
Just noting here: kobo ereader software has devotees, who are masochists. It’s a deeply problematic and poorly designed software, especially with footnotes. And these are locked to Kobo. They can be read on anything that can run the Kobo app, but it will not behave like Books/Nook/Kindle.
(psst y'all can download & then de-drm them via calibre and then they should be sideloadable to anything that allows sideloading)
(incidentally which is more than I can say for Nook since B&N stopped allowing downloads from the website sometime in the past decade)
Nook uses Adobe Digital Editions, too. Not a piece of software I have any love for. The day Adobe burns should become an eternal, global holiday, celebrated with bonfires and hot drinks.
YES. I switched to Kobo from Nook (still have my original NST from 2011, unused for years now) because despite all the fiddliness at least I can get library books without going through ADE (and it's not Amazon. but it is Walmart? god, we can't win)
Kobo doesn't allow downloads, either, at least on macOS and iOS. What you get when you click download is a 1 kb redirect to Adobe Digital Editions which will not open in MacOS and is flaky as hell in iOS. (Pattern companies use this, too, and it's absolutely terrible.)
The dedicated Mac app appears to fully download them in epub format. I haven’t yet tried anything with Calibre, and that doesn’t fix formatting problems, but they’re there.
Un-drming doesn’t change the formatting, though. AND let’s be clear: it is highly variable if Calibre can unDRM Adobe DRM. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Plus, there’s also the issue that downloading them itself is a difficult process because it requires Acrobat (in a good mood).
I do hate ADE with every fiber of my being. And I did have to close and reopen Calibre to make the plugin recognize 3 of the titles as DRMed so it would deDRM them. So, it was mildly annoying but got there. Don't know about the formatting. (Well, I had to have Calibre download cover art for a bunch)
The books seem to have different formatting. One had all the footnotes in the back, no links, but the one I'm on now handles them fine, though all numbered 1. Click to read, back arrow to go back.
Yeah. Which makes my encoder’s soul shrivel up a little at the inconsistency. (It’s not like these books don’t get multiple printings. This could be fixed. It takes me about an afternoon to encode one of my books.)
Yeah that spells troubleThe way Pratchett used footnotes is vital to his style and appeal. They aren't optional
In a couple of the books, I haven’t been able to find the footnotes (and have notified Kobo about it). In all Kobo, when they’re present, they’re not footnotes*, they’re end notes, and instead of using back, you have to tap to get the link back to the page. *so down here at the bottom of the page
Saying this as someone who does my own formatting, it’s not impossible to make .epub do on the page footnotes. It’s not even that hard. It’s just easier to do end notes. And each piece of reader software handles the Back function differently. (So… I think Pratchett should be on paper, not e.)
That's pretty uh, not intuitive or even sensible. Footnotes and Endnotes are used differently in practice so it makes no sense to treat them the same way. Hopefully they prioritize revamping that.
… from the software perspective… yeah. None of the ebook formats have been great at footnotes (though they are better now than they used to be). Vellum (which is mac only ebook press software) is the best at footnotes; Adobe InDesign is problematic. And Kobo uses Adobe DRM, so…
I hate the way Kobo does those end notes. Ugh. Thanks for the warning.
It's only available in the US, and it's on the proprietary platform Kobo, but once you have them it is easy enough to strip the DRM legally to migrate to the reader of your choice
I've been reading them to my son and it's generally the best part of my day
We even play the actual boardgame of Thud, if you were curious about just how geeky we are
Oh man I didn't know there was one Now I need it
Oh, it's fun. Takes a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it. Kinda like chess if your pieces only had two moves.
And I like that your pieces have to work together to achieve anything. In chess, any piece can take a piece - a pawn can take a queen - but in Thud, you can only take an opponent's piece if you have other trolls/dwarfs backing you up. Dwarfs throw, trolls shove. It works exactly like in the book.
sadly here in mexico it is not available sure I got most of them in physical but eh
Holy crap! Thank you!
(minus Raising Steam, BUT STILL HOLY COW)
Which two are missing? There are 41 Discworld books, right?
I wanted to know the same thing. It looks like it does not have Raising Steam, The Shepherd's Crown or The Last Hero -
It does have Shepherd's Crown & they updated the list to include it sometime after I redeemed mine. Last Hero & Raising Steam are indeed the missing 2
Oh thank you. I was just going off what I could find online.
not available in the UK unfortunately.. i saw it saying "bundles you might like" when i was on the site earlier and it said "not available in your area" which is weird, considering he is an english author lol
Got mine, thanks - I did do more than $18 because I can.