Ned Potter

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Ned Potter

Right then, this is the one. I'm all in.

I want to talk with you about libraries, Higher Ed, communications, and LIFE.
Hey this is a PSA for all two-monitors users out there. If you put the Zoom / Teams meeting on the same screen your webcam is attached to, you're looking at us rather than past us. We appreciate this. It just helps bridge that gap to make online conversations and meeting feel more human.
There are more 25-34 year olds on TikTok than there are on Twitter. Don't fall into the trap of thinking TikTok = just young people... What this means and why it matters to marketing libraries (and archives, museums, galleries) in this NEW blog post, here >>>
The Ideas About Communication A blog about edtech, scholarly comms, social media, presentation skills, and marketing.
I am here for the incongruousness of the #aln24 setting, what a pic! 😄
Kortext sponsor talk at #aln24 now, about to brave some live demos :)
Reposted byAvatar Ned Potter
I’m currently on 17/50 people in this UK library related starter pack. I’d like to have a bigger overview of accounts before I start promoting it to potential new BlueSky users. Would anyone else who works in UK library and information related jobs like to be included on it?
I’m interested in starter packs, helping new people get started on BlueSky & helping us all become more connected with people we’re looking for/don’t know to look for. But I’m wary of adding people without permission. I’m going to start one for UK librarians. Please say if you’d like me to add you 📚
I would love your recommendations for Irish public libraries who do social media well, Bluesky! Let me know who you like, can be any platform. Thank you...
If you're trying to spend up your training budget before the end of July, I have *one* available workshop session to slot into that time frame! It can be online or in person; list of possible subjects is here: Focus is on marketing, social media, & presentation skills.
Training from Ned One-day workshops for non-profits: on library marketing, emerging technologies, presentation skills and social media
Thanks for sharing this, it is A++++. I keep print-screening quotes to share as part of this post, then seeing them superseded by even better quotes, then it happens again, so all in all I'd say just read the whole thing.
“I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity” > This isn't a recipe for disaster, it's a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe. Today’s must-read
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again —
Enjoying the Make a Movie Milder thing. Feels like an early-Twitter-before-it-all-went-bad vibe. Here's what I have, ready? Donnie Dusko Shaun of the ill / Warm Fuzz Portrait of a Woman Near A Fire But There's A Sturdy And Reliable Fire Guard Up And She's Completely Safe, Just Enjoying It Really
How's everyone doing on here then? As someone who has left X behind, I'm interested to know if the people still there are still finding value from it, and are focused there more than here? (Or somewhere else entirely...)
For info, if you're an Insta user and getting that message about meta planning new AI features: - it's a clickable notification - it gives you a chance to object - I objected and said I didn't give consent for it to use my info - I got a near immediate email confirming the objection was honoured
19 years ago today! Us leading the party from wedding venue to the reception venue, along the beach at Brighton. Alice looking so beautiful, wearing a beautiful Audrey Hepburn dress we’d had made; me wearing a terrible suit. Great times.
Went to see Everything Everything, my absolute favourite band, in Leeds last night. Took not just the kids but the PARENTS too 😮 3 generations with a 69 year span between the oldest and youngest member of the party... It was absolutely brilliant.
The peer-review process is - hear me out - flawed
Another Elsevier paper with obvious AI-written text. “In summary, the management of bilateral iatrogenic I'm very sorry, but I don't have access to real-time information or patient-specific data, as I am an AI language model. “
This pic sums up Saturday night. Playing music with friends, to a dancing audience (about half of whom were friends or family) is just pure joy, loved it
Hey people help stop this happening here too by CURATING your experience... It's okay to unfollow people if the outrage they're finding elsewhere and screenshotting / bringing here is impacting your well-being. Don't engage trolls, don't repost inflammatory nonsense. We can do this!
Twitter use predicts a substantial, immediate (30 minute) decline in reported well-being, and an increase in outrage, polarization, and sense of belonging. Now we need parallel research on other microblogging platforms. I'd be surprised if the effect were vastly different. #CSSky
Twitter (X) use predicts substantial changes in well-being, polarization, sense of belonging, and outrage - Communications Data obtained from a 7-day experience sampling method in a sample of US American users of Twitter (now X) shows short term relationships between Twitter use and wellbeing, sense of belonging, and expe...
Hello bluesky. Do you know of any good online interactive info lit / digital lit tutorials at your institutions? 📚 The kinds of things you might make with Xerte (doesn't have to be in Xerte though, my quest for examples if platform-agnostic)...
I'm doing an all-day marketing workshop ON-SITE at a library this week. 😮 I feel pretty giddy with excitement about the in-personness of it all; last time I did an in-house all-dayer like this was in Norway for University of Oslo in early 2020, little knowing that different times were imminent...
Reposted byAvatar Ned Potter
Booking is now open for the 2024 User Experience in Libraries conference in Cambridge. Our keynote and plenary speakers have been announced. Book your place and find out more at: #uxlibs #userexperience #libraries #uxdesign #uxresearch #libraryUX
Reposted byAvatar Ned Potter
Why isn’t AI doing the tedious shit for creative people instead of doing the creative shit for tedious people
This week is the first time since changing job in December that I've felt like I've had space to do some proper strategic planning for the year, and work out what the priorities are. (Up till now it's been a whirlwind of meeting people and setting stuff up.) And if feels so goooooood.
Reposted byAvatar Ned Potter
Bluesky is officially “open” now (no more invites). So just a reminder to not engage with trolls and bad actors, there is no algorithm here to promote or spread them, replying to them is what puts them on everybody’s timelines. So block and give no oxygen.
Alice just said to one of the cats, Schnoops, 'what do you know of puddles?' And I said, that sounds like something you'd hear requested on Poetry Please, and then I wrote this down from my head where Ian McMillan was saying it out loud in real time 😄
Just added another library to the Big Bluesky List of Libraries and Archives Trying This Site Out: As always if I've missed any please tell me who they are and I'll add to it. 📚
Libraries and Archives on Bluesky
Examples of institutions and orgs (rather than Librarians and Archivists posting to personal accounts) making Bluesky work!
This is just a cat account now
Had a LOVELY old time catching up with childhood friends and seeing the reformed Research at the Brud on Sunday. I hope they keep gigging now, they were great. Out on a Sunday night like a young person
It’s great how we all left Twitter, to get away from it, and now people on here screenshot all the bleak things that happen there, and post them here.
Avatar are we carrying it on on Bluesky? If so I have one for u #NoYUletide
Every year we do this Tree Of Wishes thing in the library where students and staff buy requested presents for local charities, and every year I get properly moved by how generous people are in a cost of living crisis - literally hundreds of gifts every time 📚