
I am happy imagining the relief and excitement you all are going to feel when this thing you are digging your heels in against so hard finally happens. We are about to get a chance to try something new, with courage and confidence. You’re terrified of it now. When it happens you will be exhilarated.
I agree with you on that much. Whatever happens, "courage and confidence" has to be the message and it has to be our vibe. Online and elsewhere.
I don't or didn't agree that it had to come know, THIS. It still might not. But I'm not sentimental and if it happens it happens. Whoever's on the ticket the vibe is "get their asses".
Yes, and I will say this too: if I’m wrong about what’s going to happen, and Biden stays in, I am actually *also* exhilarated because having stared defeat in the face this way is going to galvanize us to get FIRMLY behind him if he stays. One way or another we’re gonna fight hard.
Right. Both stories are easy to sell. "Old Soldier Bravely Soldiers on Despite the Slings and Arrows of the Haters and Losers". Or, "the Torch is Passed! Onward to the Future! Do it for the Old Man!"
Right. Something had to give, the question had to be called. I’m very glad it’s being called *now* when we have time to answer it — one way or the other — and move on with that lingering question behind us. So much better than feeling like we have to keep avoiding it.
I agree, but I think Biden is still much more likely to be the nominee than Harris.
Oh, I thought it was like ninety percent certain he would be the day or so after the debate. But the sheer volume of the freakout has made me revise down much closer to a coin flip. My gut still says it's him.
The alternative is unprecedented, and if you're making predictions you NEVER bet on the unprecedented thing happening. Sometimes it does! You just don't expect it.
Let's not get crazy. I want Harris to step up because the pros outweight the cons. But I can concede that there's downside risk. And no one's going to feel better until the polls stop looking close (and probably not even then).
In case it helps, as I said in other replies, I am ready to bring this same excitement, hope, and optimism to the campaign if it’s still Biden after all this is over. But we are going to need those things one way or another.
When will it be over? My concern is that it already looks like Biden is digging in his heels, so when does it finally sink in that he's not changing course?
When the convention happens in August. Of course he’s going to keep saying that up until the moment he decides to step down, if he does.
And every moment the conversation continues damages his campaign, and Kamala’s potential campaign too
Here's hoping tonight's interview ends it, one way or another. A defiant "I'm not dropping out" is probably the best we can hope for. (I doubt he'd choose an ABC interview to say he's stepping aside; that would be a White House address.)
No. If she wins, I will be exhilarated. Until then, scared and worried and nervous, all the more so as sudden change tends to heighten those feelings.