Nicole Gugliucci

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Nicole Gugliucci

Physics professor, astronomer, education wonk, and science communicator who loves dogs, books, weights, and good trouble. Currently in based in New Hampshire, US.

This is wonderful news!
Started this in 2005. This project is old enough to vote. I was an engineering student when this started. It was pre-Katrina. Pre-iPhone. Pre-Pre. Thanks to everyone who read crappy drafts over the years, and thanks to the 1st author, Dr Elahe Ganji, who helped me finish it as part of her postdoc.
Something I remind myself of regularly is that there are millions of people who care about the same things that I do and/but the gulf between caring and knowing what to do is wide.
Aerodynamics engineer and mathematician Irmgard Flügge-Lotz was born #OTD in 1903. She advanced the understanding of aerodynamic pressure on wings and turbine blades, pioneered the theory of discontinuous control systems, and was the first woman named full professor of engineering at Stanford. 🧪 👩‍🔬
Calling neurodivergent and queer scientists! Particularly those who tend to go to the American Geophysical Union meetings... 🧪🏳️‍🌈 A colleague of mine sent a notice about an interesting session being proposed for the Dec24 AGU meeting for students. Interested? DM and I'm happy to make connection.
Imagining a pulsar with a monocle and top hat...
👀👀👀 This is really cool (preprint, so grain of salt!) 🔭🧪 We don't know what causes FRBs. When observing pulsars, some exhibit orthogonal polarization mode jumps. My pulsar does this! New preprint reports FAST observes OPM jumps in FRB bursts! I keep saying ... FRBs are just fancy pulsars.....
Sudden polarization angle jumps of the repeating fast radio We report the first detection of polarization angle (PA) orthogonal jumps, a phenomenon previously only observed from radio pulsars, from a fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20201124A. We find...
Just going to continue to say it's impossible to take in the scale of bullshit in the world at this time. No one should try because it's simply not possible. Attention is a limited, non-renewable resource. I feel no guilt for focusing on a few things so that I can make a small impact on those.
I think a lot about the fact that a lot of people don't have safe places in real life to say to someone else: "I'm really scared." So people use social media for that but don't preface the posts with: "I'm really scared." It usually comes out as "we're all doomed and gonna die" or as jokes.
This is really no time to insult people for being afraid.
It's 1000% rational to be scared. That's the thing. A lot of that fear is grounded in the fact that as individuals we have so little control over world historical forces. That's fucking scary. To me, it's OK to vocalize that. I wish people have more relationships in real life with others to do that.
I missed the things because I went into a hyperfocus Wordpress rabbit hole. Anyway, the thing is back:
*Comes up from random hyper focus of the moment* Hey, guys! What's u– Nope.
*Comes up from random hyper focus of the moment* Hey, guys! What's u– Nope.
It seems like civil society is falling apart so why not sparkly space taco nails?
Evergreen sentiment.
I’m just spitballing here, but maybe at this particular moment in human history AI is not the thing that is most needful.
It is no comfort to tell someone who is struggling that others have it worse. At best, you add guilt to their worries. At worst, you invoke wider despair. A true warrior knows not to borrow trouble, and to help your comrades, not add to their burdens.
Question for my chronically I'll folks and public health folks. Any Intel in airweaves? (Washable with replaceable filters). They look a little softer/lighter than some other options.
Exciting #TeamRadio news!
Enjoyed a really busy week at #EAS2024 🔭🧪in Padova. On Fri, SKAO 📡Director General Phil Diamond gave an update on everything, including construction news just a day or two old. First SKA-Mid dish lifted on to its pedestal in South Africa!
Chemsky ⚗️🧪
'Cellulose nitrate was used to make dice from the late 1860s until the mid twentieth century, and remains stable for decades. Nitric acid is released in a process called outgassing. The dice cleave, crumble, and then implode.' Deception, Fate & Rotten Luck by Ricky Jay and Rosamond Purcell
Happy birthday to American #astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921) who set the scale of our Universe. 🐡🧪🔭👩🏻‍🔬#histsci In her day, women scientists were regularly hired to do menial chores. She was hired to count images on photographic plates as a "computer". In studying these plates, in 1908 🧵1/
This thread is a RIDE
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Oh wow, I should have anticipated where this thread was going but I didn't 🧪
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Just approved my own expense report... which is weird.
Awww sheee-it. July 1st means... *checks Workday* ... yup, I'm officially department chair. 😱
Putting on my to-watch list
If you need to take a break from *gestures wildly* (and that is an okay thing to need and to do), I implore you to watch the new season of Star Trek: Prodigy on behalf of my spiritual child Rok-Tahk.
Awww sheee-it. July 1st means... *checks Workday* ... yup, I'm officially department chair. 😱
I tell scientists all the time: Look the journalist up. The number of times I interview a scientist about a paper and they end with '....who is this for?' I could have been from the Daily Mail!!! I am Googling you. Google ME. Or ask me for samples of stuff I've done I am always happy to oblige.
This week in my "science graduate student skills for success" course we're talking about getting interviewed by journalists about your research. Scientists and science communicators who have been interviewed a lot, what top tips do you have for beginners? How do you prepare for an interview? 🧪
Well, that's another thing I thought I knew about the world that turned out to be wrong! Fascinating...
Ever since the disastrous Biden Trump debate last week, I've seen a lot of references to the first televised presidential debate. Did JFK win the presidency because he looked better than Nixon on TV? Let's look at the science! 🧪
Presidential Debate Mythology: Kennedy v Nixon to Biden v Well, last week was the first US presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump and it was really, really hard to watch. I expected nothing and I was somehow still deeply disappointed. I ho…