Nagging Coronet

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Nagging Coronet

Old guy, unrepentant liberal, angry at Repubs since Reagan. Indeed, more that I learn about Reagan's two terms, the angrier I get. There is a direct line from St. Ronnie the Senile to Drumpf.
Not the best source, but Keith Olberman says that the Lamestream media states that Joe B lost some support after the debate. But Convicted Felon DonDumbAss, due to his nonstop lies and racism, was not well received by his independents and lost TWICE AS MANY voters as Joe. Net gain, Joe.
Hmm. The could be a mantra. Hoping Convicted Felon Donnie Drumpf Goes to JAIL!? Vote! Vote for Joe in November! Must be Joe, not Mr. Brain worm. To make sure it sticks, Vote Blue all the way down ballot.
Professional journalism still dead. Apparently People magazine is still practicing it. But not at NYTimes or WaPo.
#ClimateChange I saw climate change in the late 90's in New England. First snow in late November, w/ Nor'easters Jan-Feb. Snow melting/melted by mid March. Then in 98 or 99, NE had what was dubbed the April Fools storm. I remember a New Year's Eve where it rained. 1st snow 99 on was Dec or Jan.
Hell, I thought our political discourse turned toxic during Obama 1. Now its normies wanting sane things versus people spewing ground up spent fuel rod poisons. (metaphor!) 10,000 years till safe radioactivity counts. Vast regions of the country uninhabitable. And Repubs want the wasteland.
You mean, Dems are saying, I deplore gun violence, but I'd make this one exception. Except, no luck. Oh well. Still voting blue in November.
Convicted Felon Donnie Dumpsterfire has dementia. Joe Biden has an aging brain. And controlling his stutter is getting harder for him. But give Joe a moment to compose his answer, and his brain goes into 4th gear and works just fine. Donnie puts his brain into 4th gear and he finds Hannibal Lecter.
Wow. I didn't think Ross Douchebag even had a penis.
They're using methods that aren't just cold calls to land line phones. The only people who answer those calls are conservative old school old folks, they may not even be registered. Some venues are trying harder for accuracy. Asking important questions. When did you last vote? Are you going to vote?
Lamestream media polls are mostly 100% BS. The key indicator of validity, is the phrase "Likely Voters." Asking some rabid librul hater on the street who he/she would vote for doesn't verify if they're even registered. Polls started asking that question, and who is on top changed radically.
Pro-Life, like all Republican slogans are just words. The actual policy is usually the exact opposite of the literal interpretation. Law&Order means oppression for PoC, white collar crime is ignored. Fiscal Conservatism means trillions for the rich. Pro-Life, in short, means murdering people.
Frankly, I think JD should go back to his VultureCapital hell hole. Economically rape and pillage vulnerable companies. He's a Republican, he's incapable of feeling empathy, or hell, doing the right thing. And I don't care what happens to him, but it won't be what he thinks.
Wow. Thank you Captain Obvious. What's your next great revelation, that the sky is blue? I'd think she would have gotten consensus from her fellow house democrats, before doing what she did. But she's not speaker anymore, so instead, stunningly bad optics for everyone.
Forgot the /s. It’s okay, I get it. Others might not.
The attached picture says it all to me. Still the same old superficial, deceitful loser. That silly oversized, bandage only for show for his gullible rubes and for a pathetic Lamestream media all too ready to accommodate him. How long before he goes back to attack mode? 48 hours? 72?
Pretty far. It’s what Lindsey Graham did. Amazing how quickly Republicans with principles will sell out everything they believe in, including their morality and ethics (dubious any have them, but still). Lindsey thought having access was power, but instead he got owned by convicted felon Drumpf.
He sure has Mikey. God obviously is a hard right extremist that believes women do not deserve the rights, privileges, & respect given to men. Such an enlightened view for a person of wealth & power to tell half his voters that he views them as nothing more than cattle in the 21st century.
That's my thought. Can't wait for the scandalous People magazine article. I was the nurse-practioner that put the band-aid on Convicted Felon Donnie Stinkypants non-bleeding ear.
Republicans have had no bottom since 2016. In their pursuit of being sleazebags for all buyers, they've shredded their political philosophy. Maybe that's it, we need an oligarch want to buy election integrity from them. That should throw a 1000lb monkey wrench into their political machine. Grr-clunk
Come election day. Either the polls will have me confident, or I'll be packing suitcases. Canada, maybe Norway. Norway... had a thing for fjords since watching Hitchhiker's Guide...
Agreed. But Dems campaign teams are always incompetent. Look at HRC. Not sure where she left off & idiots started. Barack was sharp as a tack, & he was always prepared. I'm sure it was his leadership that make his campaigns work. Biden 2020 took on an incumbent & beat him (or Dickless beat himself).
Nice thought. But Republicans have a common enemy. Its called Democracy (big D). They know they can't get elected with free and fair elections. First, its a thumb on the scale. Secondly, outright cheating. Finally, just do away with the constitution. Then they fight each other over scraps.
Old school conservatives believed in democracy. Tho Republicans cheated every chance they had since 1968. They believe in small government, by switching tactics & destroying regulations. They prioritized Law & Order for black people & ignored white collar crime. Guess sane means not loving fascism.
We're dems. Dems hate top-down leadership. It silences important voices of dissent. We learned from Mayor Daley's police "riot squads" violently suppressing anti-war protests was a very bad. Small voices from below can be wrong, as in Joe stepping down. Small voices can be right about democracy.
Old guy here. IMHO, Reagan could slap lipstick on the dirty pig policies of 80’s conservatives, so the GQP believed they were right about everything. Village Idiot Dubya arrived & Repubs wanted the 2nd coming of Reagan. But it was disaster after disaster. So they dug in. Our way or the highway.
Funny. Because if he wins, we won’t have democracy anymore, which is what America is. Curious, what do we think Convict Donnie will rename the nation? United States of Dumbfuckery?
It’s called gaslighting. #45 did it 99% of the time in term 1. He’s ramping up for the election and his court case defenses after November.
IMHO, eff no. SCOTUS, has shown the ability to make special carve outs of an arbitrary nature. Repubs will find a way to imprison millions, but protect the VP’s wife or some rando cabinet official. Just need to prove your raving fascism creds.
Black cats all have a bit of mischief in them. Have to admire his tenacity, and possibly the pleasure of tormenting a human just because he can.