Ned H.

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Ned H.

Chemist, Maker, Husband, Freemason, Dad, Geek, Nerd, Dog Dad, Am. Photographer, Stalker of Butterflies, 🏳️‍🌈Ally, :-) Coastal NC
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Some beauties from a recent Moth Night. The variety is always amazing. The last two moths are a Pandorus Sphinx and Small-eyed Sphinx. Those patterns! They just suck you in. MOTHS. I love moths.
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THIS is the ENERGY - right here. ↘️🔥
Absolutely stunning. That's a *comet*.
If you haven't seen before it's worth a follow. Always great info graphics about the Chemistry of things. #Chemsky
It’s #NationalTequilaDay! Here’s a graphic that looks at the different types of tequila and their flavour chemistry:
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Okay, I've confirmed I'm off the hook for media inquiries, so thread begins! has already written a lovely explainer on what a hydrothermal explosion is and what this means for Yellowstone the volcano (spoiler alert: nothing!). Go read that; it's great! ⚒️ 2/
Large Steam Explosion Rocks Biscuit Basin at Yellowstone (but Don't Panic!) Steam explosions are one of the biggest potential hazards at Yellowstone Caldera. Today, one of the largest explosions in years hit the Park.
Shits going down at the pond! Godzilla vs Mothra! 🦎🦋 #lizard #pond #dragonfly.
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I try not to comment on American politics but I feel like the vibe from my left-leaning friends seems to be, "We're gonna put together the best last-minute talent show and raise enough money to save the community centre!" lately
What is this incredibly bizarre overwhelming unfamiliar feeling is it....hope??
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An unusually large eruption just occurred at a geyser in Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone NP. A video can be found at: 🧪⚒️
I do miss chem twitter so I'm glad to find @chemscrapes on here. #harris2024
Please except this very smol pine barren tree frog, I just found by the pond, as a nightly timeline cleanse. 🐸 #Frogs
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PSA: I know its become a sort of rallying meme but trust me white folks, you do not want to be asking your desi friends/colleagues "are you team coconut" just had someone try that and the results were... not good. Just don't. It won't end well.
I get that the coconut tree thing is kinda funny and super innocent in origin but considering that coconut is literally what we call the desi version of an uncle tom and that she is literally half indian I just can't do it lol y'all gonna have to carry this meme without me
I know there’s lots of stuff going down right now, but take a breath and enjoy my dog Ellie nooshing on a new chew hoof. 🐾🦴😁 #dogs
Morning jam recommendation from the Spotify algorithm. Good jam if you enjoy swing.
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“For the Vibe is changing. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.”* Treebeard, The Return Of The King
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Well just had a pretty awesome exp. Old guy down at the end of the street has a yard chalk board where he posts messages each day. He just changed it. Stopped to take a picture and 6 peeps from the area also stopped. We had the most delightful convo about supporting Harris. ✊ #HarrisforPresident
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"Humble pie" is one of those weird etymological coincidences. It started as "umble pie" from a French term for "deer innards", which were the filling in the pie. 'Humble' is from Latin humilis ("lowly" as in 'humus' = "dirt"). Someone who ate 'umble pie' was probably poor & hence 'humble'.
Full agree. This is all so F-ing stupid. I just can’t even…(sigh). We definitely live in the dumbest timeline.
"Let's do the thing, we can work out the details later" is not a plan for how to do the thing.
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People say scientists are serious but marine biologists will spend hours quietly sitting around tables drawing on styrofoam cups and then tying said cups to deep sea submarines Because ocean pressure will squeeze the air from the cups And we are but human & we want tiny cup
I still remember having to work on my company’s Y2K compliance certification.
it’s exhausting to have to point this out every time the Y2K bug is brought up, but hey: it didn’t do as much damage as was feared because *lots of people worked very hard to raise awareness, prepare, and fix it*
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Antennae galaxies, viewed from JWST's NIRCam. 🔭 🧪
If I was into conspiracy theories I would say the CrowdStrike mess was engineered to distract from that unhinged gibberish acceptance speech last night. 🤪
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Tried something new - making a miniature in a little dome! I made this one as a gift - featuring a black cat sitting on a couple of books, with a hanging plant! It is the first miniature plant I've made, and the first time I've made books out of clay. 🧶
This thread is very much channeling all my thoughts and fears about the Dem nomination.
1/ Thread on Democratic Presidential nomination. A. If Joe Biden chooses to stay in the race, there is literally nothing that anyone can do to force him out. He would be the nominee. B. I do not know how Biden would fare as the nominee. C. I believe that it is vital to the survival of the . . .
If you are still engaging on former twitter then you are supporting this.
Elon Musk has rapidly turned Twitter into a pro-Trump campaign engine. - Icon of Trump after his assassination attempt on the MAGA hashtag (hat tip to - Unremovable Trump 2024 hashtag at the top of the trending topics list - Unremovable Trump campaign ads on the Explore tab
This is me. 🦋😄
It is important, when you see a butterfly in the park, to run after that butterfly, because we all die, and you never know how many butterflies you’re gonna see.
Next door neighbors cat Pablo napping under a bush. His eyes are fixed on My dog Ellie. 👀 #cat