
Why isn’t AI doing the tedious shit for creative people instead of doing the creative shit for tedious people
AI fill out my vendor registration form at universities I’m speaking at, and do my reimbursement
Also AI would actually be good at this, unlike art
The current generation of generative ai would be pretty bad at this imo. It would require something that can think and reason instead of something that scrapes data and finds patterns
Idk I feel like it could look at my uploaded receipts and figure out what categories they are and shit
That's what it ought to be able to do. But with the current statevof AI, it's more likely to assume your Cumberland Farms recipe is for fresh produce than for gasoline...
So, AI is worse than the bookkeeping software I pay $8/month for?
AI'd be good at filling formatted forms that expect you to put certain information that is known by it into locations asked for by the form. P1 scrape page for information, P2 identify what the page wants. P3 pull from known micro-database of your personal info and place where needed.
There are AIs that do this kind of thing - they just aren't the generative kind.
Flawless question. The answer of course is overpaid executive assholes are vampire junkie predators. Change my mind motherfuckers.
Wow a month gone and no one has even attempted to tell me different. Ok losers. Challenge accepted and won.
That's the cause of so many problems that bringing it up is basically cheating!
Because the wrong class is in charge.
I want an AI search engine for stock sites. Let me put in some specific keywords and have the AI locate the closest images for it. Even better if it scanned multiple image stock websites. It would save SO much time looking for reference images! Instead AI makes finding references harder.
This! This is what AI could be used for. Or, there was a small group of models (jookpub, adorkastock, etc) who were wanting to make a site they fed *their own reference photos into* and it could generate a unique pose reference based on those materials. i wonder if they finished it...
just remember that democratizing creativity just means every fuckin idiot gets to show their mickey mouse in power armor storms new york movie and proclaim it a work of genius
There is, it just doesn't get headlines because "this piece of software automates some annoying manual preparation steps to save time and money that can be spent on the interesting bits" isn't nearly as exciting/buzzwordy/investor-attention-grabbing.
This is the way it should be, but the short answer is that AI is for people who think the *idea* is the only part that matters and the work is just an annoying obstacle that needs to be overcome in order to get the result of their idea. AI was made by and for people who don't respect artists/writers
They never had an heureka moment talking to a client for hours about an idea and suddenly the idea transforms and thumbnails happen and everything evolves so much further. Without the process the idea would have never gotten so far 🥰
Absolutely. So much is lost when you cut out the process.
Right but the genius of AI is that you've already gone thru that process and AI can steal the result in much less time than you spent on the process
It’s actually doing both, but for some reason it seems a lot of people can’t believe both are true
Yes. This. I see way too many people mixing valid criticisms of generative AI in with astonishingly ignorant views on the thing they are criticising. AI is both good and bad, but people are self-radicalising themselves away from any kind of truthful nuance on the subject.
Yeah exactly. I’m a journalist and find genAI very useful for a lot of things in my work. But I don’t want to use it to replace my reporters because I know it can’t do that adequately. It’s not an all or nothing question.
Yeah. Same. Expect I'm a data engineer. I wrote code, and AI helps me and it saves me leads of time. I still need to understand it because sometimes it gives me rubbish. And it can't do project level structure yet. But I get way more done with it.
And given the typos all over my post, I don't want to hear from anyone how AI makes mistakes. Cos I'm human and look at the state of my writing.
Maybe because we only get to hear about the grossest, tackiest approaches to AI — when yes it does have a legitimate task on crunching data for hypercomplex calculations which in turn can solve real problems affecting real people. That kind of AI is the one we should hear more about.
I started to refer to generative AI when criticizing. People tend to put it all in the same bag while there are other areas where it does interesting things without predating artists/ writers/ voice actors. I'm still waiting for those whales translations.
right. some media coverage does focus on the positive uses but of course its much more controversial and sexy to report on how AI will ruin everyone's lives and cause destruction
unfortunately it's doing both, there are just so many more people who would rather be tedious
It is, you just don't hear about it because it's not good at it. I'm a librarian who's been trying to get AI to catalog books--do my job--since 2006. It's...not there.
AI fix the damn accidental gaps in my lines that screw over coloring in things with the paint bucket too,
OMG yes. Also, the new thing is "We're trying to get AI to do all your charting for you, doctor. It'll listen in to your patient visit and write the note!" When really I just want it to "delete all the duplicate results I have to review" and "send this referral to the right place" and "print this."
10 years in & i still can’t write a rx for bd ultra fine 6mm #100 in epic
I think eventually it’ll do the former, it’s just that right now it’s in the hands of and being hyped by the tedious people.
It is. That’s the problem. Because it’s also tedious.
the way "A.I." tends to hallucinate, I'm pretty sure it can't even do the tedious stuff yet. Would you trust it with your taxes?
I don’t have to do taxes and math is actually creative. More incomprehensible to me than tedious. Except that one time I went to algebra class on acid. My laptop has learned how to fill out housing applications though.
AI can do better art than tedious people can create. But can't do tedious tasks better than creative people. A badly done art is still useable, a badly done form is just wrong.
I make AI write cover letters, ad copy, blurbs -- all the stuff I hate writing. Naturally I rewrite it so it doesn't sound machine-made -- but at least I don't have to write it from scratch.
The AI people don't know anyone creative?
You're assuming it's not. Unless a creative person points to exactly where they used it you wouldn't know they did .
Tedious people have money. 🤷🏻‍♀️
AI would have never come up with that line. Not for a few years anyway.
It does, of course. But those creative people don't take out sponsored posts on Twitter showing off how amazing they are because AI helped them auto-categorize their inspiration folder by subject and style.