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under trump’s project 2025, a middle-class family with two children would pay $2,600 in additional federal income tax by comparison, a married couple with two children and earnings of $5 million a year would enjoy a $325,000 tax cut
Project 2025 would overhaul the U.S. tax system. Here's how it could impact Project 2025, a blueprint for the next Republican president, proposes major economic changes that could impact millions of Americans.
One thing that needs to be said about this is that the park rangers followed beds practices for multiple hours until he was found. Had they not, he would have harmed a lot of people
I *have* rent control and it's a life saver. Everyone should have it!
This is a very good reason to vote for Dems in the fall. Biden needs both chambers to make this happen. Do you want rent control? I sure do!
I’ll match donations, up to $100.
I'm at $100/1100 for my goal to catch up on rent. Please help! venmo: comradeconrad116 paypal:
And as for every election, ever: Whenever I'm feeling shitty, I tend to look at southern black volunteers and how they're doing. The answer is pretty much always: "Working hard as hell to save the rest of us from the other side's bullshit and a good bit of our own." An example to live by.
And, yeah, I've fought dudes who I knew I was in trouble against. You train yourself away from "there's no way I can do this" to "whelp, this is going to be hard, it's going to hurt, and I better get to it".
And, and I say this gently, panic makes you turn on people who are trying to help you. It hurts *them*, and isolates *you*. The panicked swimmer drowns and takes the lifeguard with them.
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
and the most common cause of death of pregnant and immediately postpartum people is MURDER because it's such a common time for abusers to kill. So ALREADY it's a huge additional cause of death given all these new abortion bans. Add more barriers to divorce? God help us.
this is particularly alarming in light of his intention to make abortion unobtainable - pregnant people are at increased risk for partner violence, and reproductive coercion and abuse is common among people seeking support during pregnancy.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
sure. fuck these people. we do not have to agree with them. they are a minority. i am not going to spend the next four months cowering in dread and fear.
If it’s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but I’m just saying… It really helps me to recenter myself to think “Oh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like we’re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.”
one good outcome of this might be a full blown purge of the secret service and dems should do that *before* the election
It is absolutely insane, regardless of your opinions of Trump, that a guy could get on a rooftop with a clear sightline of the stage (and according to that redheaded witness, be there with a gun for some time), and not be intercepted or caught before taking the shot.
"It is incredible" from the head of the party that wants everyone to have as many guns of all kinds everywhere as possible
Statement (Truth) from D. Trump.
Hey MilSky check out what a steaming pile of shit Project 2025 is
Here's a fun item in P2025: "no general or field-grade officers who served as planners or commanders against a near-peer adversary in combat." So, how do you fix that? Launch a war to get some experience?
This from the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Austin Davis! 💀
Whoever preps Biden for debate #2 better lay off the wonk and just prepare him to go hard in the paint shit talking Trump it’s the only way
Joe Biden is, deep in his soul, a True Hater. if he let himself go hard more often, i think the public would really rally behind him. what’s more american than absolutely despising your coworkers and talking epic shit about them?
Show me any area of public spending that involves unsexy* long-term investment, and I'll show you an area of public spending where the can has been systematically kicked down the road for decades. *where unsexy = can't be used to claim immediate political credit and grease the right palms
As every new report of dams almost collapsing & power grids actually collapsing, I'm baffled (not really - $) at how we have know for decades that climate change was a thing & have done fuck all to prepare for it. Our infrastructure is in no way ready for what we see now, much less what is coming.
A child who's really into eugenics
I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't care if it's Weekend at Bernie's at 1600 Penn for the next four years, it's this or fascism and ruin
If this were a normal election, President Biden would be extolling excellent economic news: inflation looks like it has not only been tamed, but turned around. Median wage growth (which excises returns for the top 1%) is outpacing inflation significantly. Unemployment is near record lows.
Prices fell in June for the first time since the start of the pandemic | CNN Americans weighed down by fast-rising prices for three years just received more encouraging news on the inflation front.
It's likely worthwhile to call your reps and tell them you want them to support this, even if it doesn't go anywhere. They need to feel constituent wrath.
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
Just called my representative to tell her to co-sponsor this. Kinda surprised she isn't already, so I also voiced my disappointment in that. Will it pass? Fuck no. Do I want her to stand up for this anyway?
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
Helping my wife find leads for her speech therapy business and remembering how good I am at this. Also if you know of a Texas school that needs a speech therapist, let me know. She's fantastic and works remotely.
Communications tip: don't say "Project 2025" say "Trump's Project 2025." He's trying to run away from it, tie it to his neck like an anchor by making the words "Project 2025" naturally follow the word "Trump" in people's heads.