nora neurosismancer 🏳️‍⚧️

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nora neurosismancer 🏳️‍⚧️

bluesky's indie darling. music obsessive goth goddess. chthonic creature of eternal darkness. occasional sadgirl. champion air guitarist

they/she | 40 | 🏳️‍⚧️ | ⚢ | poly | pagan | queens nyc | 🔞 mdni

discord: neurosismancer
ive been writing poetry off and on for about half my life and these are still the best two lines ive ever written “She that is me is born anew, And is learning to walk again on shaky legs.”
finally listening to the new kittie album and its off to a damn good start
a vintage 1970s minimoog model d synthesizer
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
if you actually care about trans people here are several things you can do to help: - listen to them. - do not fucking tone police us we are constantly under attack and very fucking tired. - give them money. - pressure your local representative to stop killing us and maybe to even help us?
the cult of inanna will rise again and trans people will return to their rightful role as conduits to the divine
Protip: for any cis people who don’t already know, the phrase “this person” is an extremely obvious way transhobes often degender and/or misgender trans people. you should generally not use that phrasing. especially if you are criticizing someone who happens to be trans.
this person every god damn time
Hattie is gonna need help paying her rent this month. Anything you can spare helps! venmo is @hattiegang, cashapp is $saltyplumsoda
for some reason im reminded of how when i was a kid i would get bullied all the time and nobody would do anything about it but when i dared try to fight back against my bullies i was the one who got in trouble cant imagine why im thinking about that today
Okay I can focus just on bills now 💜 phone bill is coming up in four days for $228 as well as internet for $172 in six days. Then I just have rent and end of the month groceries. ANYTHING helps 💜💜💜
‼️DISABLED MOM ‼️The rest of the month is: phone bill, internet, rent and end of the month groceries. This puts me at $3,086 which is a big ask so I’ll start here and repost when I’m able. Anything is appreciated 💜 PayPal: Cashapp:$coffinmistr... Ko-Fi: coffinmilf
no prob! ive been doing this sport for thirteen years and i love to share it with people if youd like to see me compete you can find me near the end of the lineup in last years world dark horse stream (about 1:18:00)
some of us do play there guitar but in reality air guitar and there guitar are two very different instruments i think the best way to explain would be to share this video of the three time air guitar world champion nanami "seven seas" nagura air guitar done well really is an art form unto itself
Air Guitar World Champion 2023 is Nanami “Seven Seas” Nagura from We were happy to make this event climate positive with GreenStar Hotels!
Hey, uh, just your regular reminder that if the people you follow make this website worse for you, you can just like... unfollow them & then go eat a pear.
i just want trans women to be happy, safe and loved and given the space to be whole people
you know what is an underrated bagel? salt bagels trust me on this
i dream of a world in which we dont have to choose between separatism and assimilation
i dont trust myself with a home lobotomy kit so i got mine done at clairs
Amazon Prime Day is lame but i snagged a sweet deal on a diy lobotomy kit
if i haven't spammed enough air guitar pics on the skyline in the last couple weeks, here's an awesome photo of the us air guitar team on the world championship stage in oulu, right after the finals. these are some of my favorite people in the world. (photo by Lloyd "Stonehenge" Weema)
its kinda weird that facebook and instagram is somehow the least toxic social media experience i have
this might finally give me the push I need to trim my instagram follows