
I have people telling me that it’s insane to believe that there is a problem with Nazis infiltrating the left and trying to spread reactionary ideas. 4chan users have literally been doing this openly for years and bragging about it. It’s part of their “pridefall” stuff.
This is why I never believe that the “left” lgbtq people who hate kink at pride and claim that pride is some kind of gathering of “degenerates” that make “normal gays look bad” are who they say they are.
I will also add that TERFs have openly made a strategy out of infiltrating spaces with young lgbtq people and spreading TERF-flavored radfem ideas to harm lgbtq people and cause division. They have openly talked about it in their spaces and bragged about their success.
Funny enough I lowkey brought this up today by mentioning the sheer hostility aces have face in queer spaces over the years. Like TERF bloggers have outright gloated about how they manufactured that discourse specifically to make (cis) gays more reactionary. Ya now "divide and conquer" shit.
And on the other side of the coin, you have reactionaries pushing the idea on young ace people that any sort of sexual conduct in a mile-wide space around them is a personal attack. So now you have both groups yelling at each other for being WAY too extreme in their positions, which is the point.
._.; True. I am tired of both tbh I do not care if people are horny around me like it doesn't hurt me at all??? Its like if people thought because I'm also aromantic that I see 2 guys kissing that I start violently disassociating or something lmao. I'm fine I promise I think gay love is precious.
this kind of stuff always gives me the brain itch cause the psychos doing it know first hand the believes they larp are bs, if you have to lie and trick others you yourself dont believe that shit and that leads to the question: absolute cognitive disonance or just plain evil?
lol, what hell is that link, from where it came from?
Notice how much of the puriteen rhetoric revolves around “The clothes you wear are personally harmful to me and you need my permission to wear what you want”, and it’s always directed at gender presentation and kink (since TERFs are often sex-negative).
And the clothes they’re squealing about is just a sleeveless shirt that shows an inch of stomach and shorts. Like, dude, people get hot 😂
This actually happened in a LGBT rpg group I used to run.
I used to own comic shops in Perth and Dundee, the Dundee one became a bit of a haven for the local trans community. Used to have to spend a lot of time fending off problem folk while some kids just wanted to play D&D in peace.
I've heard of cases of literal grooming discords where tehy indoctrinate teens into this shit
The overlap with puriteens is pretty large too. They groom young people into putting themselves into adult situations and “calling out” creators of adult content with direct confrontations online in order to harm the creators.
These often 20 somethings recruit teenage sex abuse survivors and retraumatize them with porn they know triggers them and turn them out as their personal attack dogs. And sometimes also get caught having inappropriate DMs bwcaiseof course
Perhaps leftist spaces should heed criticism of weird extremist internet psychos instead of immediately doing the "leftier than thou" bit and circling the wagons, but real values are hard and (probably) reactionary while aesthetic bullshit is comfy uwu
This is why I do not trust criminal defense attorneys who are conservatives.
With you 100% on this. Every actual young gay person I have ever met is just as queer if not more than I was at that age. I don't believe these online "no kink at pride gays" actually exist.
and the few who do exist are to some degree repressed as all get out
Once the lgbt republican Christmas party was on a different level of the same bar as the queer Hanukkah party I went to. Saw a 100 footer lesbian in the videos from the trump valley in Vegas. Being queer doesn’t make us immune from being stupid
True but I still don’t believe most of them.
Daily reminder that the MAP pride shit is a 4chan psy op
i mean im sure they try. im sure it even works. but even without that, americans specifically are so deeply cop-brained that we will make a new parental authority out of anything and tirelessly punish anyone who doesnt fall in line.
This. It's also why 90% of discourse is someone Making Up A Person to be mad about. They invent a queer version of the welfare queen when they see a pup mask or photos from an unrelated kink event
the poorest people, who see immorality in their own poverty, hate the welfare queen most one suspects that these queers cannot stop feeling their own immorality as judged by their internalized cop, and resent anyone who doesnt find themselves wracked in agonizing shame over their queerness
sometimes Istill think about how they practically self sabotaged the "Super Straight" thing a few years back when they couldn't help putting the double lightning bolts in the 'pride flag'
Actually doing nazism is secondary to the main goal, which is being a based trad groyped up nimble operator who owns the normies with your jokeresque kali yuga redpills. If there's no embarrassingly obvious dogwhistles then what's even the point?
I dont believe in cringe, but damn some of the things they say make me think it could kill me if I consumed enough of it.
In my experience, the people telling me I'm crazy for believing that our movements are being infiltrated are themselves the infiltrators. It sounds paranoid, but I haven't been wrong yet. They tend to clam up when I post real actual proof, too.
It's like when I was called crazy for saying that it's an organizational imperative for far-right organizations to infiltration police, military, and government, and the people who called me crazy immediately quieted down when I posted this
How right-wing extremists have infiltrated German security In Germany, prosecutors on Wednesday asked for life imprisonment for a right-wing extremist charged with killing two people outside a synagogue last year. The move comes amid growing calls to investig...
The FBI has a similar study out of how white supremacists have been infiltrating military and police orgs.
The U.S. military has been increasingly sounding the alarm over white nationalists joining just for the military training they then spread to Nazi civilian milita. Hardly a conspiracy theory lmao.
Nothing theory about it lol
I'd love to see a study on how much the FBI has been infiltrated by far right orgs
This is why while I generally agree with the people who are right now railing against pedophiles and zoophiles being in queer spaces, I got wary when the rhetoric became indistinguishable from stuff Libs of Tik Tok's fans say about queer people.
I don’t trust any account that makes an identity or farms clout out of hunting pedophiles and zoophiles.
Pushing MAP/zoo "pride" and "hunting" Maps and zoos are practically two sides of the same suspicious coin.
There have been accounts like that on Twitter who go after people with legitimate callouts by spreading them and then move on to making stuff up against lgbtq people they don’t like, then get caught with Nazi connections or being run by Nazis.
There are several “furry drama” accounts and YouTube channels which can be characterized this way too.
"always has been" meme never misses.
I have sworn off Twitter, but I noticed just how conveniently timed the explosion of discourse on my skyline was as two different people I follow from opposing sides of it started skeeting and reskeeting callouts like mad. Both have since been unfollowed for the sake of my mental health.
They stretch definitions like Taffy to justify attacking random but always queer people.
Absolutely. The left is under constant threat of infiltration from both Nazis and the feds. (but I repeat myself?)
those two things are the same thing, yes
What? I don't believe you when you say Nazis are doing what has always been their primary tactic in amassing power!
Bigotry will take root in any space where it is tolerated. And just having a good political ideology doesn't make you a good person or instantly erase all the bigotries we may have inherited growing up. It takes a lot of self-reflection and time to do that, and not everyone puts in the effort.
That's silly, we already have tankies.