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Software artist, teacher, socialist (they/she)
I thought it was the media's job to report both sides? Why haven't we heard the bullet's point of view? There has to be a diner somewhere they can find violent political extremists to interview over coffee and pancakes.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I have often said that the worst quality about fascists like Mousilini and Hitler was their uncanny ability to dodge like Neo.
The gods love irony. 1. Create a champion with "chill" literally in his name 2. Give him no chill whatsoever
I prefer a president who doesn't get shot at.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Puberty blockers. Cass didn’t suggest a ban. Outgoing Con minister did it anyway (no parliamentary scrutiny). But *only for trans kids*. Wes Streeting intends to make the ban permanent. Since NHS England discontinued their use in 2020, 16 trans kids under NHS care have taken their own lives.
Some of the biggest Anti-Biden to KHive voters I have heard from are on the left. She's definitely got more Joementum than him at this point.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Well this is grim
Rulers are interested in justice to the exact proportion it is necessary to maintain their rule. If we want more justice we need to make the absence of justice more precarious for those in power.
Same set of suckers. This time they have a product that does something, but the resources required to do that thing at scale are fictional. Literally the same logistics as Crypto, but worse somehow.
"Legend of the Drunken Masturbator" is a bit of a stretch, but for a dildo factory that seems appropriate.
And how can they afford to maintain such a large staff? It sounds like everybody's working for The Weeknd
Reposted byAvatar Summer
trump is so awful that even people who have never voted democrat a day in their life want to vote against him and the democratic party has capitalized on this by running a man who can't even string three coherent sentences together. it's unbelievable. it's unbelievable!
"Tarrasque this ass" is crudely written on the sign I hold up as the monster destroys a city of 10,000.
Make ship go now
If you were a Starfleet captain what would your catchphrase ("engage", "hit it", "make it so" etc) be?
He was the first man to accrue a full dollar in material goods. The peasantry were right to do it.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
With these powers combined, I am: The Gayest Person You've Ever Met✨️
Reposted byAvatar Summer
What is an extrajudicial execution if not a state-initiated, extroverted suicide?
Reposted byAvatar Summer
There is no justifying felons being disenfranchised if it’s also okay for felons to run for president.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.
Every fricken time. It's like they train to misgender the trans patients.
Sinfest is my favorite trainwreck to check in on every few months.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
The refusal to prosecute and punish meaningful amounts of rape, sexual assault, or various other kinds of gendered violence means that women de facto inhabit a Hobbesian state of nature with regard to the men they encounter in private life and we have all decided this is fine and normal 🤪
“The truth is that the #MeToo movement did not end the impunity of rapists and abusers so much as highlight how entrenched and tenacious the social forces that create that impunity really are.” I wrote about the overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s conviction.
These are the terrible effects of Ceramorphosis that Baldur's Gate warned us about.
Good to know. I'm in one of them and I would rate this the best tax experience of my life. Done in 20 minutes tops.
There's free file this year. Total breeze, no corporate middle man.