeching at me that this doesn't matter because Biden can't talk to Ohio diner voters. That tired narrative will win if dems dont dig in and go for the jugular
You know when the media is gonna go from spin to transcribing altogether? If Trump wins. And if Dem reps and staffs don’t dig in and fight now, they’ll be digging trenches later
Plenty of over the top commentary but this really sets a new standard. Trump will be a convicted felon for the rest of the campaign as virtually every US voter knows. Most also know what they think of a shameless criminal running for president. They can learn more about how shameless he is, however.
wtf. Why do Dems act like the public can’t walk and chew gum at the same time or that a candidate can’t for that matter?
Trump goes on stage and rants for hours about judges and windmills and Obama and toilets and his supporters eat it up. Meanwhile Democrats think "I improved the economy and my opponent is a sociopathic felon who wants to burn the country down" is too much.
::wringing hands::What if moderate republicans who hate trump won’t vote for Biden?! 🙄
My whole Millennial lifetime establishment Dems have been bending over backwards to not offend the moderate right even though it DOESN'T WORK. That awful immigration bill proved they don't give a DAMN about their own constituents. I hate everything.
Yes! The West Wing TV show is basically all about how the Dems when they don't do that shit. Let Bartlet be Bartlet is always a winning strategy. Let's get Uncle Joe up there and see the polls.
Ugh right? That shouldn't be the target audience here. They should worry that the base won't show up cuz our leaders are milquetoast. And, ironically, the best way to get never trumpers to vote Dem is show how right they are for saying never Trump!
Voters will respond to "Give em Hell" if Dem pols could find the passion.
Sincere question: is there some mechanism for voters to reach campaigns directly? Like the WH or Congressional switchboards but for campaigns?
They have campaign office where a volunteer will answer
Great! How the hell do I find that? Their internet presence seems designed to not lead me there.
Contact your local county Democratic Party office.