
Ohhhh are...absolutely fucked. Just ohhhhh boy.
ha ha ha ha ha ahem I mean oh no
Based on his Twitter posts he seems to think that the fact that they're telling him about it means the case is closed and it's all over. Oh poor, naive chucklefuck
LOL... that just means that the real pain is about to start. Hope he's got a fucking terrible lawyer.
Maybe we should refer him to Ty Beard
Does Giuliani still have his license?
He's on the last step before permanent disbarment in DC and is suspended pending disbarment hearings in NY, and I think those were the only states he was licensed in
Surely Rudy would be willing to take on a new client regardless. He generally doesn't seem to care what the rules are.
He’s a stand-up guy. America’s Mayor!
So you're saying there's still time?
Uh, check your watch. What time is it?
Well, there's Jenna Ellis... nope, nevermind, Colorado just got her. Maybe John Eastman? Nope, he's out too. I think Sidney Powell (somehow) still has her license?
Does Orly Taitz still have a license?
Dental or attorney license?
I'll accept either. She's just as qualified to practice law either way.
Then you may be in luck!* *not to be confused with "good luck"
I hear Nick Rekieta is more affordable. Doesn't have as impressive a list of areas of practice as Beard, but definitely more affordable. Maybe they can work together?
It's *possible* the primary target is/was someone else. But depending on what crimes Null did and documented that's not gonna help
I may be wrong, but the case number starting with 2022 may not be a date, but may be a numeric case number classification system which uhhh … 202 cases are apparently Foreign Counterintelligence?
I don't honestly know... but Null is such a vile creep and terminal scoff law it's not like they're not going to find reams and reams of evidence of criminal behavior.
Ohhhh. I wonder about Scot Ritter.... Seems like the sort of shithead who might frequent that site. That would be hilarious
Great insight though I couldn’t find 202 in the UCFN index - jumps straight from 201 to 203 but you are right that’s the run of numbers for foreign counterintelligence. Would be nice if we knew if this was a case number or a docket number for the warrant though!
It's probably a date but since this is pre-indictment it's not going to be linked to any publicly available case number. It's most likely an internal investigation file #.
Yeah my feeling is that we can conclude he’s been subject to some sort of silent records hold or monitoring activity for at least the last two years.
It's hard to say. The 2022 likely means the investigation was opened in 2022 but the gag orders on those subpoenaes generally only run 90 days. But they're easy to renew for ongoing investigations. Really know way to tell without seeing the actual warrant when it was first issued.