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Software artist, teacher, socialist (they/she)
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Summer
trump is so awful that even people who have never voted democrat a day in their life want to vote against him and the democratic party has capitalized on this by running a man who can't even string three coherent sentences together. it's unbelievable. it's unbelievable!
Make ship go now
If you were a Starfleet captain what would your catchphrase ("engage", "hit it", "make it so" etc) be?
Reposted byAvatar Summer
lol it’s literally this
Boy. Estrogen sure is something
Reposted byAvatar Summer
With these powers combined, I am: The Gayest Person You've Ever Met✨️
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Reposted byAvatar Summer
There is no justifying felons being disenfranchised if it’s also okay for felons to run for president.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
The refusal to prosecute and punish meaningful amounts of rape, sexual assault, or various other kinds of gendered violence means that women de facto inhabit a Hobbesian state of nature with regard to the men they encounter in private life and we have all decided this is fine and normal 🤪
“The truth is that the #MeToo movement did not end the impunity of rapists and abusers so much as highlight how entrenched and tenacious the social forces that create that impunity really are.” I wrote about the overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s conviction.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
The fact that NYC has a Rat Czar implies the existence of a Ratsputin.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
"LGBTQIA" covers some of the most oppressed groups in America, such as: L - Lennys G - Gutteral brayers B - Buttzillas T - Terwilligers Q - Q-zone fillers I - Impson families A - A's that could have been B's so easily but you just got greedy
"LGBTQIA" covers some of the most oppressed groups in America, such as: L - Lovers of cannabis G - Gifted kids B - Bitter bitches T - Trekkers and Trekkies Q - Quark haters I - International Space Station aficionados A - Anime enjoyers
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Cool how if you want to install an ADA-mandated elevator inside a subway station you have to do years of community input and environmental reviews justifying it, but if you want to fill the same subway station with guys holding M16s doing constitutionally-dubious searches its just "i've got a hunch"
Reposted byAvatar Summer
It's been MONTHS since I went to the museum and I'm still thinking about this ancient lil bowl with feet. (Egypt, c.3700-3450 B.C)
Reposted byAvatar Summer
never saw anyone get obliterated by a poll reply before
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Nerds are the ones who warned you about cryptocurrency, and NFTs, and the internet of things. Nerds are the ones trying to explain to you that "AI" is just overhyped pattern recognition which we already had for years. Techbros are not nerds. They're predators.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Reposted byAvatar Summer
REPOST if you think Transgender Individuals should have the full legal authority to enact capital punishment on people who are a little bit mean to us
Reposted byAvatar Summer
1. owned 2. saying that 20 dead soldiers is the "deadliest attack since Oct. 7" unintentionally forces some very uncomfortable perspective on the "just defending themselves" narrative
Reposted byAvatar Summer
This is actually fascinating, if you look at the other posts of the accounts posting "I'm sorry, OpenAI won't let me do that" it's a whole ecosystem of chatbots just talking to each other about random stuff. No humans involved, just endless sludge
Who’s paying for all this? h/t
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Here to remind all my creator friends that letting suspender-snapping randos bait you about the way contemporary copyright law works is a waste of your one wild and precious life. You should be using that time to draw Steamboat Willie taking it up the ass
Transition stories in 12 words or fewer Forever, I thought people would hate me. I stopped worrying about that.
transition stories in 12 words or fewer I'm so bad at being a boy they cut my dick off
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Did it at 32. Hot and doing fine. Any argument you have for not transitioning—I’ll never be cute, I’m too old, etc—is facile and weak. It is only too late if you’re dead. It is only too late if you’re dead. It is only too late if you’re dead.
can’t stand the idea of posting a timeline but want to reiterate what people have said: you can transition whenever. I did it at 28. I know ppl who did it in their late 30s. I have a friend who did it in her 50s. don’t listen to a Twitter mean girl who says you’ll never pass unless you do it at 16
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Hydrothermal Vents
Reposted byAvatar Summer
We likely already have more than a 'thousands Mozarts,' but many lack the time or financial resources to express their talent, often working for minimum wage at disgusting companies like Amazon.
Reposted byAvatar Summer
Reposted byAvatar Summer