Nicole Mark

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Nicole Mark

📊 Data visualization engineer, 🐶dog mom, 🌱vegan for the animals. Cannabis, coffee, and blockchain enthusiast. 🧠ADHD, C-PTSD.📍Tampa, FL
Fascinating piece on data sonification from Nightingale!
📊 For those who witnessed the eclipse on April 8, it was something to be seen. But what does an eclipse sound like? Check out the latest interactive piece by Aura Walmer on data sonification of the total solar eclipse!
'The Data Diaries': Data Sonification of the Total Solar Eclipse - The process behind using musical notes to represent the path of the total solar eclipse.
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A #MG #graphicnovel that deals with friendship drama, #womeninSTEM coming-of-age & that growing up looks different for everyone. @bethfantaskey @ONeillJones #library #librarian #bookrecommendation #books #librarians
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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🌈 Happy Non-Binary Pride Week! 🌟 Celebrate the amazing non-binary community and all the ways people express their identities! 💛🤍💜🖤 Whether you’re non-binary, genderqueer, or exploring your journey, this week is about YOU. You are valid, seen, and loved. 💖 #NonBinaryPride
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This #dataviz compares the total % of votes vs. % of seats in the UK parliament per political party based on the recent UK election. 📊 Interactive: #GeneralElection2024 #UKElection
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im sorry i replied without liking. i was only on my third cup of coffee for the day
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Being brand new to dataviz can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to! Check out Early Career Tea Time with DVS!
📊Connect with others who are just getting started with #dataviz through this informal networking event on July 16 at 11 am ET. Sign up:
Early Career Tea Connect with others who are just getting started with data viz through this informal networking event.
What is dengue fever? Are you likely to encounter mosquitos carrying the virus? I made a viz in Tableau about it! #DataFam
Data folks, check out Nicola’s talk!
The recording of my virtual useR talk is now available online! I'm talking about how to "Stop making spaghetti (code)"! YouTube: #RStats #useR2024
Stop Making Spaghetti (Code) - Nicola With an increasing number of academic journals requiring authors to submit code, an increasing number of PhD students developing R packages, and more open source packages requiring maintenance, the list of R programming skills required of new quantitative PhD students is ever growing. Many of these PhD students don’t have backgrounds in computer science, but find themselves writing code and developing software on a daily basis. They don’t always have supervisors with backgrounds in computer science either. So how do we help students go from writing spaghetti code, to working with good software development practices? In this talk, I’ll outline what training is currently offered to PhD students, gaps that have been identified (often by students themselves), and a suggestion of how we can better prepare PhD students for quantitative research so that none of them say “If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things entirely differently.” Nicola Rennie, Lecturer in Health Data Science Nicola Rennie is a Lecturer in Health Data Science based within the Centre for Health Informatics, Computing, and Statistics at Lancaster Medical School. Her research interests include applications of statistics and machine learning to healthcare and medicine, communicating data through visualisation, and understanding how we teach statistical concepts. Nicola can often be found at data science meetups, presenting at conferences, and is the R-Ladies Lancaster chapter organiser.
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Worth the trip to Threads today.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and it is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde
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Remember to give yourself a break from social if you’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s a lot happening right now, and sometimes it helps to connect with people over it, and sometimes it doesn’t. Always prioritize your well being!
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How some doctors are using the Apple Watch to diagnose and help their patients manage medical conditions, despite the availability of FDA-approved devices (Christopher Mims/Wall Street Journal) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
This is the best Tableau Ambassador-related content I’ve come across this year. has an authentic, clear writing style and a dry wit. Her blog is climbing up my favorites list. (But not as high as benn.substack, I’m afraid. 😅)
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The video of my Creative Mornings Wellington talk is now available to watch! Please join me for a short (~25 mins), fun, informal, science-y romp through the world of patterns in physics and surface science 🧪👩‍🔬
I started my day giving a talk on science writing at Creative Mornings Wellington - a lovely gathering of humans. My talk had a "choose your own adventure" flavour, with the crowd picking the science stories I told, based purely on a representative image. It was SO FUN 😊 Definitely doing that again!
Laurie Winkless | Science Storyteller | CreativeMornings/ CreativeMornings is a breakfast lecture series for the creative community. Join us at one of our free monthly events around the world or watch the talks online!
Today, I told my therapist how proud I am for not using social media after 8 PM. Oops.
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LA people who need a cat this is your cat!!!
Our foster friend Stormageddon has discovered the joys of sitting on top of the breakfront to reclaim the heat that the human ruined w/ air conditioning. Plus, last night he made biscuits for the 1st time. He was kneading his own back feet, but it's a start. SOMEBODY ADOPT THIS GOOD BOI.
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I'm absolutely delighted to be one of the Royal Statistical Society's 2024-2025 William Guy Lecturers! My talk (aimed at 11-16 year olds) will focus on the ways that statistics are used in medicine and healthcare to help make decisions that affect our daily lives 🔢 👩‍⚕️
2024–25 William Guy Lecturers
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Asking one more time. Any more popular general-ed/breadth science courses for non-majors you can think of? Which courses do students all want to take? What did you take in college/university? Thanks! 🧪🎢 🥽 🔭 🍎 👩🏻‍🔬#AcademicSky #HigherEd
Question for academics and others: What's the most popular science course for non-science majors that your university/college offers/offered? I'm looking for courses that satisfy a general ed requirement for science. #AcademicSky #HigherEd 🧪 🎢 🔭 🥽 🍎
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I don't think people appreciate how bad things are in journalism and how terrible a blow it is to democracy. I have never seen the employment this iffy, wages this low, reporting this little in demand (by editors). You wonder how a column like Kathleen Parker's gets printed--that's who's left.
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just throwing it out there that i'm very much open to freelance work. let me write for you. [email protected]
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Mexico just elected a woman who happens to be Jewish and is a climate scientist to be President and boy am I fucking glad to be discussing that on Bluesky and not Twitter