
Geoff Allen
Geoff Allen
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Utah Tech University; electoral systems, party politics, representation
Phoenix Suns fan
Lifelong liberal, eclectic creative, eternally optimistic realist, avid reader, movie lover.
Nicholas Torres
Nicholas Torres
Brooklyn dad paying the bills as an audio engineer for podcasts, formerly TV. Got an audio q? Hmu
Christian Fahrenbach
Christian Fahrenbach
German Journalist in NYC.
Dad. Partner. Small Business Co-Founder. Teacher. Electrifying.
Parent, veteran public high school sociology & history #teacher, #socialist, #unionist, lover of all things #cycling, video games and #discgolf. No war but class war. Pro-worker, eat the rich and redistribute their wealth.
Luanne Platter
Luanne Platter
Commoner living in Austin TX. She/her
Karam Anwar 🍉
Karam Anwar 🍉
Programmer but living in Gaza🤷 🇵🇸🍉

instagram :
Threads :
Telegram link:
Beatrice egli offiziell
Beatrice egli offiziell
Artist,song-writter,love reading and dance
Jonny H
Jonny H
BLM | LGBTQ+ Ally | Pro-Human Rights | Pro-Science | Love is Love | F the Patriarchy | F Labor Exploitation | Pro-Palestine (Anti-Genocide) | Proud Girl-Dad

I am comprised chiefly of carbon and water.
Conspirador Norteño
Conspirador Norteño
Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion.

Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.
Reader. English professor. Follow books, film, foreign affairs/history, baseball, and soccer (Everton). Partial to hounds.
The Republic Is Ours To Save
The Republic Is Ours To Save
I have occasionally angered famous men. Author, PHALLACY+THE TAILORED BRAIN. Journalist, words at SciAm+++. Frequent gremlin. Biologist of embryos, gonads, genitalia. Educator. She/her/y’all. V Texan 🤠
Allen Tien, MD, MHS
Allen Tien, MD, MHS
web technology, k12 student mental health, prevention of suicidality harms and deaths, behavioral health integration, general semantics, energy network science, health sciences informatics, 地球
Art I post from Willie Kohler or Alyssa Hinton Cape Breton
Steve King
Steve King
Politics Editor, Under The Radar Magazine

"Least factual, most accurate"

#ExPostie #ExPost
Oikeudenmukaisuus, tasa-arvo, demokratia, sivistys ja myötätunto.
Robin Leander
Robin Leander
Trønder med base i Groruddalen
Alan Rides Bikes
Alan Rides Bikes
Immunologist at Colorado State University, family man, loves the outdoors. Bike rider, storm & train chaser. My opinions are Mine.
Chrstphr Grdn
Chrstphr Grdn
partner • writer • title abstractor • night owl • he/him

cs: fregean & performative semantics, analytic juris • property law, civil rights, equal protection • cognition, episteme, ontology; parmenides, plato, aristotle

Dr. Katharine Dickson
Dr. Katharine Dickson
Postdoc @ Hess Lab @ UC Davis. Taking methane out of cow burps with microbiome engineering at the bench and poking at ag climate policy away from it. Not a friend to the fatalists. 私は日本語が下手です。Opinions my own. Bluesky’s first Anaerobic Fungi Guru. She/her.
David Clooney
David Clooney
RT's mean I RTFA
Christian 🛐 Independent Contractor 👨‍🔧 Lover of Dogs 🐕 spread the Gospel
Paul G. Lewis
Paul G. Lewis
Urban politics & public policy researcher. Employed by, but do not in any way speak for, A large State University. 1st-gen college grad. New over here.
Ricardo Flor
Ricardo Flor
SDV todo mundo
Advo-não-gado de esquerda
Listas de SDV de esquerda e de bloqueio de bosonarentos
As listas não tem duplicidades

A vantagem de não sermos políticos ou vendedores é que não precisamos convencer ninguém.
Colin Gilroy McGuire
Colin Gilroy McGuire
Kittery Maine
Network Engineer
Dog Lover
Progressive Political Junkie
Annie Abrams
Annie Abrams
NYC public school English teacher; NYU American lit PhD; author of Shortchanged: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students (JHUP 2023); currently thinking about the high school canon
Lugard Willam
Lugard Willam
God first 🙏
Animal lover 🐕
I love honest people I'm a kind and loving father of one beautiful daughter 🥰
Love for everyone
It's pay to be good..
Welcome to my page you are blessed..🙏💝
Why does this look like a face?
Why does this look like a face?
Pictures of things that are recognizable as other objects .Just for an example a picture of clouds seems to look like a dragon or Lion etc.
jon crunktian
jon crunktian
Editor and senior dish washer at Futurism, pinball enthusiast, lover of weird stuff, as previously seen in the Boston Globe, Vice, Slate etc. Please DM with tips and/or memes
Ian Anson
Ian Anson
Dad, husband, author, podcaster, political scientist at umbc, baltimore enthusiast
Warren Throckmorton
Warren Throckmorton
Co-author with Michael Coulter of Getting Jefferson Right. The second edition is here. Also check out the podcast series, Telling Jefferson Lies
I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person.
Eric Booth
Eric Booth
Hydroecologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Interactions between water, land, climate, humans. Views shared here are my own.
Lorin Rudin-Rush
Lorin Rudin-Rush
There’s no evidence that I am not a cat.

All views are my own, likes and re-posts do not imply endorsements.

Maybe a student, living in Wisconsin, maybe a cat with few teeth.
Edmund Edgar
Edmund Edgar
Free software developer. Live in Mashiko, Japan. Mainly skeet about goats.

Normal account is, this one is for tinkering with a self-hosted PDS on an old domain I had lying around
Foghorn Leghorn 🇺🇸
Foghorn Leghorn 🇺🇸
Economics major, civil servant, center-left, Irish-American, amateur history buff.
Amy Cooter, Ph.D.
Amy Cooter, Ph.D.
Militia expert. Sociologist. Director of Research, Academic Development, and Innovation at CTEC at Middlebury she/her

Nostalgia, Nationalism & the US Militia Movement:
Originally from a beautiful city, Como, Italy, I have pure Italian blood and came to the US in 2019 as a single person.