
thing is there's actually good uses for it! Just one example: there are NGOs using AI to tabulate satellite data on elephant herds and this helps them ID and prevent poaching. There's another that is using similar sat data tabulation to track coral reef recession. The llm bros are cocking it all up
I have also grown convinced that our modern conception of AI is evil because, as I look back in history, I notice that a great many of the horrific events and practices of the modern world came about because of evil attempts to reduce humans to machines.
feels really weird because in a world where we hadn't let the dumbest people with wallets in the world co-opt the entire conversation I'd probably be arguing for a bunch of the actuall practical applications that do exist. But noo, we had to hand the mic to the most dead end clownwaffles out there
ChatGPT and Midjourney are shit. It that’s not what LLMs are designed for! My university is using them to do analysis on massive datasets. These are huge research projects that would take years to sort through, being analyzed in weeks. But they’re secure because they aren’t from the open web.
Well you say that but then one of the data points is bobby tables...
I’ve already seen a “this shows promise, but the data cleanup and error checking needed makes it useless now” paper in regards to using it in drug discovery. A lot of people are getting big grants and kicking the wheels of the tech right now. Hallucination is going to be AI’s “last mile” problem.
It's fucking infuriating isn't it
my literal first book was about how machines if they achieve true sentience should be given equal rights and they actually turned me into their enemy, incredible achievement
I work with and research civilian drone tech for a living and I think it's really cool that we have semi-autonomous flying robots and I still absolutely hate this shit!
Oh man that's what I've always said: sentient machines would be more like Norma Rae than Skynet
Feel like it’s bad that a literal apocalypse cult managed to get its hands on the controls of a major world industry.
Considering fascism’s track record, that’s just literal truth.
We had the same thing with the dot com bubble. Didn't stop the utility of the internet. LLMs are great tools with a lot of applications. They're still rough around the edges for some broader uses with extensive always on integration though.
Yes, I've heard it's great for programmers. I don't know why they gave the AI idea to the same folks that gave us NFTs and cryptocurrency, who all seem to be furious that they can't fucking draw.
It's terrible for programming in my limited experience so far. I had to turn off the annoying second-guessing "assistant" in my IDE. I was wasting time discarding its suggestions.
I believe people who say it's sometimes adequate for their particular uses in programming, but I wouldn't let that crap near my code.
I do think it's very specific, and moreover unnecessary. Like it helps but doesn't revolutionize the process. I truly think C Suite bozos got bamboozled en masse and are just trying to not seem stupid.
They got told it was a cheap and obedient human replacement and that pleased people mad that labor is having a moment
It’s fine for programmers. Everyone realizes their limits when they think about applying them to their own field.
"It's fine for programmers" no it's not: people have done studies on it and it makes people write sloppy and hard to maintain code
Yeah these tools are not helping anyone to write really good code. The thing is writing good code is already so devalued a skill I'm not sure how perceptible the difference would be in a lot of fields. Which is really part of the problem.
Yeah, “by tokenizing 100,000,000 examples of code written by humans, I can offer this code as a statistically likely solution to your query” is not a sound approach to coding.
Yes you should not take the code and run it blindly. It can be helpful autocompleting test cases, comments, things of that nature.
It sounds bad enough already but it can only get more ridiculous once a substantial amount of the code isn't even written by humans any more. Sucks all the joy out of the work too but I guess the people pushing for this either don't enjoy programming or have no skills to take pride in...
Yeah the impact on open-source projects allowing anyone to contribute must have been disastrous. AI code generation just emboldens people to contribute above their level of ability. More skilled programmers would be out there making better, more judicious use of the tools.
The good uses of AI were being used before crypto and NFTs. The latest LLM craze is the weird one nobody likes. Though they can be helpful for programming, probably their best use right now.
It’s not. I have literally zero use cases for AI in my job (business dev). It would actively make things worse.
A big problem is the term "AI" covers a large number of things that don't always have much in common, other than being called "AI".
If we went back to calling things machine learning or neural nets or whatever it would be a lot better than labeling everything as AI.
Machine learning has definitely proven really useful for IDing critters in photos for conservation and a bunch of related purposes. Different technology than LLMs or diffusion networks that have lately been lumped in with ML under the heading of AI.
Not so good at identifying mushrooms for eating though!
Yeah, but for IDing a specific whale from a flipper posted on Instagram from around the world, surprisingly good.
And it's even more annoying because every other use normal people see are "we put a chatbot on the website and fired 1000 people" and "tech company spies on you"
It's just a tool. Tools are good when in service of men and diabolical when men are in service of them. And stupid when used how they weren't meant by people who don't understand them
As someone who was using clunky ol' AI techniques for image classification 20 years ago, seeing that kind of thing conflated with LLMs and "makin' plausible stuff up" engines is weird.
Even the generative use of LLMs is weird. I was using natural language processing roughly 15 years ago for sentiment analysis. LLMs are basically the next step of natural language processing, and probably would have been great for speeding up my work, but I never called what I did 'AI'.
Yeah as a long-time AI enjoyer it's rough out there these days, thanks to these grifters I feel like I'm screaming, "NOT ALL AI!!!" on a constant loop. Mind you I felt for years that machine learning was already filled with these types overstating the 'intelligence' of what they were achieving.
A group used it to Sequence DNA, then had Borderlands players check it's math in a minigame
Pattern recognition software (which is not what "AI" is) may help with these kinds of things. But if anyone is using AI to tabulate data on herds or tracking coral reef recession, their software is probably giving them BS answers and they just don't know it yet.
Setting LLM garbage aside, I expect that some nice medical applications will be developed, say around radiology, and instead of being used to make care more reliable by augmenting human workers, it will be used to reduce professionals to machine operators with lots of human tragedy.
Them and all the idiots using it for HR and recruitment tools.
The problem is the idiots with gobs of cash can't make more gobs of cash from just those uses.
Worked all my life in IT and don't get what AI helps with this any more than data gathering and analysis ?
It can scrape Stack Overflow and make it even easier to throw together a bunch of code you don’t understand to produce an insecure application that won’t scale and get paid for it. Like it was with php but with less effort.