mushi-san - 🐞🏳️‍⚧️ ✍️ 📚 💬

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mushi-san - 🐞🏳️‍⚧️ ✍️ 📚 💬

Redonda e vermelha com bolinhas pretas
Já fui subsubsubcelebridade da internet, nem isso sou mais. Mais conhecida pela curadoria dos RTs, escrevo histórias que ninguém lê (porque o mau-gosto impera :P)
Deus estava muito surtado quando resolveu desenhar a costa da noruega
Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
Tá bom, quem foi!?
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair
Can you imagine if the gunman was Black. How different this would be presented as. Turns out you can shot a former president and still get a victim narrative if you’re white.
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
dos motivos que mantenho distancia do threads (fora q já tenho zuka o suficiente na vida com o insta):
O início da terceira guerra mundial foi com a guerra civil brasileira iniciada quando a Nissin lançou o miojo sabor cuscuz com manteiga
-qual o CID? -Gomes
Determinado rapaz surtou durante uma festa, pegou uma retroescavadeira e destruiu vários carros que estavam estacionados na rua. Até agora estou processando isso.
Inclusive achei esse evento meio fraco em comparação ao do ano passado, mas me diverti muito!
Queria primeiramente agradecer ao inventor do fuso horário, que permitiu que eu jogasse Pokémon Go de 11-18h na Suécia e depois pudesse assistir ao curso da Sabrina de 13-18h no Brasil!
parabens para quem associou apocalipse 13:3 com ontem =p 3 Uma das cabeças da besta parecia ter sido golpeada de morte, mas essa ferida mortal foi curada. E toda a terra se maravilhou, seguindo a besta;
mas o esfaqueador era muito ruim também
Eu só vou acreditar nessa cena do Trump, se acharem uma cena igual nos Simpsons. É isso
Trump's friends are saying exactly what they plan to do. Please never vote for a Republican for any office. #TheseAreTheStakes
At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference ... Jack Posobiec, onstage with Trump ally Stephen Bannon, welcomed the crowd “to the end of democracy. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to ... replace it with [a cross]."
Pro-Trump Christian extremists use scripture to justify violent As Donald Trump is deemed a “spiritual warrior,” extremism researchers warn of the menace embedded in Christian nationalist rhetoric.
Mas com melhores efeitos especiais :P
The Last Starfighter was released 40 years ago today! "Careful! CAREFUL! That's Death Blossom, a weapon of last resort!" Art by Ron Cobb:
uma forma de aumentar a qualidade das suas redes sociais é simplesmente ignorando as mensagens de qualidade ruim.
Apologies for the radio silence of the last few days as I've been a busy bee occupied, among other things, with cookie-delivering scout girls being chased by chickens. Don't ask. 😅🐔
O GOLPE ERA UMA OBSESSÃO! Integrantes da ABIN "paralela" sabiam e conversavam no WhatsApp sobre a ansiedade para Bolsonaro assinar a minuta que concretizava o plano golpista. Que sejam todos devidamente punidos e que sirva de exemplo para quem queira atentar contra a democracia no futuro.
My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one