Erik Bryan

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Erik Bryan

You know the one. Or maybe you don't? IDC, not my problem.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
among the many reasons that vouchers are a vile project is that they are both a unionbusting tactic and a resegregation program
school vouchers are designed to starve public schools and they’re working in that regard
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
i'm old enough to remember when MSNBC cancelled Phil Donahue's show permanently because he was the only guy on their channel publicly opposed to the Iraq War and they literally said it was because he was opposed to the Iraq War.
I was up above it, Now I'm down in it, Can I make it any more obvious?
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Aristotle: "Diogenes, you are a dog." Diogenes the Cynic: "Yes, I am a dog. I guard the innocent, lick the hands of the faithful, and bark at the unworthy."
A simple test for witches: Drown them. On the way down, most witches start sputtering about how you're the real witches and grifting off their "canceled" status. They might also do Holocaust revisionism and RT Elon Musk. Stand firm. However, if they go quietly, congrats: you just drowned an ally.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Like babe Ruth pointing out to deep center…
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
99% of all the tech nerd bullshit you see them spout, is indistinguishable from any nerd conversation about fiction from warhammer to tolkien. The only difference is they think they're actually doing science.
Not only are we all stupid grifters, but we're *obsessed* with her, who we definitely heard of before today, and also sexist.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
In american politics you are Unserious if you say things like "Health care should be free" and then this is what comes out of the mouths of Serious people
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
I’ve looked at a lot of polling data on abortion lately and may I make a modest proposal to Dems to talk about it a fuck ton more.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
the biggest reason people hate the tech industry is because we hear what they have to say
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
"What kind of precedent would it set to expel members of Congress for refusing to certify a valid election or refusing to impeach an insurrectionist president?" I don't know, man. What kind of precedent did it set NOT TO?
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
The hidden premise of the Heritage Foundation's advance declaration that the 2024 election result will be illegitimate is: "Biden stole the last one, and now he'll be in an even better position to steal this one." Biden and Dem leaders' inaction allowed those view to fester and become mainstream.
If Biden really believed Trump was a threat to American democracy, he would have pushed to have insurrectionists expelled from Congress and ordered his AG to arrest Trump. Instead, his apparent plan was to hope Trump would slink away in shame, because taking action would be hard and controversial.
No, tech = capital, and *that's* why we hate it. Tech oligarchs are competing to exploit the most labor and trash the environment, actively working to destroy any form of regulation to those ends, and will possibly destroy democracy in the process.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
this fucking post scarlet rotted me
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
Ok so this is a chance to share one of my favorite religion facts It is not a "coat" it is a PRINCESS DRESS. The hebrew word used does not mean "coat" and the only other time it is used in the bible is to describe a dress King Herod bought for his daughter. Really changes the story!
Sometimes when I clear out the digital sticky notes on my computer I find detritus like this: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Pride Float (Because That Coat Is A Float Of Its Own)
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
once again thinking about this random old lady from hellenistic greece
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
GOP strategy: push the policy toward Nazi-town, then back off a smidge so the lapdog media reports "GOP eases up its policy" so it all seems reasonable.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
in light of today’s results, this quote from last week stands out
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
the interesting thing about France's great victory over the fascists is that the left was treated like an equal partner in the plan to prevent vote-splitting, and not simply screamed at to sit down, shut up, drop out, etc by shrill, egotistical centrists I wonder if anyone will learn from this
Something that will make a lot of leftists and centrists mad, but is also true:
The left coalition allied with centrists, pulling out third-ranked candidates to avoid splitting the vote against the fascists. If they hadn't done this, the fascists might have a majority. So the lesson seems to be that the best way to defeat fascism is for leftists and centrists to work together.
Whispering into a small hole in a wall in Angkor Wat and then plugging it up with a small wad of earth would fix me.
Just flipped off a guy wearing this T-shirt at Costco and said, "Hey, fuck you, too!" He said "fuck your mother" back. Doing great :)
Reposted byAvatar Erik Bryan
As a person very down with talking shit about Biden and why he’s a bad candidate and should never have been President in the first place I want to condemn all members of the American media for finding the dumbest most craven way to do it