
Debatable if they actually ban transition care on the federal level and I am forcibly detransitioned, which is one of many nightmare scenarios
You're going to outlive Donald Trump and Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito which means you'll get to celebrate their death and piss on their graves if you want
Like... "you will outlive trump and Thomas and alito" buddy are you sure about that cause there's tens of thousands of victims of trumps shitty handling of covid who who would argue that point except they're dead. They did not live through his administration.
It's harder to count victims of cuts to the social safety net but they're out there, too. They sickened and or died of stress related and treatable chronic illness they could not afford to treat that was exacerbated by constant precarity.
"you will outlive them" my guy thousands of people will not. Alito and Thomas already have blood on their hands after overturning Roe. Not everyone they have harmed has lived. Not everyone will live. They are killing people right now, today.
I blame Trump for my long covid. Full stop. A reasonably competent President could have contained the virus using the tools we had in place. And having been in Texas with friends who have trans kids…yeah. There are things that can be worse than dead
Yep. The number of times I’ve stayed up far later than is my preference, talking a trans teen in Florida or Texas down from suicide as their *state* governments tried to criminalize their existence… I don’t want to know how much worse it’ll be if that shit goes federal.
And I have a friend who only survived Trump once thanks to a lot of direct financial support from friends/family to access healthcare when Trump let insurance companies deny pretty much *everything* for trans patients just for being trans.
Eir health issues in 2019 were not trans related at all. But insurance insisted it was and denied coverage, and that was legal until Biden reversed the trump rule allowing that discrimination.
Currently, access to coverage for healthcare that would be covered for a cis patient is protected. But that’s only executive-order and could be undone just as easily. Do I hate that it’s not full law? YES. Is it still a clear way the two parties are different? ALSO YES.
I have to be careful about what I say, because I will not put these kids at risk (because Texas)…but a huge thank you.
Especially since he inherited a system explicitly designed by the previous administration for that exact situation
Same energy as "we survived Reagan".
I'm not even sure that under Biden that I'll outlive those fuckers due to a number of other factors but I feel like my chances are sufficiently better at least.
A friend of whose family is Italian was like: “we survived Mussolini, we can survive Trump,” and it’s like literal survival ship bias
One of my “good leftist communist friends” completely cut me off and seemingly reported me to the FBI after I made guillotine “jokes” after roe v wade and said someone killing them would prevent lots of LGBT death. But nah. I’m the bad guy for pointing out the thing that happened. Fuck you malamoot.
If they get rid ACA AKA Obama care or just the medicaid expansion and requiring insurers to cover pre-existing hundreds maybe thousands could die due to loss of health coverage. And they tried last time he was in office.
Approximately forty thousand per year, assuming that the rates go back to where they were before the ACA was passed in the first place.
And what about people like me, who are just entered old age and have fought fiercely for democracy and will live long enough to see it burned down but not outlive the arsonists? We have come too far in my 60 years on Earth to see it all crumble to dust.
Right? In addition to my queer ass, my community is mostly ag workers, immigrants, and people who are both. There are a million ways changes in policy could kill people here in short order. Ag workers live and die by regulations protecting them out here, especially as the heat increases.